Thursday, 10 February 2011

A few charity shop bits

Thank you for your kind comments on the latest bag, I thought you might like it. I went on the bus to town and delivered it this morning, they all liked it at the Arts Centre as well. Here it is in the display case, centre position with the first one I made.

Took a few snaps of some of the others. This is quite nice, the motif has been ironed on, not sure if it was designed and made by the artist.

This design is simple but attractive. The motif is hand stitched on.

This one looks like it has a soft leather centre, with gold sequins round the outside. The whole bag is covered, you can't see anything of the canvas bag. Very sophisticated.

I had a long chat with the ladies who work there, and they said I should make some more bags, of my own design, and they would sell them for me. That sounds like a good idea to me, as long as I can make each one different and I don't have to churn out loads of bags all the same.
While I was in the town, I had a bimble around the charity shops. Mostly I don't find very much, but today I got a few bargains. All usefull stuff.
I like bum bags, having my valuables fastened around my waist to leave my hands free. I have got a small one and some bigger ones, but this one is an in between size, just the job, and it only cost 50p, and looks like new, still had the original tag on it. I have taken the label off the front, it looks better without it.
Next, a pair of sensible shoes for £2.50. In fact all my shoes are sensible shoes, I refuse to wear any that cripple my feet. These look nearly new, a lucky find. I prefer to get second hand shoes because someone else has gone through the pain of breaking them in, ha ha.

This little purse caught my eye, it was in the 50p box.

I opened it up to find another little purse inside. I like small purses because I don't carry much, a bit of cash, two cards, and my bus pass. It's got a piece of black elastic in one side, stitched at intervals. I am going to take it out and put a new piece in to hold the credit cards in place. The coins will go in the middle bit and the notes in the zip up pocket on the other side. I could probably get my phone in it as well. Very handy.

I also found a black, cotton, king size bed sheet for £1. I will get quite a few bag linings out of that. I couldn't resist a small porcelain picture frame with a cat on the front of it, I thought of Sue, she will love it, don't tell her it only cost £1 though. I must try and get to see her soon, we haven't had a natter for ages.
I walked the 5.5 miles back home as I managed to stuff my goodies in my rucksack. Toodle pip.


  1. What charity shops have you been to and found a decent pair of shoes for £2.50? Our charity shops round here don`t even have items that cheap. You have done very well.

  2. Your bags look really good in the display case. The 'bags don't grow on trees' one is so colourful; I love it (and your red one of course). I see someone else has got two bags the same - it would have been more interesting if they'd kept your other one there until the end of the exhibition. Well done with getting a commision to make some more to sell.

  3. The bags look fabulous displayed like that - hope you can make some more dosh by making more!
    Great day at the charity shops, real good bargains :o)

  4. I think that purse looks like it has elastic for lipstick as well

  5. Very good buys. I'm busy decluttering and trying to free up some closet space. Then i got to thinking, I can take apart the duvet I made years ago and use at least one of the sheets as a quilt backing and another sheet for a similar purpose. I might even repurpose a bought quilt as batting for a "new" quilt. I will just have to see. Since I'm new to making quilts, I'm not sure I'll make another one that quick. I want to have some free closet space and fill my time with gardening, reading, crochet in the next few months. Looks like you have made yourself a market there for your bags and that is a great thing! Some found money :-)

  6. In our charity shop you can get shoes for £1 and boots for £2. The other week I bought a pair of Ecco shoes for £1.

  7. I would put the credit cards in the zip part and the phone under the elastic.
    I love charity shops. Got some great things from them. Great deal on the shoes.

  8. Love the Bag's!!and your great Frugal find's at the charity shop!!i just love going around and having a look in them,the other day i went looking for a Wok,found one and they gave it to me for nothing,because the handle was a little loose,apart from that it was like brand new,i was very happy!!

  9. i love a good bargain, think i will take a walk to my local charity chop today :)

  10. I met a young lady on the train yesterday, who I used to work with at NW AutoTrader, she is doing a degree course in embroidery at Manchester Metropolitan University. I told her about your bags Ilona. She made a dress out of plastic bags for a college project once.

    Where do you buy the hole punches from as I want one for another project I was thinking of? An arts & crafts shop? Or Wilkinsons?

  11. Hi Anne Marie. You can get a hole punch from a stationary shop. They are used for punching two holes in a sheet of A4 paper to go in ring binders. You can punch a single hole with them as well. Should be able to pick one up at a discount store for a pound ot two.

    Dead right lizzie, cards are best kept zipped up.

    Hi Joyful, I am thinking twice now about giving away clothes I no longer need. They might come in handy for a craft project. There is no need to buy any fabric when you have a wardrobe full of it, ha ha.

  12. I think your bags are rather more ceative than the other ones in the display... they are well executed but they aren't really making the same statement that yours do, and yours are much more 'recycled'. And if you can make a little money from them too that would be great! Well done you!


Was closed, then it was open, now it is closed again. Oooops, open again, but it might close soon. Yes, closed for now. Open again. Sorry closed again. Now it is open.