Sunday, 20 June 2010

Fun loving Henry

I have a friend staying with me this week, and today we went to the Appleby Fair. No, not the famous fair held in Cumbria, but a small village fete about five miles away. It's a popular event, and I thought Henry might like to meet a few other doggy friends. His tail never stopped wagging. Mind you, I had to hold onto his lead with both hands, he is such a strong lad. At one stage I put the halti on him, he doesn't like it at all but at least he doesn't pull so much.

He seemed to be sulking because I hadn't taken him near any water, he loves to swim. Trouble is he gets filthy and smelly, not nice. Anyway, I thought I would take him where he could swim, so we stopped off here on the way home.

He went absolutely bonkers, dashing about, it was great to see him enjoying himself.
Even though he did run through the mud.

He needed a wash down in the garden before I let him into the house, look at him now, the poor lad is knackered. And guess what, we have got to do it all again tomorrow. Three walks a day and lots of playing in the back garden, I will be knackered by the end of the week. He is lovely though ;o)


  1. OOOO he's gorgeous !!
    Twiggy x

  2. Iilona,

    I am just back from a night out with another one of your boys...............Paul McCartney. He was playing here in Glasgow and I got a free ticket as a gift from my Uncle. It was a great night, I enjoyed it, but I did think of you cause of your post the other day. I sent your love to Paul. x

  3. It's a dog's life, isn't it?

  4. Thank you samfan, I am so jealous :o(
    Just back from a morning walk, almost two hours, and one wet dog, ha ha.


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