Tuesday 31 August 2021

Flying high

I remember when I flew to the USA, or was it Canada, I can't remember now, we had a female pilot. My boyfriend asked if we could take a look in the cockpit during the flight, and I was thrilled when we were granted permission. 
I like to think that I was a bit of a trail blazer when I started my career as an HGV driver back in 1976, but things have moved on since then and now it is commonplace to see women piloting for the big airlines. I imagine that training for this job would take many years, I have every admiration for them. 
There are so many aircraft grounded at the moment, I think opportunities in travel are few and far between. Please don't give up ladies, in whatever line of work you choose. Fight for your rights as free citizens of the western world. Never ever give up your dreams, your hopes for the future. Make sure you do have a future. Accept nothing less, you are worth it. 
Catch ya later. Toodle pip.   ilona
PS. Putting a note in here to say the Research page is getting very heavy and slow to load. I have opened a second page to carry us forward to the end of the year. The link is at the top under the sunflowers. I will also say that if people want to ignore it they can, but be prepared for whatever comes next. I am trying to alert you to the dangers, you must take full responsibility for your actions. Thank you for your emails, I will get round to replying soon. 


  1. Years ago I started proper flying lessons, had a log book and went to ground school and then I got made redundant and I could no longer afford the lessons. One of the biggest regrets of my life. Did join the local gliding club though for a few lessons. But now I am the proud owner of a drone! DJI Phantom 3 Professional. Am in the process of learning how it all works, get CAA Certified and then I can fly again!

    So as Ilona says, never, ever give up on your dreams

    1. I would like to fly a drone, but I am not technically minded. Maybe I have left it too late.

  2. Thank you for keeping up the research page. It is very much apprecaited. Thanks.

    1. Thank you for taking an interest. It is hard work keeping on top of it all when it is constantly changing with new material coming out.

  3. It must have been extremely difficult for you to be a HGV driver in 1976 - 'taking a man's job', 'get back to the kitchen sink' and all that crap!! I clearly remember the first time a female captain came over the tannoy on a holiday flight. I was over the moon. I absolutely love planes and flying. I doubt very much that I will be allowed to ever travel abroad again. I feel really sad about it, but I believe it's a price worth paying.

    1. It was extremely hard, but I fought back.

      I let my passport go a few years ago. I don't mind not being able to travel abroad.

  4. Thank you for your research page. The more people that are made aware the better. Most of the websites that I use are listed below. I will be glad when UK Column are back. I have really missed them, but they were exhausted and definitely needed the time off. I am worried about the Online Harms Bill which is obviously only being brought in to stop any alternative views.

    UK Column
    21st Century Wire
    Daily Expose
    Conservative Woman
    The White Rose UK
    Principia Scientific Intl
    Ice Age Farmer
    La Quinta Columna
    The Light Paper
    Off Guardian
    Dr Vernon Coleman on ‘Brand New Tube’
    American Frontline Doctors
    Truth Unmuted
    Unity News Network
    Global Research
    Humans are Free
    The Freedom Articles

    1. You have a good list there. I recognise some of them. UK Column should be back tomorrow at 1pm. I have missed them as well. They will have a lot of news to catch up with. No doubt they will have been watching it while they have been away.

    2. I recognise four from your list. Looks like I've a bit of catching up to do. Thanks for taking the time to post it.

  5. My youngest granddaughter 19 years of age, starts her flight training next week. One year for ground school and then three for actual light training, she hopes for be an airline pilot when she is done. She currently holds a glider license and another to fly a Cessna.
    Proud of her.

    1. Good for her, I bet you are proud. One day you might fly in the aircraft she is piloting. That would be exciting.

  6. It took our daughter ten years after graduating from university to get hired by a major airline. She got a degree in Computer Science and took Aviation classes on the side. At graduation she was invited to join the faculty and teach flying, she did that (poor pay, horrid hours) for two years to get enough flight hours to move to a regional airline. Also poor pay and horrid hours. Finally at age 31 she had enough hours as a Captain to be hired by a major. She loves it and thinks it will not be so hard in the future as there is a real pilot shortage now. ( They can't demand so many flight hours). She thinks what you did was harder!

    1. That is one long haul to get where she wants to be. Well done daughter for sticking with it. Loving your job is everything.

  7. Copied and pasted, a comment from Gill.

    I know you aren't keen on the BBC but heres an article I thought may interest you, its relevant to a post a few days ago, but it's about women lorry drivers. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-58401238

    Still cant believe it's less than 1% of women.


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