Friday, 20 April 2012

Day 8 Pocklington to Beverley

My goodness I'm struggling with this new Blogger format, things are jumping all over the place, what a pain. Spose I'll get used to it eventually but why do we have to learn something else when the old method worked perfectly well.
Anyway, Day 8 was the worst day of the whole trip, it never stopped raining and my feet were squelching in soggy boots. My waterproofs did quite a good job of keeping me reasonably dry, only slightly damp on my shoulders, not bad for saying my kit was bought on the cheap. The other problem was the wind driving the rain straight at me, I used my brolly to keep the worst off, but it was a battle to stay upright, especially on exposed ground. 
This is the church at Pocklington.
An allyway with a fresh fruit and veg, and plants shop at the end, with all it's wares spilling out onto the pavement. It looked very colourfull.
Masses of flowers in the municipal gardens.
I set of towards Burnby along the road, following Route 66, the Way of the Roses National Cycle Route. I thought this was a bit over the top on the side of a house. Maybe someone taking part in the Olympics lives there?
Then I went on to Londesborough. I recall someone asking me for some photo's of this village, so here are a few. It wasn't a good day for photography, umbrella in one hand and camera in the other.
This is the old school house.
Same building, another angle.
I thought the house next door looked more like a school house.
Now this is a rare sight. A working red phone box, complete with a set of phone directories. The cash box is no longer there, so you need a credit card to make a call. Looks like someone has been keeping it tidy.  
Sorry no more photo's for today, it was all I could do to battle on against the wind and rain. I went through Godmanham and got onto the Wilberforce Way, an old disused railway line. It was hard going slipping and sliding through the mud. I decided to get off it and walk alongside on the tarmac cycle route., even parts of that were flooding with the amount of rain coming down. I knew the cycle route ended up at Beverley so I thought I would be safe following that. Trouble was that it didn't go direct, and I seemed to be marching along long straight roads going nowhere. I got completely lost because I went right off my map. What I should have done was to get back on to the Wilberforce Way and stuck with it. I asked a woman unloading her shopping and she told me where to get back on the track. I think I probably did an extra couple of miles more than I needed to. I've checked the route I took, and it wasn't too far off where I should have been.
I eventually arrived in Beverley and picked up some supplies at the Co op. Someone told me to try the Dog and Duck for a bed, but they were full, then the landlady very kindly rang another place nearby and I got in there. It was still raining so I didn't leave the warmth of my room that night. What a horrible day, I was beginning to question my sanity as I was plodding along mile after mile. It was just over 19 miles, but it all turned out ok in the end. Toodle pip. One more day left.   


  1. Would you ever do a particular walk again or do you prefer to try new walks each time?
    Jane x

  2. Hope the weather cheers up for your last day Ilona. Its been the wettest drought week ever! Lovely to read your blog - take care x

  3. I blame the water companies for this weather. Hosepipe ban indeed! Keep going. I'm proud of you.

  4. I was thinking of you yesterday with all the cloudbursts -
    you should write a book

  5. Flippin eck I, you really took a pounding there. When its very wet over a prolonged period, i often think why the heck am i doing this - and it s a question ive often asked cos i go to the Lakes a fair bit :) It is gret to see parts of the country ive never been to tho they are not too far away. I hope your boot s dried out enough for the next day. When i went on the Wales meet last year my boots were so wet after the saturday i couldnt go out on the sunday...

    Excellent report though but :) Looking forward to next one!

    Dave AJ

  6. Oh Ilona I can't bear to think of you cold and wet. You are made of strong stuff. I want to live in that village with the phone box. Thanks for sharing. Debs x

  7. Pretty villages. I don`t know that bit of Yorkshire at all.

    I hope you have a warm dry bed for tonight and a dry day walking tomorrow. What weather!

  8. Congratulations on another amazing adventure. Is the MQ house going to be painted with Olympic rings haha

  9. Shame about the weather, hope it didn't spoil your thoughts on Beverley though (my DD lives there near the Minster). You certainly had a rough day.

  10. Dear Ilona, I have been reading your stories since a few days. Love to read them! Hope today will be a dry and sunny walk. Sandra

  11. Thank-you, thank-you for the photos of Londesborough, you're a doll! I have enjoyed your commentary thoroughly & thanks to you I've had my first glimpse of where my ancestors originated. Now, I'm even more determined to see it with my own eyes some day. Guess this means scrimping & saving a bit more to make this dream a reality, it's a looong way from Canada, but it will happen.
    Hugs, gibberish


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