Thursday, 30 March 2023

Talking about retirement.

Aye up me ducks. this video has had 1k views in four hours on yoootooob.
A subscriber commented on how the retirement age has been changed, with the result that they have to keep working for a few more years. I make some suggestions about how they might bring that date forward. 
You might have noticed that there are massive protests in France because Macron wants to raise the retirement age there. The people have had enough of him and are making their voices heard. France is burning. Short video here, put the sound on, they are all singing together. 
Catch ya tomorrow. Toodle pip.   ilona


  1. Who are these they you keep banging on about? Someone else asked and you just said “no comment” - pretty dismissive I thought

  2. It must be tiresome getting people on your blog whose only response is to criticize what you've said I think they get a thrill from any of them know there are tons of blogs that might interest them better if they don't like what you say why keep coming back I suppose it too easy to do that that want to argue back .I'm a peacefull person I just feel like they should get a life and stop being difficultxx

    1. Hello Jo. It is pathetic really. They are sad individuals who don't have a life.

    2. I totally agree Jo!!! Ilona I know it gets so annoying to deal with harassing people. This is your space to say whatever you want!! Again these people need to get a life and go live it!!!

    3. The people who come on here just to pick fault, to harass me, and yes it is harassment, have nothing better to do. I have said many times before that this is my house and to stay away. Their hearts must be full of anger. It's very sad. This is a small example of the way the world is going. Anger is spreading like a cancer.

  3. Regarding the "they" that Ilona refers to, it is clear that they are whatever entities that will be paying one's eventual pension, either private or public. In the US, workers can expect to be eligible to receive full social security benefits at age 67. One can choose to received these benefits early, at a reduced amount, at age 62. Additionally, many people will have a pension plan related to the specific private or government jobs that they've held for many years. A friend of mine works for a state government. She must put in 20 years, before becoming eligible for a full pension to be paid beginning at age 60. She could, of course, retire once she hits that 20-year mark, say at age 53, but she would have to have the savings to support herself for a number of years before she turns 60. However, not everyone works in jobs that pay any pension, at all. Still, no one is forcing anyone to keep working. It's a matter of planning ahead by saving money during your earning years and reducing expenses. Every choice that you make once you leave high school will affect the situation you face when you're ready to retire.

    1. You explain it well. As time goes on it's becoming easier to join the dots. The money to pay pensions and benefits has to come from somewhere. Young people have to work to pay taxes, to pay the pensions to the oldies. I thought that the taxes I paid would be going into my state pension pot. Not so. My taxes went to pensioners of the previous generation.

      Now we are in the situation that the economy is completely broken, because it has been deliberately trashed. Years of mismanagement by greedy bankers, aided and abetted by greedy politicians, has rendered the UK bankrupt. They say they want young people to get a job, yet they were happy to pay them not to work. They want people to come out of retirement when a lot of them did physically demanding jobs which their older body could not cope with. I could not go back to lorry driving.

      So they bring in a lot of people from other parts of the world which will be costing billions. Maybe houses will be built for these people to live in, which would give jobs to those building them.

      When the world goes bust then we become slaves and we will gleefully accept our allowances put into our digital wallet.

    2. 100% barking mad - to think that the economy was deliberately trashed is completely twisted thinking. That is what happens when you rely on “alternative media” - aka people without any qualifications in an area thinking they are experts. For example believing anything from someone who once believed we are ruled by a sinister elite called the Illuminati whose bodies are inhabited by shape-shifting reptiles.

  4. Wonderful video!!!! My plan is to retire at 55. Approximately 1 year and 6 months!!!!! Hubby is retired. We are debt free, money in savings and we continue to save to make sure we have our bases covered. I also cut my hours to part time last year….looking forward to being my own boss lol Thanks for all the advice mother!!! 😊😊♥️

    1. Your plan sounds good, Tammy. Your rewards will come. I have never had much money throughout my whole life. 45 years of work to pay for three houses. Never in debt. Paid off the mortgage early. Now a good position. The final steps will be how to pass it all on.

    2. Ilona a mortgage is debt!

  5. We do have a life.
    We’re not scared of what’s going on.
    We’re not yearning for the past .
    We’re not condescending towards others who use technology.
    But right wing conspiracy theories need to be called out and commented upon.
    Look what happened in America when right wing conspiracists tried to storm the White House.
    Illona you reckon you don’t understand the meaning of right wing/ left wing politics
    but your posts are full of right wing conspiracy theories .

    1. Anonymous, the left wing doesn’t conspire 🀦🏼‍♀️?? These are left wing blogs you could read and you wouldn’t have to argue or be mean, they may make YOU happy. Please go find one to enjoy..or start your own. Have a wonderful day!!
      Thank you Ilona for all your information on all sorts of wonderful subjects. I appreciate you letting me in your blog (house).
      Tammy from the πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ USA

    2. Sorry but the comment that the left wing conspire is irrelevant. Anon was commenting on Ilona’s theories:
      - the COVID vaccine is dangerous and experimental
      - millions of people have been damaged by the vaccine
      - using a debit card is dangerous because they can track you
      - 15 minute cities is a way for them to control you
      - big pharma and big tech are out to turn us all into slaves
      - the big reset (whatever that is)
      - all politicians, all over the world, from all parties are taking their orders from the WEF
      - David Icke is a very smart guy

      Oh it just gets ridiculous!

    3. Too many Anons. How can you have a conversation when people hide themselves.

    4. I am not anonymous but you did not respond…oh I know “No comment”

  6. You are very naive. Many people through no fault of their own can’t retire until they reach the pension age.
    Even though they have put in massive efforts and worked throughout their life. You are a single person and only have to worry about yourself, but many others have close family and extended families to support.
    Get off your high horse and show some compassion.

    1. Hey Anonymous please get on your horse and ride on out of this blog.

    2. I'll probably get a lot of blowback here, but having children has always been a choice for women, not a certainty. You create your own reality through the choices you make during your life. Take responsibility.

    3. Having children is a choice. If someone can't afford to retire because they've had children, then that's a choice they've made.

  7. Watch Glenn Beck, and listen carefully. He know what's going on.

  8. Everyone’s situation is different. You could be caring for a mother with dementia, a disabled son etc You cannot please yourself! If you are on a very small income, but not eligible for benefits, you can’t reduce your hours. If you don’t have, or have a small occupational or private pension it will be very reduced if you take it early. Sometimes, life gets in the way, an accident, divorce, etc which affects your income. It’s easy to say make your own decisions, no one is forcing you to work, but some external factors make if very difficult to do what you want! Mazza

    1. The outcomes, and the burdens placed on family members, of many of these situations differ dramatically, depending on the nation in which you live. In some countries, all residents are heavily taxed, with the assurance that they will receive social and medical support, from cradle to grave. Some countries have nationalized their natural resources, with all citizens reaping the benefits. That helps to offset high tax burdens. All I can say is that people need to examine their owns lives, determine what they need and vote for political representation that will advance their goals and desires. Mired, as we are now, in a culture war is self-defeating.

  9. Oh, my! A worthy conversation about planning for the future has been hijacked by partisan politics. We'll never make any progress, at this rate. We need to find common ground--a point or two on which to agree. Something like the acknowledgment that the powerful and greedy will operate only to increase their influence and wealth. I think we can all agree on that. How it will all shake out in the end, I can not say, but recognizing power and greed is essential, everywhere and all the time. How to fight back against these forces is a topic for another post, but as Ilona points out, you can take measures to do so. You don't have to go along with the way all of this is constructed and intertwined.

  10. You aren't a financial expert. And as for your weird conspiracy theories.. NO COMMENT lol

    1. Ilona's 'no comment' thing is probably her trying to look clever but it just suggests she can't think of any way to debate someone or explain anything. It's easier that actually having to provide facts of evidence after all. Plus it makes her look a bit silly!

    2. To be fair Ms M I don’t think it makes her look a bit silly. I think it just makes it obvious that she is not prepared to debate with those who haven’t seen the light

    3. Nope, replace 'not prepared' to 'not able'.

    4. Wouldn't surprise me if Ilona's writing supportive comments underneath using other names/anon..

  11. It's looking like we are all in for a rough ride. Peter St Onge explains what happens when a central bank goes bankrupt.

    He also talks about what happens in the first stages of dollar collapse.

    1. He also has this fab video

    2. Thank you Anon. I have just watched that. Peter is very clever and is very clear with his answers.

  12. I would like to ask why you link to Twitter posts and blogs of residents of America?
    That applies to covid, the great reset, banking, anything really.
    We live in the UK, things arent the same.
    Why are the opinions of people on the internet with a dr prefix "right", especially when their doctorate is in a totally different area of expertise.
    I genuinely would like to know if there is a big conspiracy going on, why is Russia doing what's it is in the Ukraine region? How is North Korea doing what it is? What's going on with the Taliban?
    Why was it such a loss yesterday when Paul O'Grady died, a person who championed Humanity and acceptance but a few months back cross dressers were called out.

    I know it's your blog, you say it's your diary, but diaries tend to be private.
    The fact you open your diary to the world invites comments from others.

    You say you want to educate people, perhaps that's all they are trying to do for you. Help correct your misunderstanding.

  13. Are these "anon" people for real? Why do they have to respond at all? Can't people read and move on if they disagree? What compels people to be so nasty. I'm horrified at the scope of vitriol and rudeness. If we can't be civil with each other even tho' we disagree then civilization is doomed. Grow up people and change your behaviour.
    Margaret in Canada

    1. Hello Margaret. Sadly there are people out there who are not able to process information from different sources. They respond because they need to reaffirm what they believe to be true. By ridiculing someone who thinks differently is a point scoring exercise. The Government has played with people's emotions for three years now. We have all been bullied to a certain extent. Some are able to cope with it better than others.

  14. Well done to all those who commented.
    The last paragraph from the person called Gill says it all perfectly.I’m not going to make any more comments from now on because it’s pointless debating with someone whose views are so entrenched with extreme right wing agenda.

    1. Gill is banned here, I told her so many times, yet she still keeps coming back. This is my blog, it's not a forum. If people have a different opinion to me, they are not welcome here.

    2. If she is banned, why let her post?

    3. Ilona, you are confusing me with someone else. You have never told me I was banned. I did tell you I was banning myself as you were rude by saying I was talking out of my arse. I have never been rude to you. I love some of your posts. I think you have done some fabulous things. However I dont agree with some of your misguided opinions. I'm not a fan of your MP, but he had a few valid points.

    4. If people have a different opinion to me they are not welcome here - that really does say it all.

    5. That's exactly right, Anon.

    6. Gill, you are still banned.

    7. Anonymous, I decided this morning that I was going to publish every comment that came in today, and I would reply 'no comment' to all those that I didn't want. Now you can see what happens if you let everybody in.

  15. Well done Iona, if these naive idiots can't join the dots, don't waste your time trying to explain. At the end of the day, everyone is entitled to believe what they want. Life is too short to debate with people. Let us enjoy some of the freedoms we still have.

    1. Thank you. I would normally deleted all these comments, but this time I have published them. I reply 'no comment' because I have no wish to engage with them.

    2. Joining the dots! That is very funny.

  16. You do good work, don't let other people's opinion stop you from voicing your opinion. There is many on the same page.

    1. Thank you. I know a lot of people appreciate the work I am doing here.

    2. How can we have a conversation if you don’t post your name?

    3. I decide which comments to accept.

  17. That's me done for the night. Open house today, thanks for your company. I'll be back to normal tomorrow, only accepting the comments which I approve of, the rest needn't bother. Goodnight.

  18. Ilona , I feel for you that you have so many people coming here to bash you ! Why don’t they just move on to someone they DO agree with ?? Those of us that understand and “connect the dots” are totally with you . Keep being you !

    1. Thank you Laura. Common sense rules eh!

  19. Love your blogg Ilona chin up and keep going we need your fun and good sense learnt much about England from your travels have a nice drink mother best wishes Marie Horsham Australia

    1. Hello Marie. I hold my head up high, and I will not hide away. Thank you for your comment.

  20. Sorry to be late to the party but I missed this yesterday as I went out for the day.
    I agree that people can retire early or reduce their hours when they choose to if they start planning early and are prepared to trim their budget. The government gave plenty of notice when the retirement age for women was first increased from 60 to 65. The fact is some women were asleep, failed to notice and didn’t plan accordingly. Everyone has choices although for some these might be more limited. I worked for years in the backstabbing, bitchy and bullying profession of nursing. I could have left but at the time allowed myself to be persuaded by others. Instead I cut my hours to the minimum I could manage on and left with a small pension when I was 60. I lived frugally and unlike many colleagues didn’t have the fancy house, flash car and extravagant holidays. Most of the people I worked with of the same age are still slogging away in the NHS to maintain their lifestyle. I work two days a week in a completely different job which I enjoy. I work on my own and can plan my day. I’m happy in the knowledge I can pack the job in any time I want to.
    For people who say it was easy for Ilona because she’s single please go and take a hike. I spent a lot of my life as a single person and having responsibility for absolutely everything was no picnic. I used to get stung by having to pay higher car insurance than married couples and of course didn’t get the tax breaks couples used to enjoy. Don’t even get me started on single room supplements.
    I think things are tough for young people today but no one is forced to buy a house or pay an exorbitant rent. There are plenty of alternative lifestyles out there if people simply have the imagination to look.

    1. I was a nurse too and you are so right - it was awful ( the staff not the patients. Glad you have a job you like now .

    2. Thank you boatgal. Let me know when you are at the boat and I will come for a chinwag.

  21. Crikey! Some very rude people are going to get a bloody big shock lol, you have a fabulous life and I thank you for choosing to share it, and I get everything you’re saying.
    If you want to retire earlier than the government want to start paying you, then you need to cut your cloth accordingly and make sacrifices, but it’s easier to whine that it’s not fair, for some people.
    I also get that Paul O’Grady was a loss to many, his alter ego Lily Savage was a comedy drag act nothing more, a bloke in a frock as Paul himself said many times, but not once did he refer to himself as ‘they/them’ He was a man, a good kind man.
    As for economic collapse, the great reset, 15 minute cities, digital Id and currency, watch this space and remember Ilona and the nastiness all you ‘anonymous’ commenters levelled at her,
    God bless you Ilona, you carry on and delete the negative naysayers, you are worth more x

    1. Thank you Jan. You and me will watch together, so we can be ahead of the game, and make our own plans.

  22. I agree with everything you day ilona, some people run themselves to the ground to have all the latest gear. I have learned that they don't really enhance your life. In my younger days, I would take on debt for a new three piece suite . Never would again. I would rather have £100 in my bag worth nothing, than a bag worth £100 with no money in my purse. Simple living makes me happy and helps me to appreciate what I have.

    1. I have been skint for many years, working hard to pay for three houses. Now I am not skint because I knew the difference between a need and a want. Now I can relax and work out how to wind down my bank balance to zero. Then I will be happy that I have done the job right.

  23. I think Neil Oliver on GB news gives good insight into the corruption of the government and what's happening. I don't know why it's not covered by mainstream media. He must also have to cope with a lot of backlash.

    1. Everyone has feelings, even Neil Oliver must despair at times. He is a good man, he is on the right side.

  24. Neil Oliver was talking about digital currency and how a friend of his recently went to withdraw money from his own bank account. He was asked a barage of questions about what the money was for? This also happened to my Dad. This is scary that we have no privacy and have to justify spending our own hard earned cash.

    1. The questions are there because unscrupulous people target elderly people and overcharge for simple jobs, sch as £3,000 for replacing a bit of guttering. Insisting on being paid in cash. Age concern actually asked the banks to look out for potential victims.

    2. Banks hold billions and trillions of other people's money, and should be keeping it safe. The real story is that banks have no money at all, and they need to stop people from emptying their accounts. It's unfortunate that some people are easily scammed and are robbed by crooks and criminals. Families of older relatives should be vigilant about what their elderly relatives are getting up to, so they can help them.

      The banks are criminals as much as the scammers are. They print money that is worthless. They move vast amounts of money around, lending and borrowing, just to keep afloat. One day the boat will sink.

  25. It's scary that many don't see the corruption, we don't even know the half of it. Terrifying for the Dutch farmers as well. If we move to digital currency and digital id, we will have even less control and privacy. All the mass amount of trees being felled for this and technology, yet their suppose to be concerned about the environment and global warming. All liars and hypocrites.


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