Sunday, 16 February 2025

Breakfast club

What was it that Tammy said? 
The ducks are telling their family and friends where the buffet is located.
They most certainly are, Tammy. 
On time as usual. They landed in next doors garden at 8am. 
Nothing much happening here, lads and lassies. Let's go next door. Now where is that hole in the hedge. 
Cue me rushing out with a bag of seed and scattering it on the grass. Then I watch through the window and see them playing follow the leader, the serfs waddling behind. They appear on my side. Seems that we have a foreigner in the camp. 
Their behaviour pretty much mirror humans. If you can't find what you want close to home, you go and look elsewhere. Life is often better on the other side of the fence. 
I think there is a hierarchy among ducks. Two of them were fighting. The male had the female by the throat and wouldn't let go. A sharp bang on the window interrupted their shenanigans and he let go. 
As for the rest of the day. I've watched a Dan and Steve Come along Dear video. There will be a gap now while they get on with their work. I've just scoffed a fantastic lunch. My fave, avocado on brown seeded bread, an egg, and grated cheese. Now I need a coffee. If I stop faffing about I should get a couple of hours walk to the park.
Thanks for popping in. I hope your Sunday is good. Toodle pip.   ilona 


  1. There is an odd duck šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ oh wow breakfast and show. Iā€™m sure they appreciate the food. And I know they have to be fun to watch.

  2. A lovely photograph of the ducks. Careful though Ilona, you will have DEFRA after you, 3 months in prison and Ā£2,000 fine for having unregistered poultry in your garden. That was why the violent criminals were being let out, to make room for the little old lady with her pet hen. The compulsory UK domestic poultry register is going to prevent bird flu!


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