Tuesday, 17 December 2024

Standing up to AI

This video is a year old. I am reposting it to show how AI, Artificial Intelligence, is attempting to take over every word we say, and every thought we have. The powers that be are crawling all over the internet, and adding their own spin on even the most innocent of yoootooob videos. I get notifications by email when new comments appear, even on older videos. This prompts me to check all the comments so I can make adjustments when necessary. Delete and block those which I feel have no value and are posted to cause disruption. If you only watch them here on the blog you will not see what goes on behind the scenes.   
Here I am speaking about my own life and how it may have affected my decision to not marry and remain single. Innocent enough, but now I find that yoootooob have added an AI generated summary. This is what it says. . . . . 
AI-generated video summary.


  1. I presume that 'they' and 'this person' labels are used so that they do not 'misgender' anyone, as we know how everyone seems to get their knickers in a serious twist about that these days, but is disturbing that you can't edit the summary, since it is YOUR content that the summary applies to. As for kids walking around glued to their phones, I have been heartened lately by an increasing number of schools banning smartphones, however the sad truth is that they should have been banned in schools a long time ago. Can you imagine the reaction from your teachers if you had pulled out a book in the classroom and proceeded to read it, completely ignoring the lesson? I know what the reaction would have been in my school!

  2. This is a fun video and stroll with you, and I like your outlook on being single. Several people close to me have chosen that path. My beloved husband of 45 years died so now I am essentially single too. I like living on my own today. It is annoying they refer to you as "they." When people have incorrect beliefs about their gender they misgender themselves and I will not support them in their delusion. Ha! They are the ones misgendering, not me. Gee, the wind turbines need wind to work, yep, that means they are not dependable.

    1. Enjoy your single life. It's great.

  3. I've said for ages that transhumanism is where this is all headed. To merge man and machine, and create a matrix within a matrix, to keep us here permanently. First you get people addicted to smartphone, then it moves on to wearables like smartwatches. How long until it becomes implantables? Scanning your hand to pay in the supermarket. In the hand, or in the forehead. Where have we heard that one before? It's coming. Maybe not in our lifetime, but it will come.

    1. I find the whole concept interesting, but very dangerous at the same time. Allowing a few people free range to manipulate, cajole, and govern the whole of the planet will eventually lead to the destruction of life as we know it.

  4. I was reading recently about AI in universities - apparently we now have the ridiculous situation where the student uses something like ChatGPT to write their essays, and the tutor uses an AI tool to grade them. Net consequence - student learns nothing but still gets the grades!

    1. Will, I am constantly seeing adverts for AI solutions in all types of situations. The WEF are pushing them out. No need to actually learn anything for yourself, push a few buttons and the problem is sorted. Human brains are on the road to becoming extinct. Look at how people blame predictive text on their inability to spell correctly.

    2. Personally I have never heard anyone blaming predictive text for their inability to spell, just complaining that it has changed something. Sometimes, predictive text and auto-correction may change the word they intended to use and spelt correctly without them noticing. They can be useful as well as annoying functions, but they can be turned off. User choice.

    3. Will, you might be interested in this video, just out, by Rob Braxman.
      He warns against which types of iphones to avoid.
      Your AI Companion, Apple Intelligence on iPhone 16's and Microsoft Copilot on Copilot PC's will now be your personal PsyOp and Surveillance bot. It's finally coming. As predicted, the true colors of Big Tech plans are revealed. The time to move is now. Switch OS's before it is too late.

  5. I guess I am the outside here. I like my smart phone. I like the fact that I can look up what I want when I am on the move. I wear a smart watch. Yesterday I went to Tescos. I scanned my club card, which is loaded on my watch, to release a scanner. I scanned my groceries as I packed them into bags. Then finished my shopping at the check out, paid using my watch and took my groceries to the car. All nice and efficient.

    1. Your choice Polly. But when it all goes tits up just remember that you were part of the problem. Handing over all your personal finances to electronic gadgets leaves you wide open to scammers, crooks, and thieves. Wait till the whole Central Bank Digital Currency comes crashing down, and your account is blocked.


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