Friday, 25 March 2011

Mad as a bag of frogs

I have finished another bag and taken it into the Arts Centre, that's ten of my bags they have in there now. This one is of the same style as the blue one, I haven't forgotten that someone wants a tutorial, I am working on it. The colours in the photo are pretty much the same as they are in real life, the fabric is a lovely aquamarine green, and quite thick and non crease. It has a layer between the bag and the lining.

The flowers are cut out of tea shirts, sewn together inside out leaving an opening in one of the petals, then turned the right way and finished off with very small hand stitches. Red beads for the centres.

I put two rows of stitching along the top edge to make the handles more secure.

I think I may have solved the cat food pouch problem. The pouches are too thick, that's why the bags are so difficult to make. I think I can take the back off them without damaging the whole pouch. Should make it easier to get it under the foot of the machine. I'll give it a whirl when I get back next week.
I picked Henry choc lab up this afternoon to bring back here. My friend Helen has a pond and it has loads of frogs in it, doing what frogs do at this time of the year. There are great lumps of frog spawn along the edge. It will be interesting to watch their progress. If they all hatch out into tadpoles then frogs, there will be hundreds of them.

I'm sat here with a glass of wine, a gift from Helen, winding down after the hard week I've had ;o) Isn't it lovely now it's spring. I'm so pleased that I am lucky enough to live in a village. I have the perfect life, I never want it to end. Cheers


  1. Cheers! would like to join you in a glass of wine as it's a Friday but I'm restricted to my lenten cuppas!x

  2. Lovely bag, which reminds me that I have making new shopping bags on my to do list. I'm recovering from hand surgery so this will have to wait. I plan on using repurposed cloth, salvaged straps from some expired baby play yards(good, strong webbing!)in this project.

  3. Cheers and do enjoy the wine. You are keeping busy and it is great you enjoy the life in the village. I'm over here making progress on Spring cleaning and reorganizing mainly as I've added things to my home brought from my mom's. I'm having to get rid of things to make room. I'm also now able to tackle some of the decluttering/organization jobs that have had to sit on hold for a long while due to other responsibilities. I'll be so glad when it's all done! That'll give me more time for enjoying and learning new things. Have a great weekend.

  4. I got a freebie bottle of wine this week and you've just reminded me it's in the fridge, so I'll join you in a glass Ilona. That is a super bag.
    Twiggy x

  5. Aint life grand ! Someone was moaning to me today about being old but I love it. I have enough to live on if I am careful and I have a free bus pass which is brilliant. Todays little jaunt was just a ten mile round trip but it would have cost £4 - 10p if I had to pay. There was a half price sale at Julian Graves so I stocked up on dried fruit etc. OK I bought some sweets see I may be old but I'm still not a grown up, lol.

    Oh by the way, did you know that if you have a Boots Advantage card and you are over 60 you get 10% of any Boots branded product.

    Love your latest bag, I really must make one that shape. How long are the handles Ilona ?

  6. Lovely Bag,you are so clever!!

  7. You're dead right there, Eileen, life is grand. Like you I don't have much, but I have enough. I have kept all my bus tickets from my free rides with my pass, since May 2009 when I hit 60. Must have saved me loads of dosh. Pity they don't have the price of the ride on them then I could work out the total amount.

    The handles are 32 inches long, giving a couple of inches each end to sandwich between the bag and the lining.


Was closed, then it was open, now it is closed again. Oooops, open again, but it might close soon. Yes, closed for now. Open again.