Monday, 27 June 2011

In and out of the house like a fiddlers elbow

No I am not spending all day at the computer, it's just that it's too hot to go outside. I've done a bit of Dysoning, all the ground floor, that's all I can manage before getting bored to tears. Then I went to the mobile library to change my books. The poor bloke in there is sweating cobs, bet he can't wait to get on the move again to get a bit of air flowing through.

I started on this hedge yesterday, and was even out at 10pm last night doing a bit of trimming. I have all this to do, twice over, as it goes in an L shape across the garden and down the side. Last year I thought I might treat myself to an electric trimmer, but I just can't bring myself to buy one. Apart from using the electricity, the bloomin noise they make is awfull.

So I am plodding on with my trusty shears. Free to use, and so quiet I can hear the birds twittering. Mind you I think they have all fallen off their perch in this heat, ha ha. Job will get done, just takes a bit longer.

I'm just having ten minutes before I venture outside again, and to let my lunch go down. Here is my smiley meal for today. I must say, I think I have excelled myself here. Although my salad leaves are dwindling I now have a crop of spinach leaves ready, whoopeee. There is a wholemeal bread roll cut in half and spread with Value soft cheese spread, for the eyes. Half a tin of sweetcorn, another cheap nectarine chopped up, and used for the eyes and nose, I will get through them eventually, ha ha. Pickled onions, and blackcurrants from the garden, for the mouth.

I very rarely have dressing, except if I get some from the reduced section, which is not often. I like it just as it is, naked. Yes, nectarine and pickled onions go together very well. It was delicious.


  1. Housework bores me to sobs too, it's totally mindnumbing.
    Jane x
    Have you noticed that your smiley meals all have personalities!!

  2. too cute! and I think I would love nectarines on a salad, so thanks for that suggestion. I've been putting dried cherries on mine lately, loving that. oh, and your salad makes my salads look like a total bore!!

  3. Oh yes, you are really excelling your self. I love all your smiley faces. I have some of my grandkids here tomorrow, I will show them your pics, I'm sure they will love them. I sometimes get a slice of bread and 'paint' a face on with water then toast it and the painted bit stays white. There is so much fun to be had without spending money isnt there ?

  4. I have shears like that - sharpen them oil them and generally take care of them. Good exercise for the arms too !

  5. That hedge would just live in its natural, frothy state if it were in my yard! My hands would be numb for a month if I trimmed for an hour. Love your salad face.

  6. I'm going to have to start saying Dysoning. I've always Hoovered no matter what make of vacuum I owned.
    I find too much heat is generated when Dysoning to be doing it in this weather though.

  7. I'm not the only one then who hates the word 'hoovering' - with whatever other sort of vacuum they have.

    Mind you 'Henrying' might sound a bit daft. I 'vacuum' . I wouldn't have hedges that needed cutting, mowing the lawn is bad enough and I put it off as long as possible.

  8. Hi PP. If I didnt trim it twice a year it would be 100 feet high in no time. Neighbours wouldn't be too happy.

    Eileen, I am using up food I already have, I might have to go shopping soon as I don't have much left. Holding off as long as I can.

  9. I was wondering about pickled onions and blackcurrants - before I read your comment about nectarine and pickled onion!! Sorry, cannot see it myself, I am too traditional - like to keep my fruit and veg separate! Bet you enjoyed it though.

  10. I too like the term dysoning, your lunch looks very appetising x

  11. You're lunch looked very tasty and colourful, all the different textures and flavours, lovely. Re the hoovering/dysoning my gran didn't have a hoover, she always used to go over the front room with a little carpet sweeper, no electricity. Thinking about getting one, would save dragging out the Dyson. Saw a chap cutting his hedge the other day with electric trimmers, didn't look too safe, he was waving it around above his head, I'd stick with the shears that you have. The way you say things Ilona makes me laugh, it's a tonic to read your blog, re the mobile library chap. Hope it's a bit cooler for him today and for yourself, if you're out trimming your hedge. Cheers, Christy x

  12. I am pleased to report that the hedge is trimmed, on my side at least. Now I have to go into the neighbours garden and do his side :o(


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