Tuesday, 18 February 2025

A mans best friend.

 Good morning. In 2009 I wrote this blog post about a man and his horse. I came across him one day while out on a walk. I asked what is it's name. I am no good remembering names so have long forgotten it, I also don't know the man's name. He lives here in the village and I see him about sometimes. I always ask about his horse. 

He tends to walk to the shop in the morning to buy a newspaper. The man, not the horse. He used to stable it in a paddock on the edge of the village, then he moved it to a farm about two miles away. I sometimes walk that way and used to see him drive to and from the farm. He once stopped to ask if I wanted a lift. When I explained that I was walking for exercise he didn't stop again, just gave me a toot and a cheery wave as he went by. 

I saw the man yesterday as I walked to Crafty Club. He had been to the shop for his paper. I asked how his horse was. He struggled to answer. I could see he was holding back the tears. Slowly he explained to me what happened. Horse died in October last year. It was ill with a couple of problems. I know very little about equine ailments so I listened to his story. One ailment was treatable and it was on medication. Then it had another illness. The vet tried to treat it but it was not successful. The horse died during the night, so at least the man was spared the trauma of it being humanely dispatched. 
I asked the age of the horse. It was just coming up to it's 30th birthday. He bought it as an ex racehorse when it was four hears old. It didn't want to run races so it was no good to it's previous owners. I would say that horse couldn't have had a better retirement. What a beautiful animal he was. 
A sunny start to the day. I did a village walk yesterday afternoon but it was so cold I cut it short. 
Thanks for popping in. Toodle pip.   ilona


  1. Horses are beautiful and noble creatures. It's lovely that this one had such a decend and loving owner.
    It's always so sad to say goodbye to a friend, but at least the horse had a long and good life.
    Liebe Grüße Barbara

    1. He adored the horse, and loved riding it and taking it for walks.

  2. Oh I remember reading that post. So so sorry for his loss. I am sure the horse lived its best life with his care. ❤️
    We have had huge amounts of rain this past weekend. So many have lost everything in flooding. And now this week 4” to 8” of snow.
    Take care and stay warm. 😊

    1. The extremes of weather happening in different parts of the world does not seem right to me. Still cold here, but hoping it warms up a bit.

  3. At least he had a great owner.ilona" .horse's are special and guve Joy to many people πŸ’™πŸ‘..Rip lovely boy🐎 🐴 .. if you like Horse's than visit Appleby Horse fair in June.. it's Great.. once in a lifetime ✨️..

    Have a great day

    Lotsa love Levi xx 😘 ♥️

    1. I do like horses. I like to see them at agricultural shows when they are all dressed up and pulling a carriage. I don't want to see them having to trot - canter for miles along the busy A66, a main trunk road, on their way to and from Appleby. They say they care for their horses but one year a horse drowned when they forced it into the river. I wish they would stop that ritual.

  4. That was a very kind conversation you had with him. I wonder if he'd like a print of your photograph.

    1. I will ask him when I next see him.

  5. Well, he gave that horse a lovely life with him. Sounds like it might have had colic (tummy ache) in the night. That can cause a twisted gut which is fatal.

    1. Your assumptions are correct. I didn't put all the details in the post because as I said, I don't know anything about horse ailments. Now you say that, and from what he told me about the treatment, the vet tried to save it by filling it's stomach with warm water. It did have colic.

      I saw him this morning. I went to take some money out at the Post Office which is in the church. They also serve coffee and cake. He asked me if I went in there. I know he goes in sometimes, so I hoped he was there this morning so we could carry on the conversation. He didn't come and as I was walking away he came by in his car and stopped for a minute. He said he had been to the dentist and had to miss the coffee and cake. I will catch up with him another time.

    2. It is often something old horses die from, sadly. He had a wonderful partnership with his (beautiful) horse, that much is obvious. Now broken-hearted to have lost him.

  6. Thank you for nice story and describtion, very nice, and sad,but beautiful friend of human - horse, greetings

  7. Patty McDonald So. Calif.18 February 2025 at 21:56

    So good to see the man and his horse. My girlfriend bought her horse off the race track. Same thing...he wasn't a runner. She named him Son. Short for Son of a @$%*&. We enjoyed many years together riding our horses. I always say I've had 2 love affairs during my marriage. Both were with my horses. A beautiful little quarter horse mare and a HUGE quarter horse gelding. It was easy for me to fall in love with these beautiful, submissive, and highly trained animals. I miss them but I'm so pleased to have had the privilege of owning them.

  8. What beautiful pictures of the man and his horse, and I agree with your other friends, that horse had a good life, he was loved and well taken care of. If you could get those pictures printed up and give them to that man, how nice that would be. I love visiting here:)


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