Tuesday, 11 September 2018

Great charity shop finds.

Look what I found. Two bags of brightly coloured wool, 20p per bag. A bag of bangles for 50p. I fancy doing a bit of wrapping. Made a start. Don't know what they are going to be, how they will end up, but something will happen. 
 A 50p metal basket. just crying out for some colour. I will wrap wool around this and decorate it.

 A big lump of browny, different shades, bitty, wool for 20p. There must be something I can do with this. It will come in useful, probably, when I get an idea. Maybe some weaving, maybe a wall hanging, who knows.

I dropped lucky, the charity shop was having a crafting sale. Even cheaper than cheap.  ilona


  1. I am so glad you are back. Carol from Australia.

  2. It amazes me that you can look at bits & pieces like these and immediately come up with a creative use for them. Can't wait to see the results.

  3. Glad to see you back again!
    Annie, Sweden

  4. It's good to have you back and hope you are okay. Nice selection of bits from the charity shop and look forward to seeing what you will make with t all.

    Hazel c uk

  5. The basket needs an Ilona makeover. Hurrah for charity shops. :)

  6. Bargain !! Just so as you're not wrapping without the "W" that's fine by me. Looking forward to seeing what your create.

  7. Hi Ilona, Always enjoy your interesting blog. As I live in Scunny I wondered which charity shop that would be? Only recently got into buying from the various charity shops. Your finds are amazing! All the best Joan

  8. Lovely to see you back Ilona.Hope that you are feeling recharged!.Great bargain with your wool finds.Ive found a bag of wool,that Ive had for about 10 years.So this year I am going to see if I can come up with something creative!xx

  9. Hi Ilona. Glad to have you back. I'm working my way through 20 balls of wool. Some squares and some crochet. -your finds are impressive. Looking forward to seeing yournext creations.X

  10. What a great haul of crafty.
    You could collect some more bangles and wrap and join them together with crochet strings to make a door curtain for letting breeze in and keeping insects out.
    The brown yarn could make crochet or knit house socks for the coming cold weather or a small mat with the rag rug method.

    Have fun !

  11. Our local charity shops say they are only allowed to sell wool that is new, complete with band. Luckily one of the members of my craft group is a volunteer there and is able to snaffle the rejects before they hit the bin!

  12. Lovely to see you back Ilona x I have missed your cheery posts! Glad you have had a great break xx


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