Monday, 28 December 2020

I need to look after my health.

Hello. Blogger is being a bit awkward, this video is shunting up and down, so I'll be quick. 
It's another freezing night, there is a hard frost out there. I've done a quick walk. 
Does anyone like stollen cake? I've just eaten a piece. Maybe not good for my health, but it was a treat for Christmas. Aldi do a small one for £1.10, I like the one with marzipan in the centre. 
I'll say tatty byes for now. We'll catch up soon. Toodle pip.   ilona 


  1. That must be your German half coming through!

    1. Yes, German grandma sent them in a parcel.

  2. My Mam buys stollen cake every year,just as I used to.But it never seems to all get eaten because there is only 2 in the family that like it.I am thinking that with your Mam being German you have been used to eating it from when you was a young child.I love your Tatty byes,lol,always reminds me of what Ken Dodd used to say.I am going to watch your video now.Ive been saving it until I go to bed so that I can get warm and comfy with the cats!

    1. The German connection is correct. We used to get parcels arriving from Grandma in Hamburg. There was always stollen cake in there, along with other sweet treats.

    2. I am from Hamburg, I was born there and every year my mum would give us presents from "Grandma in Hamburg". Yeras later I found out that Mum bought the German treats herself in the Continental delis in Adelaide (South Australia) and Grandma had never sent us a single thing.

  3. I have been sorting too. Most pictures are scanned and on flash drives for each child. I did keep a couple photo albums for my children of their special moments. It is a VERY big under taking.

    1. A mammoth task. I can see it taking me several days, until I get fed up of seeing photo's lying around everywhere.

  4. I've had a similar wake every two hours sleep routine for sometime now. I used to got to bed and wake up in the morning, now when I can't fall asleep I sit up and read in bed, until I do. Then I find I sleep better because my mind has been taken away from whatever I was stewing about.
    I think if you are basically healthy, just a telehealth (by phone) checkup now and again is okay, but if something happens, just call 999 and someone will get to you asap. The main reason for the telehealth is so waiting rooms aren't clogged with too many people in these virus times. I use telehealth appointments when one of my prescriptions is about to run out, I talk to the doctor who looks it up on his computer and then faxes the new prescription to my local chemist, so I don't need to go in at all. I will need to attend the surgery in February for the yearly blood test and weight check, so I will schedule that for opening time when there aren't so many people waiting in line.

    1. I don't know of any yearly blood tests here. Maybe those with a condition may get them as part of the monitoring. As far as I know, they are not available for healthy people.

    2. I have high blood pressure, high cholesterol and asthma, I am supposed to be losing 40 pounds to help with that. after the Christmas foods, my daily walking will begin on January 1st.

  5. That was enjoyable sitting and hearing your chat on the video; I can imagine actually being there with you and sipping some coffee. Maisie is a true beauty, isn't she? I am your age and sometimes have those same questions about obtaining health care as I age. I too question authority, I call those obedient acquiescent people "sheeple." Be well.

    1. I can't imagine why people do not question.

  6. I love that Mayze comes to see who you are talking too. My Polly does the same as soon as anyone walks in the door unless it's the grandchildren and then she rushes off to hide.

    1. I even served Mayze's breakfast in bed for her this morning.

  7. I used to by stolen bites but last year they weren't as nice. I must get some next year.

    1. I saw the stollen bites, I thought the were a bit expensive, so I got the cheaper version, a small cake.

  8. Have you thought about having a life line installed. If you are taken ill you press the button and the person will either contact emergency services or your family. They can do a daily check to see that you are ok. Your local council are the people to ask about this service.

    I know that you are independent but you really need to put in place what would happen if you became ill quickly. The though of lying somewhere and being unable to get help for whatever reason terrifies me. How long would it take someone to realise that you had not been seen or heard from and would they think to get some one to check on you?

    Events can happen in a heartbeat as I know from having a relative who kept putting things off and thought that he would have some warning about any impending ill health how wrong he was.

    Your inner voice is telling you to take action
    Kind regards Annie

    1. Thank you for your concerns, and suggestion. The thought of someone checking up on me daily, horrifies me. I am not ready to give up my freedom just yet. My inner voice is saying, stop moaning and get on with it. Best regards. ilona

    2. Hi Ilona, I'm guessing that a 'life line' in the UK is something like the Emergency Response personal alarms we have in Ireland. If so, you would have the option to only contact the service if needed and nobody would be checking up on you every day. It can be a way to help maintain independence rather than curtailing it, but of course totally your choice.

    3. Claire thank you for the clarification. I have a good circle of friends around me.

  9. We’ve learned to believe nothing that we hear and half of what we see😀

  10. Ilona it is important that you continue to question every thing. The worse thing of which I have done in my past is allow others to do the thinking for me, or tell me something of which I have accepted without researching or questioning. The result of this was that I never learnt the Truth. Questioning and researching will eventually lead us to the truth and not what others want us to think or believe. It stops us following their agenda. Hope that 2021 brings you everything you want and need x


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