Monday, 4 April 2016

Playing around with words

Hello. I'm having a day off so that the slow readers can catch up. Sometimes I write too fast, I witter on and it ends up like a blur of words all jumbled up. The people who come on once or twice a week get left behind, they start skim reading and missing the point, and missing posts. Then they are asking me questions because they haven't been concentrating and have not seen the relevant post which gives them their answer. I think I should be writing this at the pace of the slowest readers, instead of romping ahead and leaving people behind.

If you are a fast reader you might get a bit frustrated by always having to wait for the slowest, so I am trying to strike a balance. I can use all my fingers and whizz over the keyboard at breakneck speed and bash out words which make very little sense, or I can use only two fingers, one on each hand, take my time and carefully compose my sentences into something meaningful and intelligent. That's two choices.

I can give you more choices. This is where my brain comes into play. When it is fully functional, which is usually first thing in the morning, it works quite well. It's like a light bulb has come on, aha, we have light, and a topic for a blog post. Mornings are the time when ideas come to me, and also when I am itching to act on them. So, do you want me to write early, or shall I leave it till later on? That's GB time by the way, I know that people on the other side of the world  are reading when I am in bed. Do you want something super intelligent, or don't you mind the waffle now and again?

It's a funny thing writing, especially if you haven't a clue what you are talking about. I try not to appear too dim, although I sometimes come across that way. Take tonight for instance. I should have closed down by now, because my head is pretty empty, but I am soldiering on, determined to bash out something. I am willing my fingers to move across the keyboard. I could easily say stuff it, I won't bother, but I like a challenge, even with an empty head, something will appear.

Hey, look at me, I've written a blog post, ha ha, and I didn't mean to. Sorry there aren't many words of wisdom in it, no money saving tips, no recipes, no what I did today diary, and no what I am going to do tomorrow. But at least I've filled a space. You can't say I didn't give it a go.

Thank you very much for sticking with me, there is a bit of everything here. Some of it will make sense, but some of it won't. I think I'll go to bed now before I dig myself into a deeper hole. Such is life. We'll catch up soon.
Toodle pip


  1. First, this is your blog write when it is convenient for you.
    Second, I enjoy your writing style or I wouldn't continue to read it, so if you want to 'waffle about' sometimes go for it. If you want to be precise/concise sometimes go for it.
    Third, when it ceases to be fun, please stop and do something that is.

    1. I totally agree with Judy.
      Be / stay who you are, Ilona.
      Love and hugs,


  2. You never come across as dim, you're amazing. I love your approach to life, and I learn so much from you. Can you please write slowly, because I'm not a fast reader, haha! I love your sense of humour too!

  3. You should read mine - dead boring is a good description. However, tht doesn't matter because it is my blog and yours is yours. It's your authentic voice so please, keep it just the way YOU want it to be.
    I love it.
    J x

  4. Have you read this poem for a play on words?

  5. Talking of playing around with words this poem does just that.

    It's your blog, you should do what you wish to do. Like you always do, not that there's anything wrong with that.

  6. Hi, I remember you posting a while ago about filming for a BBC show when you went and bought those yellow sticker foods - do you know yet when it's likely to be broadcast? Thanks

    1. Hello Anon. The filming was for Rip off Britain on BBC television. I keep looking out for it, but have found no reference to the programme yet. I will let you know if I find out anything.

  7. I agree with Judy, just write when and how you want. You are not one bit obligated to entertain everyone.

  8. sometimes its just nice to say hello,,
    good friends in a room don't always have to speak or be witty,,

  9. All what Judy says, whenever you can fit blogging in. We are all agog, no matter how or what you write, entertainment plus, you.

  10. I don't mind what you write, I like reading whatever you write Ma'am. It inspires me to save money so I am always happy. kitx

  11. I love your blog and think you should carry on writing whatever and whenever you feel, it's your space after all. I will just say though and I've said this to lovleygray and a few other bloggers I never fail to be impressed by the consistency of yours and their blogging. Also I feel I learn something every day which I like. My blogging leaves a lot to be desired I just can't do it every day as much as I'd like to but I'm working on it. Keep writing Iliona I miss you when you have a day off lol

  12. I'm with Judy, the first comment, just keep doing what you like, when you want and as often as it makes you happy :)

  13. I agree with others that it's your blog and you must do what you like, when you like. I do actually like a bit of waffle though and love your humour. I write on my blog most days but sometimes have nothing to say for a few days and at other times have posts falling over themselves to get out. My blog is about my chickens but sometimes I go off on a tangent and the feedback I get is that sometimes people like something different for a change. I like that this feels like we are all having a chat.

  14. You always bring a smile to my face, regardless of when you write, Ilona! My mother (dead these past 16 years, bless her) and I used to laugh when people couldn't keep up with our fast-moving conversations, going from topic to topic in the blink of an eye. We used to say others were three pages behind! Or in some cases, three chapters behind! Whatever you write or whenever you write, I know I'm in for some enjoyment.
    Margaret P

  15. Just be who you are Ilona! We all enjoy you just as you are.

  16. Hi. Your blog is always comforting to me. I enjoy hearing about your adventures in walking,your furry children and the beautiful food you make and eat. You always do a great presentation with your meals. As for a time difference, I'm from USA Ohio, pretty close to Lake Erie. I usually try check in by 2pm, Don't usually read mornings as like today I am going to Yoga class. Whatever time is good for you. You should do what works best in your schedule, Keep up your brilliant life and thanks for sharing you joys!

  17. I never miss a post so you're doing great with the writing. I keep catching up but in a random order! The other day I was on your 50th birthday post!! I find it all a very good read. I was trying to catch up with the reason behind Heidi's sore neck as our cat suffers with something similar - thankfully both Heidi and our cat are doing ok it seems.

  18. I like your blog no matter what. Natalie

  19. I agree with Natalie... As long as you're writing, I'm reading. Thanks for everything you do!


  20. I don't always comment but always look forward to your blog whatever time you write and whatever you write about. You do inspire a lot of us to be more thrifty.

  21. I don't often comment either but I really do enjoy your blogs, your sense of humour and the fact that you inspire others to exercise, save money, help the animals and save the planet. All good in my book.
    Thanks for all you do.

  22. Post for those of us daily lurkers, not for the sometimes I check in, but I can't be bothered to actually READ type people. 👹

  23. I love your blog as well, I skim read and picture hop many blogs but yours I follow and read. Keep up the good work it's great.

  24. I am a fast reader, so love it when you do a lengthy post. However, whether they be long or short, I so look forward to your daily posts, so whatever suits you. I think you are brilliant and a real inspiration.

  25. Dear Ilona, I agree with the above comments! Kelly from Ohio is spot on. Also, I (like to) think I'm quite a perceptive old whatsit and I'm feeling the winds of change blowing through Tightwad Towers. Springtime is making Ilona feel restless and vaguely discontented. Her toes are twitchy and her soul yearns for the open road and for days gone by. Yet still the keyboard and auntie Google call. And the clock for us all goes tick tock, tick tock. What will happen next is anyone's guess...
    But like Churchill, we must keep bu**ering on Ilona.
    Love your blog.
    Best regards. Brenda R

  26. I'm probably different, too much waffle about nothing much and I feel I've wasted my time reading it. I think what was the point of that? I suppose if readers haven't much else to do they're not bothered but my life is a busy one and time isn't to be wasted!

    I do think writing a blog should be a pleasure to the writer, rather than pandering to the likes and dislikes of faceless commenters (and lurkers)

    I think bloggers can get too wound up and obsessed by page views and commenters. In the grand scheme of life what does it matter how many people happen to click on a certain blog today, tomorrow or next week?

    1. Sorry to have wasted your time. I write what I want to write, not what I think people want to read. It's my blog.

    2. But you asked for our opinions - do we want super intelligence or don't we mind some waffle! I must have given the wrong answer!

      Yes it's your blog, you write whatever you like - we, the readers, have a choice, read or go elsewhere.


Was closed, then it was open, now it is closed again. Apologies to my band of understanding and wide awake readers.

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