Oh chuffin heck. Thanks to the readers who have pointed it out to me that I am in the Daily Mail. Things have been going a bit crazy today, I had a phone call from a news agency wanting to use the Yorkshire Post story. It's what they do. They have pieced together bits from the original article and some of what I said on the phone, and used the photo's that were taken on Thursday. Actually I think it reads ok, though I haven't been over it in detail. I am sick of reading about myself, ha ha.
The comments on it are coming thick and fast. I've actually signed up so I can answer some of them. What I didn't realize is that you are only allowed to post up to ten comments per article in 24 hours, I was thinking I would blitz it with my replies. Probably a good rule to have or I would be bashing away at this keyboard half the night, ha ha.
I have no problem with people knowing how I live, I am proud of my frugalness, proud to tread lightly on this earth, proud that I am not wasteful, and proud that I live within my means. Those people who don't get it are either very rich or massively in debt. I just laugh at the blinkered trolls who poke fun and slag me off, for it's me that's winning here, not them.
I need to get something ready to take to my Crafty Club in the morning.
Thanks for popping in. Catch up soon.
Toodle pip
Just been reading some more comments.
Moments of March . . . . . . .
31 minutes ago
Hello I don't think I have posted before but I read you regularly. I think your thread is really inspiring. I am going to tell everyone on my thread on MSE to post on the Daily Mail as I am quite cross that some of the readers comments are so mean.
ReplyDeletePlease do ignore any nasty comments. It sums up the daily fail attitude of many of its readers. I think you are great and am learning lots from you. hugs, kitxxxx
Thank you Kit, I'm chuffed that you are on my side.
DeleteHello Ilona from Housefairy
ReplyDeleteI liked your photos in the paper. I thought your kitchen looked large. Loved the tiled floor.
Wow! what a lot of material in the 2nd bedroom.
I belive in following your own destiny. Your life is what you make of it. Happyness comes from with in your life. Not what other people say.
Like you, I try to use what I have before splashing any cash.
Hello Housefairy,
DeleteWe have missed you commenting on Ilona's blog.
Wendy (Wales)
You can hold your head high, you are a caring person, devoted to your animals and true to yourself and how you live is your choice, and a good one.Nothing you do harms anybody else, you have taught me loads and I thank you for that. Sticks and stones ! From a fellow animal loving veggie , learning to be frugal. x
ReplyDeleteJust read the article in the Mail,Ilona. I think that when you "march to the beat of a different drummer" you are going to get negative comments - it's par for the course and nothing you can't handle :) Ger in Ireland
ReplyDeleteDear Ilona:
ReplyDeleteAnother supporter here - had a look at the article in the DM and thought the photos were all great. Love that blue jumper on you and your hair looks fabulous.
Correct me if I am wrong but I thought "the bring your own tea bag" remark was due to the fact that you only drink coffee. Well if you don't and do drink tea I don't mind bringing my own.
Love your blog and your life style. Big hugs.
A lot are making negative comments on the tea bag thing. When I was emailing the journalist from The Yorkshire Post to arrange an interviw, I added to the bottom bring your own tea bag because I don't have any, I don't drink tea. She was fine about it.
DeleteThe media manipulate everything for their own means! Mutants in shell suits the lot of them!
DeleteThat was the thing in the article that struck a false note - not what I know of you, so I thought there must be more behind it.
DeleteYou can't offer people what you haven't got, I just opened my last box of (very past BBdate) apple juice for my grandson, and made them take it home afterwards as it wouldn't be finished here.
To be fair you were making a point by saying "bring your own tea bag" - it was pretty obvious that would be picked up in the article.
DeleteAgain, I enjoyed reading the DM article, the pictures were fab. I have red and green arrow-ed appropriately lol. Some of the comments were rather moronic but lots of good ones from people who get it. DM should never be taken too seriously, it is more entertainment than actual news. I think that is why people type before thinking and as usual there is only half a story for people to base their judgements on. Good for you and I hope you get lots of publicity for your blog. Debbie.
ReplyDeleteMy page views are going through the roof now, a few people have mentioned it.
DeleteAlways a silver lining in a cloud, as well as a lot of rain.
Deletegood for you,, you said it beautifully,
ReplyDeletethose who don't understand are the ones who are missing the point
you are quite the celebrity!!
Its a great article,, still think you should write a book, lol,, or do you tube videos,,
C'mon Ilona, lift your head up and stick two fingers up at the dissenters. We are all allowed to live as we choose. OK your lifestyle wouldn't suit us all but it suits you.
ReplyDeleteShoulders back, head up, carry on
I have not seen the news articles because I live in the States, but I adore you and your blog and look forward to reading of your adventures every day. I am becoming more and more frugal by the minute. Last week I made vegetable stew! I now put on a sweater before turning up the heat. We are the same age and I think you are a great role-model for us pensioners!
ReplyDeleteI read the whole article then some of the comments. I don't think most of them read the full article as they just don't seem to get it?!!
ReplyDeleteDon't go into the comments section Ilona. The comments in the Daily Mail and Guardian are always pretty poisonous!
ReplyDeleteJust popping in to say I love your blog and get a lot of enjoyment from reading about your (and others!) frugal adventures.
Hope you get lots of page views and some more interesting followers who can see the reasons behind what you do!
Bloomin' heck ,Ilona...you're famous!
ReplyDeleteDon't let the Ba$t@rds get you down.
Jane xxx
Nothing wrong with the life you lead, you are a lovely person xx
ReplyDeleteI did wonder if a national would pick this up, the same thing happened to us years ago when we had a bit on self sufficiency in the local paper. I had the Daily Mirror on the doorstep ( before internet!) but refused to let it go any further and all the hoohah soon ended. You certainly don't need to justify your way of life to a whole load of Daily Wail readers, hope all the nasty comments soon stop.
ReplyDeleteThings so different now with Internet and blogging
DeleteThere! I've put my awe in too and I normally wouldn't touch the Daily Mail with a bargepole! x
ReplyDeleteHi. I was talking to my sister on the phone, and she read out the comment you put in the DM. Thanks a lot for that. They are coming in thick and fast.
DeleteThe Daily Mail has a reputation to live down to. I have just signed up to get my pennyworth in. I am happy to report that a weeks normal shopping money has now lasted for 3 weeks and I still have cash. Oh and I have almost caught up with my walking, by Tuesday I will be back on track.
ReplyDeleteThe heck with any negative comments in the DM, Ilona. I consider you a role model for all of us retiring on a modest income and your blog is one of the first things I look for everyday. Thanks so much!
ReplyDeleteDon't worry. I have been leaving positive comments on the ones who have left horrible one. I'm afraid I got very indignant on your behalf lol I love your blog and I love the way you live, it's the way I live too so we frugaleers should totally stick together :-)
ReplyDeleteThank you Kay. I appreciate it.
DeleteHi Ilona,
ReplyDeleteI think that the article is misleading as they have tried to make you look mildly eccentric. People like me who read your blog every day, but seldom comment, have been greatly helped by your kind and sensible writings and find considerable comfort and calmness in the life that you share with us. Notwithstanding the slant that the newspaper have put on your life, the majority of the comments are still supportive.
Best wishes
Colin in Kent
I'm sure all the hoohah will be over as quick as it started. Just keep the honey and leave the sting behind. I enjoy your blog and that's all that matters to me and your other blogging friends I'm sure. take care.
ReplyDeleteI know you won't take any notice of some of the comments in the Mail. There are few nice ones as well though. They've jumped on the "tea bag" thing. Why would you buy tea bags as you are a coffee drinker ....? neh mind duck.
ReplyDeleteFor reader in the USA or elsewhere for that matter. Type in Daily Mail to your search engine, click on Home/Daily Mail Online, then click on the U.K. link in the header. This will take you to the article on Ilona.
ReplyDeleteDamn! The journalism in the UK is as bad as in the USA. I don't think any of them actually listen to what is being said, but have preconceived notion as to how the article will go. You are just giving them sound bites to fill in their story line.
To be fair, it is the low end of the spectrum. uk newspapers best and worst in my opinion
DeletePlease don't think the Daily Mail is representative of all UK people!
DeleteAgreed. Must admit when I see people in the supermarket picking up the Daily Mail I mutter in my head "why??????"
DeleteI've commented too, hopefully some of the readers will find there way to your blog.
ReplyDeleteGood for you Ilona!
ReplyDeleteWell that's interesting. I posted in the daily mail about Ilona's art and her blog. It was published, got about sixty odd likes and now it's dissapeared. That's a bit mean of them.
ReplyDeletePeople always have an opinion, usually based on lack of facts. The only fact that matters is you are FAB!!! You are my poster girl! Every single day.
ReplyDeleteI think you sound lovely and look forward to reading more of your blog. I love that you are not spending foolishly (I just don't understand people who do that!) and that you are enjoying your life. Don't worry about the DMail - it's just a silly paper with people who troll all night long, just hoping to upset others, to know they are not upsetting you is wonderful as YOU, in my opinion, are living life in your own unique and happy way. Lots of hugs, hope you enjoyed your crafty afternoon - I did see a pic of all your material = sewing envy (but in a nice way!) Hugs and smiles, keep enjoying your life! Elle, :)
ReplyDeleteI was drooling over the fabric too...my dream room.
Deletedear Ilona...the Daily Stale article asks 'what do you do to save money/'....DONT BUY THE DAILY MAIL
Genius, what fab advice! Love it :)
DeleteHi just found your blog after reading the Mail article. Very impressed by your frugality. I'm a single mum with two kids and despite my best intentions we do have more food waste than we should. Hope I can learn from your blog. Please check mine out too, thank you, Brenda x http://disabilityandthesinglemum.blogspot.co.uk
ReplyDeleteWell done ! can I have your autograph ??
ReplyDeleteIliona ive commented on your blog a few times I think you are bloody fabulous and an inspiration in the way you live your life beating your own drum etc I too cut my own hair however I have to ask do you colour yours? The colour is fab and if you have any frugal way of colouring I would love to know Wendy
ReplyDeleteHa ha just seen the article Ilona, good on ya!! Ignore the trolls they don't call that paper the Daily Hate for nothing :) Twiggy x
ReplyDeleteHi, I came across your blog tonight having noticed the Daily Mail article. I've spent the last 2 hours reading your previous posting on here and find myself thinking 'one more page.'
ReplyDeleteIgnore anything negative said on the Daily Mail, some horrible people out there who can't just say nothing if they can't say anything positive.
Keep up the updates, I've favourited the blog and I'm sure many others will too having seen the article on the Daily Mail.
You are fab Ilona and an inspiration! Keep up the good work girl! X
ReplyDeletecan someone provide the link to the article? I'd love to read it. thanks!
ReplyDeleteI just found it! Your home looks really nice. I do think the article was trying to make you out there but if the UK is like it is here in the States, the economy is looking shaky again. This kind of frugality just may be others need.
ReplyDeleteIlona, was the £2400 figure in the DM accurate? I thought that you've said in the past your pension was £9000-£9500.
ReplyDeleteThe article was pretty good and I didn't think it put you in a bad light. No surprise that some of the comments are negative since the DM comments are always awful. I read most of the DM articles on William and Kate and the commenters are horrible to Kate so you are not alone. Here in the U.S. I once heard someone say the Comments sections of articles were the cesspools of the Internet and I agree.
There's a lesson for us all...never pay any attention to anything that comes out for the daily mail! What a rag!! ! You are an inspirational figure who should be given a medal for the work you do to promote the simple virtue of living within your means
ReplyDeleteHI, I read through the post article, as some have mentioned, I enjoyed the photos of you and the summerhouse. Both you and the summerhouse look grand ! I also agree the article was poorly written...so many points they could have made, oh well, frugality is a concept that is hard for many to understand. I really enjoy your blog and your optimistic energetic writings. I have learned a lot and appreciate the time you take on the blog. Ignore the idiots.
ReplyDeleteI do not bother to read the DM, but I love your page. I've been a single Mum and ill, and you and Frugal Queen have been a lovely read, every couple of days. My budget, through my effort, has been good, and I have saved money, thanks to the moral support from both of you. Much love, and just "let go" of mad silly people. Hugs xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
ReplyDeleteFrom Margie in Toronto - heard about all the fuss on Frugal Queen's site when one of the comments asked people to go in and support you - can't say I'm surprised at how they twist things - don't give them another thought. I thought you looked lovely - that blue really suits you and your kitchen is very smart! I admire the way you live your life and love reading about all your adventures - continue on as you are and ignore the trolls!
ReplyDeleteMe too! I even joined up just so I could comment!
ReplyDeleteI'm sorry about all of the nasty commenters. I think you are an inspiration to many. You save money on some things in order to do the things that are most important to you. You tread lightly on the earth, using fewer resources, and you take care of the less fortunate critters with your rescue work and charity. You make bags and give them away. You make beautiful art out of things that some people throw away. Thank you for sharing your gifts with us. Oh I don't think the author of the article and some of those commenters got your sense of humor about bringing your own tea bag when you visit. :(
ReplyDeleteIf only part of the population reads it and gets a clue! We shall all hope for that - miss Celebrity!!
ReplyDeletedid chuckle on a couple of comments in the daily mail, one saying youre probably renting out the rest of your home for a cannabis farm and another asking if youd considered running a crystal meth lab for extra cash
ReplyDeleteAnother supporter here, Ilona. Your blog is always enjoyable and often amusing, informative and inspirational! I understand your lifestyle choices and respect them. All the best, Vicki
ReplyDeleteWow Ilona, according to the daily mail stats the article you're featured in was the most commented on in the UK today.
ReplyDeleteLikewise :)
ReplyDeleteIlona love, if you have your own set of trolls then pet you is famous..... can I have your autograph :-)
ReplyDeleteHa ha, love it :-)
DeleteWhat a lovely kitchen you have! Also your way of life has certainly paid off - you look very good. More power to your elbow (so to speak)! Nataie
ReplyDeleteDear Ilona, I have been reading your blog for ages. I think you are smart, and great with tips etc. I think the articles are interesting but your blog is much better. Keep going. xx
ReplyDeleteWell done, I enjoy reading your blog. Thank you :)
ReplyDeleteHi Iona, I read your blog everyday but sadly do not comment until now. I support you 100% I watch how I spend my money and very careful in how I live, I do enjoy the occasional treat like having a meal out and treating my grandchildren. I admire the way you live and enjoy your life and let's face it you are doing no harm to anyone. Has somebody said we live our life as we choose and I would rather watch my pennies like you than have a huge debt hanging over me. I am 77 and have never owed a penny only when we were buying our little modest house. I am lucky I work in a charity shop so get to buy some very nice things at a fraction of shop prices. Keep up the good work and now I have started to comment hope to do do again. Enjoy your day. Hazel c uk
ReplyDeleteGosh Ilona! You'll have to fight off the autograph hunters at the next yellow sticker raid!
ReplyDeleteI always think if a person has nothing good to say they should say nothing at all but the media isn't like that unfortunately. The other saying is that no publicity is bad publicity and you only have to look at how many comments you are getting to see that. I have also put your blog on my favourites and now check in every day. Keep up the good work and hold your head high.
ReplyDeleteI've read your blog for a few months now and I admire you Ilona. We all live our lives to the best of our ability and how we think we should and that's what you are doing. It may not suit everyone and we may not do as you do but I can see that you care about this world, people and most of all you love animals and that's OK by me ......you go girl x Rae x
ReplyDeleteI love the photos in the article, but the text is just stupid. It doesn´t show what a creative, generous and fun person you are. I think your way of saving on things that are nor important to you in order to have money for your priorities is really great. Thank you for all you are doing and especially for your positive attitude!
ReplyDeleteIlona, they're asking for you on the 'Garden Fence' thread on MSE!!! x
ReplyDeleteHi Ilona, you're the bee's knees. I've just listened to you on radio Scotland this morning on Kaye Adam's show. It's a great show and you came across really well. Laura
ReplyDeleteI saw the article and read some of the comments, as most of the comments were just stupid. As with anything in life, you can't please everyone. At least you are living your life how it suits you and you are a happy and well adjusted person. That's all that matters.
ReplyDeleteIn The Sun now too Ilona http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/news/6883909/Most-thrifty-pensioner-in-Britain.html
ReplyDeleteI wouldn't normally read that particular paper like a lot of folk here, but blimey what a glum bunch some of them are! Hope lots of people nip over here for a read, raise a smile and maybe get some inspiration too.
ReplyDeleteI found an article about you in the Sun, not the Mail.
ReplyDeleteJ x
Live the life you want Ilona! it is nobody else's business!
ReplyDeleteJust been reading the daily fail (useful for lining the cat's litter trays if nothing else!) - do people actually read the article?? after reading some of the comments!! keep on being you :-) when I have visitors I ask them to bring their own coffee because we don't drink it!
ReplyDeleteJo x ps) our damp man/plasterer left his coffee last week dowe egberts so that has gone in the cupboard otherwise it would be tesco value for any visitors lol
I haven't blogged for ht elongest of times, but just came upon your article on my facebook feed and recognised you immediatley....
ReplyDeleteIt was great to see you again as yours was one of the first frugal blogs I came across when I first started charting my journey of frugaldom with my children. YOu helped me so much with all yoru posts.
PS love the Shed
AkA onelife3kids
I used to love your blog Sharon x
DeleteI used to love your blog Sharon x
DeleteSo special to know a celebrity, even though I don't have access to the write-up. How fun for you. You set a good example for all of us. I have a friend who is into "sustainability" and is actually applying for a position with a university for his dream job.
ReplyDeleteI have a friend who drinks fruit tea only - I cannot stand it so have none in the house - she always brings her own - what's wrong with that?! You have been our role model since we had to make changes to our way of life and I thank you from the bottom of my heart. DH won't have the DM in the house!
ReplyDeleteI think the worst part was that there was no mention of the things you really save for in order to live the life you want, a new car, the computer and all your great holidays. Also you save odds and ends to make crafts many of which you give away and others are sold to benefit the cats. That is what, to me, makes you an outstanding person. You are generous and funny too. So many of us admire you! Go Ilona! JanF
ReplyDeleteReading some of the nasty comments on the article makes me realise what a bunch of idiots we sensible ones are up against!
ReplyDeletePersonally I've been telling everybody about my my friend Ilona, the celebrity! I know you will ignore the idiots and remain fabulous- go you! Xxxxx
ReplyDeleteI was only able to read the one story; it seemed a bit light on details. Lovely picture of you with the shed, though. I have seen where there are people who can't believe you're okay with the way you live. People need to find a life, don't they? I think you're fabulous and the way you live is your business! I know you'll ignore the crap and get on with it!
ReplyDeleteHi Ilona, love your blog and only ever disagreed with you once (about Christian video being shown in cinemas, and then didn't want to upset you by posting against something you obviously really cared about). Hope the Media don't upset you, please keep on keeping on!
ReplyDeleteDanneke here Front page of the Yorkshire post today, leading to main article further in the paper, it was a good write up but it did lack some essential bits, ie: your art work, giving out shopping bags etc, all you do for friends and the community also the fetes and car boot sales for the love of animals. I am sure negative comments come from jealous people. Remember the old saying our parents said to us, " Waste not Want not", Like you many of us live like that even today.
ReplyDeleteIlona, you rock,a very special person,. xXx
ReplyDeleteDear Ilona, I landed on your blogspot after reading a comment on article on Yahoo. I was impressed with the little I read and will follow your blog with interest. I am a 32 year old woman, recently married, and our first big mistake was spending a lot on our wedding. We are working on being frugal and indeed living life to the fullest within our means. People of all ages can learn a lot from you. Thank you for sharing your story!
ReplyDeleteDear Ilona, continue to shine in your own light of goodness and originality. Your inspiration spreads widely..... truly :) Blessings, Ali xx
ReplyDeleteI love your blog. Thank you for being you and staying true to yourself. You really are an old sage as my mum would say. Xx
ReplyDeleteYou go girl!!! You worked hard for the life you now lead and we should all be so smart and blessed. Never let the negative get you down. Like a speck of dust they will be forgotten with the slightest breeze. :)
ReplyDeleteI have said this before... you are a very wise and wonderful person. You are a great inspiration Ilona. ....thank-you... thank-you... thank-you. Cheers.
ReplyDeleteyou're an inspiration to all, take no notice of spiteful people who have nothing better to do than make nasty comments, rise above it, you're better than them xxxx
ReplyDeleteHi Ilona
ReplyDeleteI'm afraid i dont read the DM, or any other newspapers come to that, all a load of tosh and half of whats in them is made up just to sell them.
I much prefer to read informative, well written articles and blogs like your and other people such as Frugal Queen, Sue in Suffolk etc.
These are down to earth people who do not claim to be anything they arent, just like you.
Im afraid you are probably going to be a bit of a celebrity the next time you nip to Tescos or take Rocky for a bimble so better be prepared with a pen for the autographs.
Please dont change anything about the way you do things, you are a true inspiration to us all.
take care, love jane xx
Just read the bit in the mail. Why are there so many nasty people about. I read your blog every day and really admire you and your way of life.you are my role model.I wish I could get the reduced things you do.my local Tesco doesn't do big reductions unfortunately. You have dozens of friends and admirers in blog land keep up the good work. US pensioners have to be carefull to live within our means .you are brilliant. Jane x
ReplyDeleteI don't read the Mail (it is a rag) but I read your blog and you rock- so ignore them.
ReplyDeleteHi, been reading you for years now, no account so anon but well done you!
ReplyDeleteInterview a bit lop sided, no mention of pets holidays etc and tea bag saga misrepresented.
However you come out very well
Keep up your brilliant blog. We really enjoy it.
ReplyDeleteSaw you in the Metro this morning, your the best Maggie
ReplyDeleteWe have said this many times "YOU ARE THE BEST" and always will be in our eyes. Something would be missing without your inspiring blog to read. BTW we loved your pics with the lovely Jo Brand.
ReplyDeleteWendy (Wales)
Hi there. I just went onto Yahoo to check my emails and you've popped up on the main page there as well! You are famous!! :) Hope they are all paying you for using your story. A poster on Frugal Queen has mentioned you in her comments as well :) Louise
ReplyDeleteYou're the best Ilona...you have inspired me in more ways than I can count...I love learning from you about frugal ways and your beautiful country...am sorry for the trolls who don't "get it"...it's wonderful having goals and not being in debt...and never feeling like you're doing without...
ReplyDeleteYou're brilliant and an inspiration, don't let any small minded poisonous creature tell you otherwise. I will acknowledge that the Daily Mail does have one very good use; my cats are most grateful for it lining their litter tray, all the more so because my neighbour passes it on to me after she's finished with it.
ReplyDeleteYou are in the Express too although they think you spend a "mere" £2400 a year on food!!
ReplyDelete"By shopping after 7.30pm when shops offer their best discounts, her food bill is a mere £2,400 a year."
Love your blog, long may it continue :-)
Ilona , You are on yahoo now , well done xxx
ReplyDeleteDid a bit of Yahoo commenting in support of you and your blog this evening Ilona...just keep on doing what you do - you are an inspiration. Best wishes, Rose aka 'Sparkiedoll'
ReplyDeleteIlona, I've read the Yorkshire Post article, but not the Daily Mail, nor have I read any comments. When I wrote my poem it was meant as a tribute to you for all that you do and share with us, your readers. I could have written more, but that would have made it an epic poem. You live a full and entertaining life and there isn't many people of our age (60 plus) who can say that. Just carry on with what you are doing and ignore (as best you can) the negative pessimists. Take care.
ReplyDeleteJoan (Wales)
Well done for being brave enough to go public about your lifestyle. I really applaud how you choose to live and the fact you stick to your principles. It really takes a lot of guts to swim against the tide of convention. I am really saddened by the nasty, unpleasant and bigoted comments you've had although there is a good sprinkling of supportive ones too. Keep living your life as you do and don't let these idiots get you down. Kristel
ReplyDeleteNever buy that (or any other) paper, simply because I have no faith in any of them, but have read the article just now on line.
ReplyDeleteThe photos of you are lovely and what a fab kitchen.
So true that you, and all of us who live like you, are the winners.
In this world, if we do not follow the herd and tow the `conventional` line, we are regarded as not being normal. What these people do not understand is that we are FREE, we are LIVING our life and not blindly following a system that says we must spend, spend, spend to be happy.
What joy to see my food bills, my electricity bills, so much lower than years ago, while still living well, and seeing my savings grow.
Keep up the good works Ilona. Your blog is the best, not just for the great advice you give but also the fun you bring. Yours is a happy, carefree, full, loving life and home which you have generously invited us all into like one happy family.
Off over to the DM now to press a few buttons.
I read your blog once a day and I'm from Finland. Why does being frugal create such a fuss in the papers?!? Frugal used to be the norm, not an exception, and what's wrong with being frugal - nothing! Btw, maybe you already know this but your first name is a woman's name in Finland and means 'to be at someone's joy', roughly the equivalent of the English name 'Joy'. :) Best wishes, Mari
ReplyDeleteHi.Am reading this a day later and am heartwarmed by the sincere caring and support you are receiving from your readers,Ilona.Being in Canada ,I have not read the latest version of your interview in the Daily Mail or The Sun.Going against the grain is never easy and I know you will stay strong and bear up well regardless of the negativity.You already know how I feel about you and your blog and still do so,my friend.I am repeating myself but want to say again that your a very good teacher and always encourage and inspire with your positive,cheerful,practical,unpretentious,REALISTIC approach to living in these financially challenging times.Besides that your creative ,fun daily living is always a day brightener for me and made me smile and laugh many a time.We all have different life demands and circumstances re:health,income,location,and ideology.It's very obvious to me that you do what is best for you and your unique self and life.Some get defensive because a post may not apply to them and their circumstances.Silly that,when it is your blog after all. Readers can choose what works for them or choose not to do that.Simple really.I love your blog... it is so refreshing.Your lovely village life,meaninful pursuits,kindness and generouity are very evident, too, in your daily offerings.Also,(repeat) am still totally debt free and loving that too,thanks to a lot of your helpful, sensible suggestions and tips in your blog.So to all you mockers out there...I pity you because you just don't get it do you?There is so much peace and freedom in having financial serenity.Perhaps you might want to give it a try and experience it first before dismissing it.Stay well,bye,D. P.S. to all you taking part in the challenge,best wishes and keep moving!
ReplyDeleteHi lovely Lady,
ReplyDeleteI really enjoy reading your blog.
Started living this kind of life 13 years ago and I dont´miss anything.
Wishing you all the best.
We all love you llona x
ReplyDeleteWe all love you llona x