Saturday, 19 March 2011

Day three. Over the hills to Kentmere

Oh What a Beautiful Morning, I sing that song when I wake up to sunshine. It's sunny today just as it was on Wednesday, are you ready for the next installment of the virtual tour.

As I can see the hilltops on this sunny morning I think I will make my way over to Kentmere. Out of the hostel and turn left up the road towards Troutbeck. Here I am approaching Townend, lovely isn't it, oh the joys of being alive. Just imagine, ambling along with not a care in the world, the day is my own, let's have a nosey around and see what I can find.

There is a National Trust house here, also named Townend, with links to Beatrix Potter, but I must have had a lapse of concentration in my relaxed state, and I missed it. Not to worry, I might have been too early for the opening times, and I don't pay to go inside these places.

However, it was free to look at the outside of this interesting building. It looks a bit like a house and livestock shed all in one. There's a ramp leading up to barn doors, possibly for herding the sheep into the upper part of the building, with rooms down below and at each end. A man told me it was built in 1666.

The Post Office is a beautifully preserved building.

Strolling along the long narrow road through Troutbeck I came across this chappie going about his daily business. You don't see many coalmen any more.

There are three drinking troughs built into the walls along the way, with running water from the spout. They are named after saints, and were provided for the horses which made the long journey to Patterdale.

I took a peek over a garden wall, what a beautiful view they have.

I left the road and dropped down on the right onto the main A592, and came across Jesus Church. It was built in 1736 on the site of an old chapel. A lovely place to spend a few quiet moments inside, and sit outside on a bench for a bite to eat. There is more information on Troutbeck here......
Just after the church I turned off from the road to head up into the hills, and took the Garburn Road, a wide track. This is the view across the valley, you can see Troutbeck spread out along the road on the other side. Below is a caravan park with wooden type log cabins.

Still climbing, there is a lot of loose rocks which look like they are about to slide down the steep slope.

The views are getting better, a few clouds have come over but it's still dry.

Garburn Pass into Kentmere is very eroded, steep gullies with lots of loose rocks and stones to pick your way over. A lot of looking down at your feet. Here we go, on the way down, this bit isn't too bad, looks like they have filled some of it in.

A little bimble around Kentmere, it is very small only a few farms, houses, and a church, then set off back through the wood and down the side of Kentmere Tarn.

Anyone fancy this old tractor for a restoration project?

I thought this was a jolly sign as the path went through the middle of the factory buildings.

Who's a handsome boy then, come on give me a smile for the camera, ha ha.

I took the track over Hugill Fell to head back through farmland, and joined the road at Broadgate Farm to Longmire and across the two wooden footbridges to the hostel. This was my longest days walk at 14.42 miles.


  1. Lovely photos Ilona, I'd love to escape there! I know someone who would LOVE to restore that Fordson, my M-i-L's partner, who has a few vintage tractors and ploughs in ploughing matches too.

    What a beauty that beast is!

    I woke up to rain this morning, it was beautiful yesterday but not the sun is just beginning to come out.

  2. Great views, dear Ilona, how you must have enjoyed the walk. I've never been to that part of the country (shock, horror!), I must say it really looks beautiful when it's not raining.
    As for the coalman, we still have them - they deliver peat, too, and many crofters hereabouts still regularly cut the peats for fuel.
    Dead tractors? 3 of those next door and about another dozen in the village!
    Highland cattle? Naturally. We have 2 closed herds in this village alone, so those beasties are a familiar sight (and sound). The ones next door will be calving very soon - and fetching a good price at auction too. Boy, do they taste good, though.

  3. *contented sigh* such lovely pics!

  4. Lovely pics - glad you enjoyed your bimble x

  5. Bliss, how wonderful. Just catching up on your trip. I love your trips away, although we miss you, I know on your return we will have a terrific report with fantastic photos. I always feel as though I have been hitching a ride in your bag:) Linda xxx

  6. Hugely enjoyed this one! Funny thing, I just came across a few watering troughs in Serbia this past week while on a walkabout through a great little village. Oh, and the hairy cow, Love it!


Was closed, then it was open, now it is closed again. Oooops, open again, but it might close soon. Yes, closed for now. Open again.