Tuesday 16 April 2013

Recycling makes my hands sore

I thought I might go for a walk today, but it's been so very windy, I didn't bother. The wheelie bins have been blowing all over the place, and the trees in the next garden have been thrashing about. I am looking at them now, and wondering if they should be growing some leaves, they are still like skeletons. I had plenty to do round the house. I thought I would have a go at getting the cement off the tiles. I saw that the skip was back again for another load, so I had a look in, woohoo, more tiles have been chucked. so I helped myself to a few more. That's 22 finished, and more in soak.
Ooops, one broken. I was working on them in the garden while the wind was rushing around my ears. The cement is not coming off very easily. My poor hands are so sore, the skin is cracked with being in water, and my knuckles have been bashed about. It seems a lot of effort for just a few tiles. I can see why people throw things away, it's a lot of time and trouble to recycle, easier to buy new. Still, I am on a mission to make something new from something old, save the planet and all that, it will be worth the effort, eventually.
I have hung the curtains in the back window, though they would also fit the front as well. They are not lined so really only suitable for summer use. They look pretty and have cheered up my cheerless living room. I'm pleased with them, not bad for £1.50.
I thought you might like to see these pics of Mayze cat. I brought the garden chair upstairs for me to sit on, because she kept sleeping on the office chair and I didn't like to disturb her. But now she prefers this one, so I have got my office chair back. She is such a cutie.
Every time she hears me in the kitchen she jumps onto the window sill and waits for me to open the fridge door. She only eats dried Whiskas, but will have a little treat of cooked ham if I have remembered to buy any. She also likes a tiny piece of cheese now and again. Oh, and she also likes scrambled egg.
Her bowl of Whiskas is on the office desk, and the water is on the floor underneath. She talks to me a lot with little squeaks. When I go to bed, she goes underneath the throw, at the bottom of the bed, and lies on the duvet at my feet. Sweet little Mayze.
Toodle pip.


  1. The tiles are lovely.
    I keep wondering if there should be some leaves on my tress too.

  2. I love the top pic of Mayze "Aargh Mummy, not the flash!!"
    Jane x

    1. Funnily enough, I didn't use the flash, I find I get better results without.

  3. She is a beautiful cat, I live too close to a road to have a cat and the dogs might be a touch too pleased if we got one. Those tiles are looking good, when you are out walking look for sheep's wool on fences, rubbing that will help your hands. Pure lanolin smells a bit but is wonderful for sore and rough skin.

  4. Lovely tiles- I can't wait to see what you do with them!

  5. Mayze is a lovely creature...I'm waiting to see what you do with the tiles as well.

  6. What a great find those curtains were!

    How lovely is Mayze too? It looks like she is in the lap of frugal luxury!

  7. Aww, Mayze is gorgeous. Your boot sale curtains look lovely, too.

  8. The tiles look amazing - hope your sore hands aren't too bad. I agree with Pam, lanolin is great. The curtains look very fresh and pretty too. I admire your frugal lifestyle and recycling as much as you can. I am trying hard to live frugally since I have been semi-retired this year.

  9. Wow, those tiles are beautiful, they look like they are old. Can't believe that they were chucked in a skip.

    Maisie is a love. Ours like to sleep on the bed but they're a pain, I have to lay with my legs in all sorts of contortions to accomodate them. lol Haven't got the heart to kick them off.


  10. Love those Tiles!and what pretty curtain's,well done!Mayze is Beautiful!

  11. Mayze is such a sweet cat! Good work on the tiles but please be careful!


  12. Ruth here. She is such a cute little cat & i love the tiles and the pretty curtains-i am sure you will get the cement of the tiles eventually.

  13. Awwww what a sweet little cat :-) and your curtains look lovely, very fresh and Spring-like. Now .... if only we could have a bit of Spring :-)

  14. Loving the fresh curtains. Amazing what can be found at boot sales. Im still using my £6.50 breadmaker 18 months on. Here's to many more top finds !

  15. What a gorgeous view from your window. With a garden like that outside, your room could never be 'cheerless', curtains or no. :-D

  16. Love those curtains. They are perfect for spring and summer. Those tiles are very pretty. They remind me of tiles from Portugal. They use blue and white for their tiles and some are hand painted. Also they remind me of Moroccan tiles. What are you going to do with them? Have you decided?

    1. Not decided yet, KG. It depends on how many I can save when removing the cement from the backs. Some are still soaking.

  17. OMG I thought that was quilt for a minute, I was going to come to you for a lesson :-D
    I love those tiles, I'm so pleased you rescued them. Love the kitty pics!

    1. Kath, you are far better at quilting than me :o)

  18. Those tiles are lovely. Maybe you could put the tiles on an old table top ?

  19. I am now suffering from tile envy! But it's quite easy & cheap to line curtains with bits of old sheet; a handcranked sewing machine makes it faster but it's do-able by hand too, unless your windows are enormous.

  20. Mayze is a lovely little cat. Looks like she's enjoying posing for the camera. I have a single duvet crossways over the bottom of my bed and my cat Daisy likes to squirrel away between it and the large duvet underneath.

    Linda xx


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