Sunday, 26 June 2011

Lunch to make you smile

Phew, it's too hot for me today. I've been pottering in the shady bits of the garden, and nipping back inside again to cool off. Thought you might like to see my lunch.

Salad leaves from the box outside, they're almost coming to an end so I have planted up another box. Two grated carrots, the last from the bag which was reduced. Nectarine, reduced, still got three left, they last ages after their sell by date. Two boiled eggs, 89p for six from B & M cheap shop in town, pick them up when passing. Wrap, filling is what I saved from the rice dish the other night. No pickled onions today, ha ha.

Going for a walk down the hill now, there is something happening, on the river, raft race I think. Toodle pip.


  1. Haha, that looks like it could be off the Muppet Show!

    It's way too hot for me today too. I went to the car boot this morning but even at that time it was hot.

  2. Too hot for me too - wanted to be in garden sorting the pots etc but is too much for mew at the moment. Will try and get it done later when it cools down a bit

  3. Your 'faces' make me laugh! Reminds me of when dear daughter was small and all that effort to make food appealing. Wonder what my hubby would say if I started making faces on his plate too?
    Hope you keep cool Ilona, it's FAR too hot for me today.
    Best wishes
    Rose H

  4. Brilliant face there Ilona, it's blimmin hot today isn't it? I've been paddling in Twiglet's paddling pool this afternoon, while he rode his tractor in it :)
    I'm having a little giveaway,come and take a look missus.
    twiggy x


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