Friday, 13 April 2012

Day 2 Kirkby Lonsdale to Ribblehead

A glorious start to the day, please let me have more of this sunshine whoever is controlling it. The first three pics are those I wanted to get last night but ran out of daylight. There is a path at the back of the church which is high above the river. John Ruskin described these views as the best in England, and I quite agree, it is beautiful.

I went down some very steep steps to the edge of the water and walked to Devils Bridge on the outskirts of the  town, as I wanted these pics as well. But, I'm sorry to say, I forgot to get take any more of Kirkby Lonsdale, sorry :o(

The main road to Ingleton is the A65, a very busy trunk road, so I walked on footpaths through fields, and minor roads, on either side of it. I was having a bit of trouble finding the way across vast fields. It's good when you find the stile to enter the field, but not good when you can't find the way out on the other side. It wastes a lot of time. At the moment there are sheep and lambs in almost every field, I love to see them.

I had a break for ten minutes on this bench at a small village called Masongill, Puddytat was getting a bit sunburnt, he's gone quite red, he matches the box. I had to look twice at the freshly painted telephone box, that's a bit odd, no telephone.

Instead there is a trolley with a few items of bricabrac and a notice to help yourself if you want anything, small donation welcome at the church. This box has been adopted by the people of the village. There is a notice board, and a newsletter for anyone to read, telling of what's going on. What a good idea. I can't see it working in my neck of the woods though, things wouldn't last long before they disappear.

I arrived in Ingleton underneath the viaduct. There is no longer a railway track here, so this is for show only.

Ingleton is famous for it's waterfalls and caves, just follow the signs.

The church stands high up overlooking the High Street.

I popped in the Co op shop opposite, and you will be pleased to know I bought some proper food, mainly reduced. A bag of spinach, I eat it like lettuce. Prepared fruit melon and grapes. Two bananas, small bottle of orange juice, and a carton of tuna sweetcorn pasta. At a cost of £2.71 Just then the heavens opened so I made a dash to the church porch to eat my lunch while I waited for the rain to stop. Alas it didn't so I had to put on full waterproofs before I set off.

I realised that time was getting on and I needed to keep going. I had already wasted time by dillydallying around. I envisaged an easy day at about 13 miles, but I'm afraid I had spent too much time chattering to people and needed to up my pace.

The easiest way to get to Ribblehead was to take a minor road, it was very minor, only the odd one or two cars, and plenty of sheep. Here we are about half way along it, there is Twistleton Scar on my left, a lot of craggy rocks, and across to the right was this view of Ingleborough, one of the famous three peaks. I don't need to climb it this time, I've already been up there. I don't mind walking long flat stretches, it gives me time to gaze all around me.

As I was coming into the small hamlet of Chapel le Dale I came across chickens everywhere, all over the road. It's a good job there is hardly any cars about. Aren't they pretty, pecking around in someones garden.

At last I had the Ribblehead Viaduct in sight, doesn't it look magnificent.

A bit closer.

Then I walked past it to get some pics from the other dide. There are twentyfive arches altogether, and what a height it is. In the summer the stream trains run along here between Settle and Carlisle.

It is an amazing height,

How did they managed to build it in 1875.

Right next to the viaduct is the Station Hotel which is my bed for the night. Another £30 for B & B. This time I have a four bedded room to myself, they aren't very busy. I've had a lovely day, it did stop raining eventually, and I've had a great night. I treated myself to a baked potato with tuna and sweetcorn in mayo, and salad. Washed down with a cool pint of cider, went down a treat. Mind you I'm feeling a bit stuffed now. I also found three friends to have a laugh with in the bar, they pulled up in two camper vans, all the way from Canterbury. I'ts amazing who you meet, they were great fun.

Thanks for your comments, I am reading them. I shall go through them all again when I get back to answer any questions. Please forgive me if I don't answer now, I have such a lot to think about. Good night, Toodle pip.


  1. Amazingly beautiful country side there!

    Night, night,

    Sandie xx

  2. Beautiful pictures thank you for sharing again.

  3. Enjoying your walks, you said
    "Twistleton Scar on my left, a lot of craggy rocks"
    thought you might like to see what was on top :-
    cheers Danny

  4. Hey Ilona I right liked that! Its great to see places ive been with family when they were younger. Also to see the r head viaduct, that is one hell of a structure isnt it! Great to see you havin fun and meetin people, i guess that s half the fun of it isnt it? I think if i did a long walk id never get anywhere cos im always gabbin to folk i meet :)

    Hope weather gods kind to you all the other days :)

    Dave aka AJ of WF

  5. Another fabulous day! The phone box is really neat...not tidy..but cool/fab!
    Have another great day tomorrow, Ilona.
    stay safe
    Jane x

  6. Devils Bridge, is a meeting place for bikers on various Sundays throughout the Summer, shame you weren't there then, you would have had a brilliant time.

    I love the viaduct photos, very atmospheric.

    Sue xx

  7. This is a great set of photographs -
    glad you're having a good time.
    Love to Puddytat.

  8. It looks wonderful. I am getting to be a real armchair tourist LOL

  9. More wonderful photographs. Kirkby Lonsdale is lovely. I have fond memories of picnics by the river. Here's hoping you have another good day ahead of you. X

  10. The Station Inn is a wonderful pub, rather famous for it's selection of good beers and interesting malts - and folk music!

    I'm enjoying your walk almost as much as you.

    Best wishes,


  11. Looks like you had another great day. Waiting for the next instalment.

  12. Fantastic pics Ilona, looks beautiful. Viaducts are amazing aren't they? Good luck. Debs x

  13. Great photos, hope the weather keeps fine for you. Cheers Judy

  14. I love that you enjoy yourself and make friends wherever you go and have a good time on a limited budget! Enjoy and may you be blessed with sunshine (but not TOO hot!!)

  15. I love that viaduct. One of the things I'd like to do is go on a steam train over it. I was watching Michael Portillo's programme showing it and also that guy who presents The Dales went over it too. I was quite jealous.

    You seem to be finding some really good places to stay. Strange, at one time I would have said £30 was a lot of money for B&B, whereas nowadays it seems pretty standard.

  16. Thank you for sharing another beautiful day of photos and observations. I do so enjoy reading of the large pleasures you find with only small outlays--you could teach the world a thing or three. You've enticed me to start investigating walking opportunities in Pennsylvania or nearby. My retirement's less than 2 mos. away.

  17. I used to live in Ribblehead for many years. What an outstnading place. Amazingly there used to be a Wimpy restaurant there for many years but it closed down in 2001.

  18. Wow, keeps getting better. The viaduct does remind me of Harry Potter :)

  19. I've been from Settle to Carlisle on that railway. In fact I was in Carlisle on Tuesday and got there by train.


Was closed, then it was open, now it is closed again. Oooops, open again, but it might close soon. Yes, closed for now. Open again. Sorry closed again. Now it is open.