Friday, 8 April 2022

Garden visitors

 Busy preparing a nest for a new family. I have these feather dusters in my garden. They aren't growing, I erm, borrowed them from a friends garden, with his permission of course. A bit of decoration for my small bushes. They provide the perfect material for nest building. 

Last night I did my duty as a hedgehog mummy and put some food out. I have a desk light on the craft table and if I angle it towards the window it lights up the area close to the house. As I continued my button sewing I kept getting up to have a look to see if there was anything happening. 

A big surprise, not one hog but two. They were having a bit of a tussle. I wondered if they were playing, or if they were fighting for first scoffs at the food. One of them stayed in the shadows of the bush while this one tucked in. 

Ooooh, that was nice, now I will have a drink. That bowl of water is permanently there for any animal that wants a drink. After slurping for a minute or two it wandered off. 
A few minutes later the second one came out from under the bush. Plenty left for number two. 
Why not make the most of it and fill my boots, ha ha. 
I have no idea how to alter the settings on the camera. The pictures might have been better if I did. I left it on auto and let it do it's thing. 
It was 11pm when I went to bed, there was still quite a lot of food left on the plate. This morning I found it licked clean. Probably wandering cats came by and polished it off. 
It's a sunny start to the day, still cold though. A dog walk later. The small button heart is almost finished. I need to go to Home Bargains at some point, must remember to buy hedgehog food. Need to step up the pace on the walking, I have been a bit lazy just lately. 
Thanks for popping in. Have a good weekend. Toodle pip.   ilona


  1. This is wonderful Ilona. I had that one, one evening but it's never been back, who knows where it came from. I would be so excited each night to watch these two, they are such funny little things, the way they sort of scuttle about. Maybe a video?

  2. Thank you,Ilona,for sharing something most of us would never get to see! It was a treat. We love how you care for all animals and go to the trouble of seeing to treats for them even!

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  4. 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 I am so excited to were able to get pictures. And then to find out you have two!!!! How exciting!!!!! Looks they they may continue to show up for the buffet each night. ♥️♥️. After your first sighting hubby and did some reading. Wonderful creatures to have around your garden. They will keep you from going out at night slug hunting. Thank you so so much for sharing!!!

  5. I put out the hair from my cat and dog when I've have been brushing them and the birds soon come along and take it for nesting material. I too started to feed the hedgehogs last year and was nice to see and hear them in the garden, i'll have to start now again.

  6. What are you putting out for them to eat Ilona? Is it the special hedgehog food or cat/dog food? I am hoping we may have some round here, but worried about putting out something that our cat will eat.

  7. I gather from hedgehog rescues that they would prefer us to give meaty (not fishy) varieties of cat food to hedgehog food as the latter is not regulated and not all of it is considered good. This has the advantage of course of being cheaper!
    I must go out at the right time to see if 'ours' are around and haven't been upset by all the anti-nature activities of neighbours.
    Also considering making a feeding station which is supposed to be the strategy to stop cats and dogs from snaffling food meant for the hedgehogs.
    Lovely pictures Ilona and I like the realism of them.


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