Friday, 3 February 2017

Loves young dream.

Hello. I've been entertaining myself with my old diaries, I have to chuckle about some of the things I got up to. I was quite a little flirt in my youth, made a beeline for any good looking eye candy that took my fancy. Here are some extracts that made me titter. This romance was quite short lived, about three weeks I think.

David rang at 1.15pm, then he came round and we went to the pub for a couple of pints till 4pm, then back to my place for coffee and a chat. He is lovely. I would like to see more of him but I don't know what he thinks about me. I think he likes me. 

Phone call from David, he asked if I was going to The Swan tonight, and if I wanted to go for a drink at the club on Sunday. I met him at the club then we came back to my place for a coffee. He is lovely, I was sad when he went home. 

I am feeling fed up today, it's hard to find any enthusiasm, why am I like this. I want to talk to David. I tried his number but he is not there. 

David called round in the afternoon. I had made a music tape for him, it was nice to see him. 

I was fed up so I went to the pub at 6.15pm. I was only going to have one drink, but I got chatting and had three pints, it was too much. I rang David at gone midnight, he was not very pleased. He said I am nuts. I must apologize to David. 

Felt lousy this morning, lay on the settee waiting to feel better. I am not going to drink that scrumpy cider again. David came round, we had a chat.

I rang David and he said, come on over, so I did. We stayed in all afternoon watching videos. It's driving me nuts, so near yet so far away. I am going to have to try and cool it because he will get fed up with me. Why is he on my mind every minute of every day. He makes me happy, and I am sad. 

David came at 5.45pm, I cooked us dinner, then we went for a drink. He went at 10.30pm. I tried to get him to stay but he wouldn't. He said he would ring tomorrow. 

Davis hasn't rung, I don't know if he wants to go out with me tomorrow. 

David called round for an hour this afternoon, had a chat. I think I am over him now, he is probably not the one for me. 

Now I know David is not for me, thank goodness I am free.

Oh the heartache I went through when I was younger, did you go through it? I fell hook line and sinker, often jumping in with both feet. Things have changed a lot since then. Now that is all behind me, and I am grateful that I don't have to bother with trying to snare a boyfriend any more. It is such a relief, I couldn't cope with all that drama in my life now. That love thing can be very very complicated, and my simple life is going to stay that way. If I knew then what I know now, it would have saved a lot of heartache.

Thanks for popping in, we'll catch up soon.
Toodle pip


  1. I remember being a lot like that when I was a teenager. I cried all night because my boyfriend hadn't called for 3 days. I was such a drama queen. Amazingly he still married me.

  2. Love is a funny thing and maybe it means different things to different people. I have been married for the second time for 25 years and I still can't work it out. The most amazing example of love and devotion that I know is that of my parents ,after 62 years of marriage Dad has recently died after a long and excruciating illness, their last few months together was so close and special it was a privilege to see and be part of it. Love should be unconditional but we are only human and we don't always get it right but at the end of the day it is a personal thing that must be respected and treasured and if we were all lucky to have half of what my parents had the world would be a better place and it is also just as ok to love yourself and your pets as they need love too.

  3. I remember crying for nearly 2 days on a holiday when I was 15, because a boy I liked the look of didn't speak to me. Isn't it strange to look back sometimes! I've been single for over 20 years now, I don't miss the dramas of romantic relationships tbh. I'm in my late 50's now and I love that my hormones have calmed down, I'm happy with who I am and I love the independence of single life. It is peaceful and I have the freedom and at present, the energy, to make the most of it. I feel sorry for some of my friends who are desperate to meet someone but finding that in later life this is often very hard. I think some people are not made to live alone, they just can't cope with it and yearn for intimacy, which is understandable. I was an only child and am definitely a bit solitary by nature! I wish I had some fun teenage dramas to share but mostly I just remember being horribly shy and spending a lot of time mooning over boys who didn't look at me twice lol.

  4. oh I remember those days when I was between 14-18. Then I met DH and that was it. Married 45 years and still happy not just bumbling along because there is nothing else. I feel very blessed

  5. There was a guy in my village called David for whom I had the hots. He was gorgeous .... handsome, sexy and rich. Or so I thought, in my gullible and besotted youth. I tried different ploys to catch this guy but was not successful, nor was I meant to be. Turns out he was/is a pathological liar and a thief who embezzled from his own family who cast him out. Thankfully, about the same time, I met my future husband and have never looked back LOL

  6. I recently heard from a woman we were friendly with on a trip to New Mexico a year and a half ago. She is exactly my age ( we both turned 72 a month ago) and she had never married. She told me she met someone last July, who has a house in the same development where she lives and he is THE one!! Finally. I think that is totally amazing, thrilling and I hope she is right. JanF

  7. There is no way I am going back there. Hilarious yes. Upsetting yes. But now - 37 year wed to a great guy. I called it practising !

  8. I wonder what David's memories would be of you? I cannot recall being besotted in my youth, too much of an introvert for that...

    1. Hi. He probably wouldn't have any memories of me now. I can't remember what he looked like, there were several David's flitting in and out of my life around that time, ha ha.

  9. Oh dear heaven, l'm so relieved that I am not the only one with diaries like that.I'm not sorry to say after reading them I threw them away.That person no longer lives,I can't relate to my younger self.

  10. Thank goodness for menopause. I no longer have any interest in romance. My husband, because of medical reasons, cannot perform so we are content with companionship. If anything would happen to him I would not be interested at all in a relationship I would stay single. I have had plenty of flings, some quite disastrous, I am settled now and so glad those days are over.

    1. Hi. If I found someone now there would be no hanky panky, can't be bothered. A good friend is worth a lot.

  11. I couldn't agree more Ilona re the boyfriend thing-far too much drama now!

  12. I had a childhood sweetheart that I'd known since age 14. We courted & had break ups etc in between years but we married in our early 20's. What a big big mistake that was ...I was so obsessed with him I thought he was the one and only for me. When we split people would tell me how he'd cheated on me....funny how they don't tell you at the time. If I could only have my youth again with the sense in my head I have now I would lead him such a merry dance and then when he was really hooked on tell him to #"&% off big time. That would have felt so good. What happened to him you ask.......last I heard he'd been married & divorced at least four times and had had numerous affairs, leopard don't change it's spots. Love your random posts Ilona always gives me food for thought. Rae x

    1. Aaah, the older we get the wiser we are xxx

  13. me and you both,gave my all but always heartbroken so been single for 6 years now and have no intention on ever changing it!besides,a man is like having a child to look after,no thankyou!

  14. Ha ha, Ilona, your post made me chuckle! I remember some of my friends being boy crazy, one minute he was the greatest thing in the world and then the next he wasn't so great after all :D

  15. I am so familiar with those feelings I tried so many times to find love only to end up alone but if I knew then how nice it is to live alone. I would not have wasted all those years. I enjoy my life being single.I have my Children and my family and I have all the love I need from them.I find pleasure in doing things I like reading crafting art journals and much more and I have my cat that keeps me company.

  16. Been in love, and lust, been chased and chased too; it's a complicated thing to get the right timing. I just wish that the stigma of being single disappears - it has to a certain extent but usually it's the woman who is deemed 'left on the shelf' etc not the man. We're happy and I wish everyone happiness, whatever form it takes and whatever age. Amanda

  17. So funny, oh the days of young love♥ I can remember when we had to cover our books, I would write all over the front and back the name of my current "crush" not that I was ever noticed:( Linda xx


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