Wednesday 2 July 2014

Stocking up at the Scrapstore

Hello. Just got ten minutes to whack this out pretty sharpish. I took three of our crafty ladies over the bridge this morning to Hull Scrapstore. We had a rummage through the mountains of fabric, and picked out a few things from the other crafting materials available. The building is an old school and it has been turned into an Aladdins Cave. We were like kids in a sweet shop. Ooooh, look at this, or, this would make a good wotsit. Here we are laden up with our goodies.   
For those who don't know what a Scrapstore is, it's a charity that collects unwanted materials from factories, office and shops. Things that are destined for landfill, can be rescued and put to good use somewhere else. I took a few snaps to give you an idea of what it's about. It's a shame that the Scunthorpe store closed, though there is talk about opening another one. I hope they do manage to get funding for it.

If you want to check if there is a Scrapstore near you, take a look at this site.

I'm going to have to cut this short, I am going out again. My sis is on a caravan site not far from here and I have been invited for tea. Please excuse me while I dash off. Toodle pip.


  1. Oh! There doesn't seem to be one in the Leicester area!

  2. Hah! I'd never heard of these...and there's one really close to us! Thank's Ilona

  3. You two stay out of trouble; as my mother would say as my brother and I headed out the door. The amazing thing is for the most part we did.

  4. Oh I have a smaller version of that kind of store on my street but they don't generally carry fabric. Though everything is scrap we have to pay a dear price to get it. Do you pay too or is it free?

    1. Hi Joyful. Each Scrapstore has it's own rules. At Hull they have a membership system, then you pay per basket, or box, or trolley. A lot of items are unlimited, take as many as you like, others are so many per visit. Some of the fabric is sold per metre but it is very cheap. We all had a £5 basket, then paid for any priced items on top of that. I bought some scissors, pins, and small craft foam squares.

    2. Thanks Ilona. I looked again at the photos and see some of them have prices marked. Sorry I should have seen it the first time :-)

  5. darn it, my local store wont allow individuals only groups, specifically children's groups..

    1. I guess you are talking about the Bristol store. Their membership structure seems very confusing. Try ringing them. Usually working with children is the criteria, Have you any grand children you work with? Ask if there is any way you can join. They might be able to bend the rules a bit to fit your circumstances. Worth an ask.

  6. I wish we had one in Oz I would be in my element!

  7. Heaven on earth!
    Helen in France

  8. Hi hun,
    What a gem you are! I have one not far away and never knew it existed. Hubbie works for buildbase - I'll be able to check what they do with their waste paint etc and might be able to make a donation :) .I also have 5 grandbabies so can stock up on craft bits and pieces - which are normally so expensive.*Thank you* soo much. *hugs* Sue :)

    1. Hi Sue. Yes please do ask your hubbs to ask his boss if he can have things that they throw out. Paint, wood, tiles, anything that can be used in craft projects, even if it appears to be rubbish. End of line, out of fashion, slightly damaged, written off excess stock. Ring the Scrapstore and ask them to collect.

  9. Hi there thanks for the link, didn't even know the one next to me existed and its so close, im going at the weekend to donate a big box of paper and card (partners a printer and ive given away 32 boxes big A3 boxes so far) ive used freecycle in the past and starting to run out of people to give it to. These im sure will love it, its all scrap off jobs he does, and would go to landfill otherwise, and hes only a small printers.

  10. ours opens on Saturday!! I hope it's as well stocked as yours.

  11. OOOHHHH...that scrap shop....I was noticing the large bolts of fabrics! What I could do with those!

  12. I've never seen the like! What a fun place to shop, but I'm afraid I've run out of time for much sewing. Have a wonderful time creating something with your "finds"!

  13. Wishing that a Scrapstore was part of the Canadian landscape. Sadly there's nothing like it here. :(

  14. Your scrap room is wonderful! We go to one too! So if you ever get to travel to the states, come see the goodies in ours! It goes to fund a children's museum called Wonderworks! I always take a bag with me full of unwanted goodies to donate--you know, one can only keep so much stuff in a cottage. *smile* Here's a link to ours =


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