Tuesday, 24 April 2012

When the words don't come, take a dog out

I've been trying to write something super intelligent today. It started off pretty much ok, my fingers were whizzing over the keyboard at 90 miles an hour, then I started chopping and changing it because it didn't flow very well. Then I walked away from it and did a bit in the garden, then I came back and had another go at it. Added a bit more and moved things around. Still not happy with it.
The trouble is I don't know enough big words, I get mixed up with the grammer, and and I get frustrated because my writing isn't making much sense. Anyway, the piece is not finished, so here is a picture of Rocky instead. He has been here quite a lot since I have been back. No one seems interested when I go to the house, no one comes out to speak to me, so I have started taking him for walks more often, then I bring him back here for a good feed. He is a smashing little dog.  
 I'll just go and check over that article again, and see if I can get it ready for tomorrow. Toodle pip.


  1. You are wonderful for being so kind to Rocky. Glad you can see more of him now. Just seeing his photo cheered me up and also knowing he is getting some love from you. All the best to you and all the animals, shirley

  2. the thing is Ilona, when I read your blog, I feel as though we are having a chat and no-one really thinks about grammar too much when they are chatting. The best grammar and the longest words are of no use at all if you have nothing to say, it's really much more about what you write than how you write it, and anyway, I think there's nothing wrong with your grammar, just keep on doing what you're doing!

  3. Exactly what the two above said, couldn't agree more.
    I would love to see you have Rocky all the time. I wonder if they would sell him, I would be happy to donate.
    Keep writing as you do, no long words required.

  4. Couldn't say it any better than the guys who have already commented.....I think Rocky wants Ilona for his Mummy.
    Jane x

  5. Rocky is a great dog; you can tell by the way he has made himself at home. Dogs love a walk and it is so good from them. I dont understand why people get pets if they dont want to give them a proper dogs life.
    Dont see anything wrong with your post Ilona, always informative and easy to read (and funny sometimes :D)

  6. I really enjoy your posts Ilona. They make me smile, and sometimes they make me hungry. Even great writers are sometimes bad at grammar, take me for instance... Only joking!
    Poor old Rocky. I'm glad he has you for a friend.

  7. Sorry you are having probs with your post, look forward to it tomorrow. What a gorgeous fella Rocky is. Bet he enjoys his walks with you. Cheers Judy xx

  8. Oh, don't worry about long words, I like your blog because it's down to earth :) I wish you could just adopt him..he's such a character

  9. Take it from an English teacher, you are an excellent writer. There is no need for big words! And, your grammar is okay. It is not perfect by any means, but who cares. If you would care to be my student, I can grade you...lol.

    This is a blog, not a writing course. Every writer has off days when words don't seem to flow but bob about. I hate to edit my work and put out some pretty sloppy work some days. I love to edit other people's work! My post on Magazines and Diabetes is horribly written, so bad that I really wondered after I posted if anyone even understood what I was saying.

    The purpose of writing is communicating. You do that quite well.

    It is hard to believe that person does not even come out to talk to the dog at all when you two return home. Is the person a mental case, senile, what?

  10. Really hope that one day you can have Rocky permanently. He looks so lovely and you would be a wonderful mum to him - cos you are already really. It breaks my heart but thank goodness he has you in his life!

  11. Everyone can see that this little dog wants you and you want him. Go, offer the current owner some money and I`m sure they might hand him to you on a plate.

  12. I agree here too ! stop trying to change your writing style, it is friendly, relaxed and informative all at the same time, as someone said, just like chatting.
    I don't like blogs that try to blind you with science or 'show off' with big words as you put it. - Don't change ............... !
    Rocky is a happy boy - he's slowly moving in ! would the 'owners' notice if you didn't take him back occasionally ? blame it on the weather, too cold/wet/snowy/foggy/hot etc., to bring him back ????

  13. As well as being a smashing little dog I think Rocky is a very lucky little dog to have an animal lover like you caring for him. There was an item in the news yesterday about the high number of people abandoning animals, so how refreshing to see someone go out of their way to look after a little mite.

    Also I agree with Practical Parsimony about your brilliant writing. It is interesting, informative, and many of us love what you write!

  14. I can't help thinking what would this little guys life be like without you? miserable, I'd guess.

  15. Aw Rocky is so cute. He's lucky to have you. Some of the best books I have read have been written by regular people using plain and simple language. I love autobiographies, and most are written very casually, it makes them more interesting I think. For awhile now I have been thing of writing a blog of my own. I'd like to write about my experiences of autism (and maybe help other people) but everytime I start to write something down it doesn't quite say what I want it to say. I read it back and think thats really dull! Its harder than I thought. Confidence and being in the right mood is key I guess. Keep writing and we'll keep reading. Debs x

  16. I think you have absolutely no cause to concern yourself with your writing style, which is lovely, informative and perfectly natural, it comes from within you.

    My Mum says this. She doesn't know how to use 'big' words in conversation because she was not taught that way. However, she can do those code word puzzles in the newspapers and sits and does them until they are finished. She is 92 next month.

    There are many people who would maybe complete the walk you have done, merely to comment on the number of miles they have done but not put any lovely pictures on screen, nor gone to the trouble to do a little research on the social area they were visiting. Don't worry girl, you're doing a great job.

  17. If big words are not in a person's vocabulary, using what is natural is best. If big words are in a person's repertoire, then using them is not showing off. It is also natural. Any writer who does not take the audience in mind when setting about writing is going to fail miserably when trying to communicate. There is a delicate balance to be attained. Use your natural voice when writing unless you know the audience cannot understand the level at which you write. I can write in several voices, all natural.

    If the 92-year-old has never experienced the "big words," there is no shame. It is all about our experiences and what we are trying to accomplish. I never thought "big words" and "science" were out of place. You use words all the time that I have no idea what they mean. However, I would never ridicule a person for my , ignorance, lack of knowledge.

    I still puzzle about some of your expressions. "Had a job of it" Does that mean difficult?

  18. Ilona, I am in total agreement with Carrie's words. Just carry on as usual and all of your followers will be perfectly happy. As Rocky must be.

  19. I think your writting style is lovely.You come across as a generally nice down to earth person someone I could easily have a cuppa with. Anyone who is kind to animals is sound in my opinion .x

  20. Never change your writing style! I love how you write, it is like sitting having a chat over a cup of tea with an old friend. I am up to 2012 now, I may catch up by the end of next week! Lin x


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