Wednesday, 24 August 2011

Over to you

Today is my day off, so I am handing this page over to you, my dear and valued readers. Today my head is empty, well it is most days actually but I don't let on, so now this is your chance to entertain me. Tell me what's on your mind, tell me a joke, make me laugh, make me cry, swear at me, you have a free hand, any topic you like.

I want oodles of comments, mega oodles, I need comments to survive. I want to break the world record for the most comments, don't let me down, I have every faith in you my lovely readers. I know you can do it. I'm going to sit here and watch those numbers rise. I want the most page visits from all over the world. Don't just make one comment, give me more, I am sure the words will start to flow once you get some ideas. Think of it as a forum, talk to each other. C'mon make a pensioner happy, please, I'm waiting :o)


  1. The mouse was taking her offspring out in search of food when they were confronted by a cat. Immediately, the mouse began barking like a dog. Frightened, the cat ran away.

    Turning back to her children, the mouse mother announced, “That shows you the importance of learning a second language!”

  2. "What's brown and sticky?"

    A stick?

    It's a beautiful day here in Buckinghamshire and I feel that I should be out and about but I sit here, on my bed, reading blogs and commenting. I must get out more.

  3. I have been completely thrilled with your blog this summer. I have been reading more than faithfully. I have been stalking. I haven't commented much, or even written much in my own blog but I have been here faithfully. And I am coming out with the reason why now. I found out I was Prego in June. I have been Exhausted during the first trimester and recovering from the shock! We were planning to wait another year. But The best laid plans.... LOL
    I have been to tired to write while working 2 jobs. But I will be back at the blogging starting today! Thanks for all the great blogs and the adventure, giving me so many views from all over England. I love your blog. :)

  4. You are my role model Ilona!

  5. Whew! I am happy to report I am not prego. I have not slept all night and it is 9 am. The doctor gave me six days of steroids, prednisone, for horrid sinus infection. I did not know steroids keep a person awake.

  6. I think you and I must have had the same mother.
    All my clothes as a child were second-hand and now I can't even stand to go into a "real" store. My mother cut my hair when I was little and I feel very uncomfortable going to the hairdresser now. There were years in my life when I wanted nice things, I wore nice clothes and make up but I consider those my dysfunctional years. I love your blog. It gives me hope that I can retire and have a great life like yours.

  7. You know the fire brigade is a tad slow here, only last week ol’ Jim’s house caught fire, you know Jim the lad with the wooden legs – anyway they got there after a while, saved the house but Jim was burnt to the ground!

    Damn thing though, the local plod did him an hour later for ‘arsing around’.

    Well you did ask MQ ;o)

  8. I'm no good at jokes and I know you will ignore what I'm about to write because you don't find it easy to accept the complements you deserve!

    You are an inspiration to be, such a strong determined, unique person. A real character with your adventures each day. I love that love animals, very caring. You are definitley not a sheep!

    I can honestly say I would not have kept on the straight and frugal path without you and others just as modest.


    Sft x

  9. there a inspiration to should say

    and I love that you love animals...

  10. Useless at telling jokes so I'll try this.
    To Ilona and her readers....
    If money were unlimited (like REALLY unlimited) where would be your dream destination to retire, and what would your dream home be like? What would be a silly splurge?
    Jane x

  11. Hello Ilona. I am new to making comments on your blog but I have followed you for years. You are the same age as me (birthday in May) and you kept me going when I was still working and praying to be released! Now I'm retired and loving every minute of it. Your walk from Blackpool to Hull was especially interesting as my daughter and husband are currently doing the Pennine Way. You have a good rest today, but keep on blogging - you are inspirational!

  12. My dream home? Currently looking for it... Somewhere in the country.. I'm in the States, so I'm looking south-east where it's warmer. Just a few acres where I can garden. A house to live in. Maybe a barn, I'd like to keep some critters. =) I could go on about my imaginary root cellar, fruit trees, beehives, ahhh...

    And my silly splurge will be:
    Jumping Stilts! Man, I want those in the worst way! Though, at 42, I'll probably fall over and break a hip. =( Still, I can dream. =)


  13. You are an inspiration. and its so lovely to know i'm not the only one who does all the money saving things!!!

    A joke

    Where do policemen live

    Letsby Avenue.

  14. Make a pensioner happy? You want Class 3 drugs now? :O)


  15. You're well on your way to LOADS of comments.

    When someone asks me to tell a joke....I go completely blank....sorry!!

    You should sit back and bask in the compliments, they're all meant every single word of them, you truly are an inspiration to lots of included.

    Sue xx

  16. Do you know why dogs smell each others **ses? Well it's like this:

    Many ago all the dogs of the nation went to a Dogs Conference. In the cloakroom they all hung up their **ses on hooks then went into the conference.

    Suddenly the fire alarm went off. In a great panic and confusion, the dogs just snatched any old **se from a hook and then went out.

    They are still looking to find their own **se. That's they they sniff each other.

  17. Should read in last sentence "that's why they sniff each other"

  18. Just cycled the 6 miles into town to buy birthday present for a friend. Never take the car in if I can help it as I begrudge paying parking and I'm trying to get a little fitter to enter Cycletta North Bike Event at Tatton Park next month.

    Had my hair cut in my usual place in the Market Hall, by a lovely lady called Lisa. Her salon is called Pinkz. She charges £6.00 for a dry trim. I always give her a tip because she's so nice. I cut it myself last month as she was on honeymoon. I cut about 3 inches off it but now it looks a much better shape. Still long so I can tie it back.

    It would break my heart having to pay £40 for a haircut! After all, it's just hair, and guess what? It grows, so even if you don't like it, it will grow. I've always liked the way Lisa cuts hair though.

    I don't dye it either, as it would take too much to keep it up and I'm lazy.

    Was lazy as my leg was hurting from the trapped nerve I've had since end of May so took the train home. I did have a two mile ride from the station, so not tooooo lazy.

  19. I love your blog. I look forward to it each day. The simplicity of your life makes me want to simplify more each day. I thought I lived simple but I see I can make it even more simple. I liked when you said "it will do". That is going to be my new saying.
    I enjoying reading about all the new things you invent and the trips you take. I also like seeing the pictures you post of your kitty cats, scenery and your crafts.
    It is educational too. I live in Canada so it is interesting to learn how other people in other country's live.
    You are a inspiration I appreciate your honesty and the time you spend writing your blog for all of us to read.


  20. I've just fired my kiln (a bisque firing) and I've been making pots to decorate, as a demo at "Art in the Yard" in the Court Cupboard In Abergavenny over the Bank Holiday.
    If I had the money I'd buy a smaller smallholding than I used to have, enough out of the village so I wouldn't be squashed up in between neighbours and have road noise all the time. Near enough to walk in to the shops.

  21. Another regular stalker here - sorry no good at jokes. Just a warm thanks for your wonderful blog - you always cheer me up. Am a pensioner now and was brought up like you at a time when money was in short supply, so it was good training for retirement. Now you know why I never comment - am not too good at it!

  22. My mum told me this..... Whats small pink and wrinkly and hangs out grandad's pants? Grandma :)

  23. Kate G said - why can't I log into your blog any more and have to be anonymous? It doesn't help with my inferiority complex at all (lol)

  24. Wow, I turn my back and look what's happened, loads of comments. Shirley, your comment is wonderfull, you are brilliant at it, keep commenting I want to hear from you.

  25. I don't know Kate, I am not too hot on the nuts and bolts of things. Someone please tell Kate she is lovely so she doesn't feel inferior.

  26. Anonymous, your mum is a little tinker, with a wicked sense of humour. Get her to post her rude jokes on here herself :o)

  27. Hi gz, I hope your Art in the Yard goes well for you this weekend, in Abergavenny. If anyone is near to gz please call in and see her. This is a free advert.

  28. Debbie in Canada, thank you for your kind words, you are brill. Don't forget, if your vest has a hole in it, put it on anyway because it will do :o)

  29. Kate, you're lovely; nobody is inferior, we're all good at some things and bad at others.
    Ilona, I just discovered today that runner beans are good in a stirfry. Fresh from the garden too. We had one chicken breast between two, with onion, garlic, celery, carrot, red and green peppers, mushrooms, runner beans and a reduced to 30p sachet of stirfry sauce. And boiled rice. Fabulous and so filling I can't face any dessert.

  30. Hi Campfire, good for you cycling six miles, do you know where to send my present? Ha ha

  31. Funny you should mention runner beans, Attila, I'm eating some at this very moment. Will try the stir fry version, as steamed veg night after night is getting a bit boring. Ta for the tip.

  32. Hi Sue and cat, Don't worry about not knowing any jokes, you can't be good at everything. I am pretty crap at jokes as well.

  33. Hey Rattlebox, send some over, it can't do my brain much harm when it's already scrambled, ha ha.

  34. I like that anon, 'Where do policeman live?' that was a 7 on the chuckle meter :o)

  35. Hi Karen, when you find your dream home can I come and stay, I could muck out your critters. What are jumping stilts? Are they like two pogo sticks one for each leg? You sound as daft as me, ha ha.

  36. Hi SueL61, you must be my twin, how cool. I am so pleased you are having a good retirement.

  37. Hi Ilona, I sneakily check out your blog every day by reading Sharonk blog. She is my daughter, and at the moment we are going through the alwful loss of my dear Mum. Thank you for your condolences on Sharons blog. I love reading what you get up to, your energy, your zest for life. That`l do.

  38. That's a very difficult question to answer Jane and Chris. If I had unlimited money I wouldn't want to settle down anywhere permanently. I would buy a massive motorhome and travel all over the UK. Then I would go to the USA and do the same again. A splurge would be a Harley Davidson.

  39. How lovely to meet you Patricia, aka Sharon's mum. I was very sorry to hear about your sad loss. You could start your own blog, I would read it. I'll see you at Sharon's, by the way, isn't her sewing just amazing.

  40. Thank you, Saving For Travel, you are a pretty good blogger yourself. You're right, I feel very embarrassed when people say nice things, so shut up and we'll have no more nonsense like that, ha ha.

  41. Murphy Fish, you never fail to make me laugh, that was a 9 on the chuckle meter.

  42. Hi anonymous, yes, we could possibly have had the same mother, was she short and dumpy with glasses and dark hair, and spoke with a German accent? That's the one. Did she put a pudding dish on your head as well when she cut your hair, ha ha.

  43. Hi PP, I hope the steroids get rid of your snotty nose. To get yourself off to sleep I suggest you get the most boring book you can find out of the library. After a couple of pages you are bound to drop off.

  44. Evening MQ :)
    I've been foraging elderberrys and blackberrys in a little copse behind my house. Are you fruit picking this year?

  45. Hi Ilona. Love your blog; it's inspirational! keep up the good, nay brilliant, work!

    Jokes: The best book I've ever read was 'A History of Superglue'. I couldn't put it down!

    Little girl to her granddad: 'Grandad, Grandad, make a noise like a frog! Grandad: Why? Little Girl: Because Mum says when you croak, we're going to Disneyland.

  46. Oh, oh, I am a role model says anonymous. Does that mean there are a lot of nutty pensioners roaming about :o)

  47. I love the beautiful sewing Sharon does, but I would, being her Mum. But your not bad with a sewing machine yourself, and hey, we have the same colour red hair, hated it as a child, love it now for not going grey.
    I think everyone should read your blog, to know money isn`t everything. Health and a happy life are far more important.
    Patricia aka SharonK

  48. Forgot to say. I don't think 'Mean Queen' does you justice. You deserve Princess Thriftiness, or Lady Lovelife.

  49. Hi Fishcake random, you must be psychic. I have in my kitchen a big bag of elderberries waiting to be stripped from their stalks. I must get on with the job tonight. I did see some big juicy blackberries, but as I was about to pick them the dog cocked his leg and peed on them :o(

  50. I like your jokes Linda, 9 out of 10 on the chuckle meter. Nobody has got me on the floor rolling about laughing yet. Linda, I think I need to reinvent myself.

  51. There is a footy match on in a minute that my OH wants to watch, so I'm going to amuse myself with some jelly making while its on. I've made some really lovely friends since last season who keep plying me with bags of fruit so this winter is going to be really tasty :)

  52. Hi Lafemmet, you take it easy my dear. Listen everybody, Lafemmet is going to have a sprog, I am sure you will want to join me in sending her my very best wishes. Where's she gone, oops, there's the toilet flushing. Hope she gets over the morning sickness soon, ha ha.

  53. Oh God, boring football. Well if OH is having a few cans, don't forget you must as well, why should he have all the fun. Hope your jelly sets.

  54. Toffee Apple, you must get out more, that joke is awful, -6 on the chuckle meter. Promise me that tomorrow you will get off your butt and run five miles :o)

  55. Having been kicked off a blog recently for giving an opinion I d better be careful...................I admire you so much and with the amount you walk you are sort of living my dream. I manage 5 or six miles a day but would love to do the Pilgrim s Way next year (Winchester to Canterbury - about 110 miles. An ex-pat who lives very frugally and happily out on the Praire I would love to walk in rolling country (am leaving for the Bitterroot Mountains on Monday - quite a bit of uphill there.)
    The best thing about hiking around is people are so willing to chat out of doors and you learn some great stuff and being out in creation is so wonderful for your whole perspective. I would like to thank you for all the lovely pictures you take of Blighty and for sharing them.

  56. Hi Murphy Fish, you never fail to make me laugh. That's a 9 on the chuckle meter.

  57. Ilona, you're not much nuttier than me! Anyway, yesterday I cycled about 20 miles as I decided I might see if I can get in Cycletta event at Tatton Park. That's 40km with the odd small hill or two. Victoria Pendleton is going to be there (Olympic cyclist)

    Tell you what I'd rather send you a pressie than the person I'm giving it too. You know, friends when they want something? But we do buy birthday presents.

    I'm enjoying reading all these posts and quick quips.

    I wouldn't need your address as if I sent it to your village, everyone in the Post Office would know where you lived!

  58. I like you too MF, always a good comment !

  59. Hi lizzie, you little tinker, so you can be a bit feisty, eh! Ha ha. There was a programme on TV about a vicar called Peter Owen Jones, who walked the Pilgrim Way, with no money, He relied on handouts for his food and somewhere to sleep. If you want a walking companion when you come next year, let me know I should be able to arrange something.

  60. Hi Iona,
    Comments are racking up aren't they?
    Love from Mum

  61. Hi Kate,
    Kate you are not inferior at all. Are you signed into Blogger with the correct email and password. If you are signed in with a different one strange things happen.
    Love from Mum

  62. Hi Kate again,
    “I would rather have an inferiority complex and be pleasantly surprised, than have a superiority complex and be rudely awakened.”
    Love from Mum

  63. You're right Campfire, everyone knows me round here. Just address it to the woman who walks a lot and picks up the litter, ha ha. I must get out on my bike more.

  64. Hi Iona again,
    I'll come back when I've surfed the rest of my bloggy friends.
    Love from Mum

  65. Hi Mum, lovely to see you, well not literally, but you know what I mean. I love that name, Mum, I feel you are my mum, come back to keep an eye on me :o) That quote is fantastic, I must remember that. Kate G, where are you, come back and read what these nice people have said.

  66. Oops, I have replied to everybody and nearly forgot, Little Blue Mouse. Do you want to try again with another joke? Or just tell us what you are doing tonight. I'm nosey :o)

  67. Hi all,
    Not much been doing since I've been away. I'll be back again when I've read some bookmarked blogs.
    Love from Mum

  68. Hi again,
    Whoops, doorbell has gone. Might be back, might not.
    Love from Mum

  69. Hi again,
    We normally don't get people calling at night. It was a pizza delivery man trying to deliver a pizza - it wasn't for us - silly man was on the wrong road.
    Love from Mum

  70. Hi Mum, it's all happening round here. I've made a start on stripping the elderberries from the stalks, what a boring job. The cats are now all in, I have to get Mayze in before it gets dark or I spend ages chasing her round the garden. Now Bugsy wants to go out, but he'll have to stay in, I'm not opening the door any more. Off to do some more stripping.

  71. Can`t post much tonight, as I don`t feel up to it, myself. Took a nsty tumble off my bicycle, coming home from work. Might feel a bit better tomorrow. Hope everyone else is ok. Posts are getting quite alot now. You`ll hit the mark with all those posts, I`m sure.

  72. HI, last call today. I'm going to do a bit of knitting then it'll be downstairs to watch the tele for an hour before bed. Our cats have been asleep for most of the day - everytime they looked out of the window it was lashing it down. Been nice having a chat. See you tomorrow. Have a good rest of the evening. Love to the cats.
    Love from Mum
    PS I tried to make elderflower wine once. I only got as far as taking the flowers off and then thought blow this - what a mind numbing job - what a failure!

  73. You ever wonder about the smaller, unimportant but taxing questions in life Ilona?

    Like in American films for example - how come car drivers never have a problem parking their car. They usually park at the front door of a hotel or bank etc. And they don't bother to lock the car either. In the same sort of films anyone on the phone will put the receiver down without saying cheerio/toodlepip.

    You know those tins of manderin oranges? I was wondering about them recently - trying to work out how they get that white stuff off (pith, I think) before the segments are canned. I've found out though, and it's amazingly simple and quite clever. What they do is get a comedian to stand in the corner of the canning factory, and as the oranges go by he just generally takes the pith out of them.


  74. Oh dear Sarina, that's awful. I hope you are not too badly injured. Perhaps after a good nights sleep you will feel a bit better. I think one hundred comments would be nice, but you never know, it could go on forever, the sky's the limit, one thousand, two thousand, ha ha.

  75. I haven't made elderflower wine, Mum, I just boil the berries up and make juice. Catch you tomorrow, sleep tight, don't let the bed bugs bite :o)

  76. You almost had me there Brian, I was just about to fall off my chair and roll onto the floor laughing, but I managed to hang onto the desk and stop myself. That's a 9 on the chuckle meter.

    About those unimportant questions. How come time whizzes by at twice the speed of normal time, on Coronation Street, and no one looks any older. How come Becky and Steve are starting divorce proceedings two years after thay got married, when they tied the knot only a few months ago? This is causing me many sleepless night.

  77. 78 posts or more! Wow! This is fun. I'm just waiting for Toad in Hole to cook (2 veggie sausages & 2 ordinary, already cooked so no mix). Husband's lying on rug with a bed of nails under his neck (one of those acupuncture thingeys) as he can hardly move.

    A funny story about sending letters to people you don't know! My Mum in law lives in the Isle of Man. She wanted to write to a lady in a sewing machine shop and didn't know who she was so she addressed the letter to"
    The Lady with the Beautiful brown eyes". It reached her!. It's another world over there, very laid back and 50 years behind, no stress etc!

  78. Hi Campfire, I got bored with the berry stripping. It's a bit late for Toad in the Hole, isn't it, are you eating it tonight?

  79. What a good idea Iona - this is Justine by the way but I cannot comment as myself!!

  80. Yes - I know what you mean about the Soaps Ilona.

    Other conventions and events considered normal in films seem to regularly include blood dripping from, or Bruce Willis types emerging out of, the roof hatch in lifts. Or people escaping a building along air-conditioning ducts in the roof space - don't they watch films and know by now that the baddies are going to shoot 'em?

    And telephone numbers containing "555" when read out - listen out for that if you've not noticed it before. I think it might be a standing joke in the United States.

    You ever had a guest in your house say to you "I'll see myself out."?

  81. Anyone watching Wallis Simpson on C4?

  82. Ilona, Am very happy to see you get so many comments and get something back - you are wonderful to all of us out here. Thanks for your lovely words about my comment. Enjoyed watching you on superscrimpers by the way. Hope you get many more comments. xx

  83. The 555 in "our" American films is because years ago people would dial the numbers they heard in films and it was quite annoying if you were on the receiving end. So 555 is never used in a real phone number. I don't know who you would get if you called it.

  84. Thanks Anonymous - Interesting about 555.

    I can put that one to be bed now.

  85. Well just want to say pretty much what the others have said you are an inspiration to us all. I am so glad I have come across your blog and you are the best self help book around! I would like to thank you as you have taught me to not wait around for other s if I want to do something and get on with doing it myself, from reading your blog I have learnt that its ok to do the things that I want and that its only me who has control of which way I go in life. Look forward to many more wonderful years of your blog and where have your lovely quotes got to that used to be on the side? xx

  86. Just testing as I'm having trouble leaving comments.

  87. Oh it worked that time!

    Brian, what gets me is how people in films who are trying to get away from a murderer or monster, start backing away and end up backing into their pursuer. Have they never watched a horror film?

    And speaking of horror films, why do people run away from zombies? They must be the slowest moving creatures ever.

    And in films and on TV drivers look at the passenger more than the road.

  88. Hi, Ilona, just want to tell you how much I enjoy
    your blog and your travels. I'm 66 and live in North Dakota, U.S.A. Love your unique way of looking at life.

  89. Oooh, you have been busy, more comments. I was just about to reply to Brian when I got a phone call, so sorry. I have been yakking on the phone to Elaine who I haven't spoken to for about 40 years. We used to work together at Tesco in Burton on Trent. It's amazing how she has found me, all down to this internet thingy.

    Thanks for stopping by Andrea. I am pleased to hear that you have grabbed life by the balls, and you no longer hang around waiting for others to make their mind up. Sorry about the quotes disappearing. I like to have a change round every so often because I get bored with my own blog, and I think that others might as well.

  90. Good comments Little Blue Mouse, I wondered about why people are hopeless at running away from their enemies. Perhaps Brian has the answer.

  91. Hi 66 and living in North Dakota, glad you are with us tonight. Does that mean you live on a ranch? Have you got cattle and horses? Tell me more, I am nosey.

  92. Another of life's little mysteries - how come raw plums are so sweet but when you cook them you have to put a boat load of sugar in?

  93. Hi Ilona, husband works late! He prefers that to getting up early! There are many benefits to living alone! You don't have to do dinner at all hours of the night - it's the washing up that I HATE. Yes we did eat it tonight. I had Linda McCartney's sausages in Toad in the Hole, steamed cauliflower and carrots and no potatoes. I'm trying to lose a bit of weight.

    Another thing with the passage of time in soaps is when one person becomes pregnant. It's almost like a 5 month pregnancy.

  94. Little Blue Mouse & Ilona: I think the running away (which can be scary) and all the other stuff is really about lack of imagination; film makers churning out the same stories in different settings. I'm always on the look-out for an original storyline. Drives me nuts avoiding the trailers, gossips and spoilers though.

    On a different note, before I call it a night, I like my ipod/earphones turned up really, really loud at times (at least one track once a day).

    This was today's track

    Don't it make me feel good ....

  95. Good song Brian, good job I plugged my headphones in, the neighbours wouldn't have been too happy if I had blasted them out of bed at 11.30pm.

  96. Comment number 100. Thanks for the great day guys and gals, I've enjoyed your company. You can carry on, but I'm off to bed. Toodle pip.

  97. Thanks MQ, if you are ever Chicago way there is a bed and breakfast for you anytime you want !!!

  98. (North Dakota) Nope, my father and grandfather were wheat farmers but we always lived in town. The only animals we had (and still have)were cats.
    I am inspired by the way you use up everything.
    I make quilts from all kinds of cotton scraps.
    Have enough fabric that people have given me,to make dozens of quilts. Then I quilt them to sell
    or give away.

  99. This time difference throws me off. By the time I read your blog in the morning you are already finishing your evening meal. Your blog is really a treat every day and the readers' comments are fun. Lets get together like this more often!

  100. Greetings from Oregon. I do enjoy your postings, not least because you put up photos of places I've seen and loved, but also because you introduce me to places I never shall get to see. And I appreciate your frugal reflections, they inspire me. thank you!

  101. wow i missed the blog yesterday as had a bit of a stressful one and silly internet went off and no electric for a few hours. can't believe the number of comments!!!
    Just want to add that for the last 5 years or so I have been very money saving / frugal / tight whatever people want to call me, but its only since i found your blog that i have realised actually i'm not the only one, it doesn't matter what other people think, and i didn't know half as much as i thought about being thrifty as i thought. over the last six months i have been reading you have inspired me to take up more sewing (i never really attempted anything more than basic repairs to clothes), attempt things i thought i could never do, to be happy with the result (it'll do) and to live MY life the way I want to, as its MY life no one else's to decide or judge what i do. Thank you so much for you fantastic blog. It makes my day, every day. Sadly I can only think 1 joke which probably isn't very funny, but i find it funny.

    There's two flies in a saucer, and one says to the other, "we better get training, we're in the cup tomorrow!!!!"

  102. Thank you Little Blue Mouse for starting off the comments. Well it's the morning after now, it began with lots of heavy rain but now it is brightening up. I finished stripping the elderberries from their stalks, and they are now in the pot bubbling away on the stove.

    Yes the time difference is a bit confusing, thank you to those who joined in after I had gone to bed. I have an invitation from lizzie in Chicargo, thank you, I shall keep it in mind, I'll have a look in the atlas to see where it is. Thanks North Dakota for answering my questions, I can now picture you surrounded by pussies with a massive quilt draped over your lap.

    Hi Anonymous above, isn't it great being thrifty, tight, mean, frugal, a super scrimper. People like us who fit into this mould don't have a care in the world. We are not bogged down with loads of stuff we don't need. We can walk into shops and walk straight back out again when they don't have what we want at the price we want to pay. If all the shops on the High Street closed we couldn't care less because we would get by with making things and getting second hand from boot sales. People feel sorry for us, but we should be feeling sorry for them, for it's they who are trapped in the madness of consumerism. We are as free as birds to do as we like.

  103. Hi, i wonder what the record is for blog comments? Its raining here in Milton Keynes, pretty dismal. I'm at home with T my little boy just chilling out. We were in Cornwall last week at my parents - I really want to live in Cornwall, hey ho x

  104. MQ use a fork to strip the berries off .

  105. Thank you OSD, yep, that works a treat. I googled your question dubgirl, but couldn't find any answers. There is however lots of info on how to generate comments to your blog. Personally I read other blogs but don't comment on them all, and I don't expect others to comment on mine, it's very time consuming. I'm not sure why some people get hung up on grabbing as many comments as they can, for me it's only a hobby. This post was a bit of fun, it will be back to normal for the next one.

  106. Goodness, I think I'm comment 112. That's what I get for missing a day. You did stir things up tho.


  107. Hi Anonymous above, isn't it great being thrifty, tight, mean, frugal, a super scrimper. People like us who fit into this mould don't have a care in the world. We are not bogged down with loads of stuff we don't need. We can walk into shops and walk straight back out again when they don't have what we want at the price we want to pay. If all the shops on the High Street closed we couldn't care less because we would get by with making things and getting second hand from boot sales. People feel sorry for us, but we should be feeling sorry for them, for it's they who are trapped in the madness of consumerism. We are as free as birds to do as we like.

    I couldn't have put it any better!!!! But it is amazing how many people do express sympathy for us "having to live that way". erm no, i chose to, ad i love it, but they just don't get it.

  108. sitting here with 3 curlers in my bangs...trying to use the blow dryer less to use less electricity. You always inspire me to remember that doing is more important than having, MQ, thanks! Further inspiration for me to quit accumulating stuff for myself:

  109. Ilona, if you are heading to the US don't leave us Canadians out..Perhaps you wouldn't want to be here in the winter though.
    What gets me about horror movies....a person enters a spooky looking house..all is dark...they feebly shout "hello, is there any one there?"
    Jane x

  110. Ha ha, Jane, you are funny. What gets me about movies is that no one notices any danger signals. They waltz straight into them without taking precautuions, like opening their eyes and looking where they are going. Summer in Canada sounds nice.

  111. love your bloog

  112. What gets me about movies is that people in trouble don't call 911. I guess that's 999 where you are. Why don't they call for help?

  113. Hi Ilona, I've been on holiday so am in catch up mode. I'm another lurker that has only commented on your blog once before. I love the photography and the crafting you do as well as the descriptions of your day to day living.

  114. Just a little joke to add to this long list of comments.
    What do you call someone who is very very concerned about the state of the planet?
    Can't guess?
    An eco-worrier!
    Sorry, about that, and that's one of my best jokes as well, hahaha!


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