Friday 22 September 2023

Ventnor Botanic Garden

 Wednesday was a busy day. After the morning walk to Bonchurch, I set off once more, leaving the car at Trinity Road. I wanted to visit the Botanic Garden. Here are some views of the lovely walk there. I had a spring in my step and a smile on my face. No need to travel abroad when this is within the UK. Ventnor is very elevated and certainly pulls on the leg muscles.  

Here we go, I was looking forward to this. 

There are plants from all over the world. This is how I imagine a tropical rainforest to be. The heat from the hothouse hits you when you walk in. The waterfall transports you to another place.  

For more information about the Botanic Garden at Ventnor, check out their web site. 
Come back later for more of the Isle of Wight. Toodle pip.   ilona


  1. Were you able to pay for the entrance fee in cash? Last time I was there they weren’t accepting cash - said it was to do with VOVID restrictions!

    1. They said it was card only. I said I only had cash. They said if I had the right money they would accept that. I did.


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