Wednesday, 5 December 2012

YAY cheap shopping

Good morning. It's beautiful here, sunshine, blue skies, not a bit of gloom and doom, and I feel chuffed. I've just scoffed a bowl of porridge with stewed apples, and now I'm dancing around with the Ulitmate Rock n Roll collection. Doncha just love Rock n Roll? My little family think I've gone mad, ha ha. I'll just do this quick post before I go out to walk Lady, that's Graham's dog, he has gone a rambling today, and the distance is a bit too far for Lady. We shall have a bimble around the village, with Rocky of course.

I was a bit bored last night, needed to get out, so what did I do? Shopping of course. Not recreational shopping, I needed to restock my fridge and veg and bread. So off to Tesco I went at 7.45pm. Another bumper harvest, YAY. It pays dividends to shop late. I exchanged £5 of vouchers in their double up promotion, and got £10's worth of frozen food for nothing, another YAY. By the way, today is the last day you can do the double up swap, you need to change them today and they must be spent before the 13th, so get in there quick if you want to take advantage.

So what did I get? Bags of salad leaves for 10p each. YAY. Two stalks of brussel sprouts for 18p each, normally £1.75. YAY. Four loaves of wholemael bread, all four for 95p YAY. Mushrooms 9p. Apricota 20p normally £2. Three packs of leeks 17p each, normally £1.70 each. YAY. Mince pies, yogurt, potato salad, prepared vegetables, prepared fruit. I paid £14.55 for the whole shop, that's with the £10 off, included is some cat food and cat treats, so my food cost very little. It will last me a couple of weeks, then one more before the 25th. I think I might leave it till the 24th and get all the last minute reductions, ha ha. BTW I'll put the full list on the food diary later.

Anyway, off for a walk now. Catch you later. Toodle pip.   


  1. Another Yay from me for cheap food. Well done you. I get very excited at thought of last minute shopping Christmas eve, you don't know what you will get which is part of the fun. New years eve is fab for bargains too. Yay!

  2. I love cheap food like that too! well done you, some great bargains.
    I have heard from MSE about the Christmas Eve/NYE bargains that the supermarkets do...but have never braved it myself.

  3. Good morning Ilona, just!from House fairy.
    I got up late today.
    Now I have got up and dressed, it is freezing in the house. The CH came on for its hour 7-8am wile daughter got ready for work and is off now till night. Will be lighting the coal fire later. I hope you are warm. The porridge will help.
    You did well with your shopping.We have a big Tesco in out town.
    Yesterday by request, I made x2 fruit cakes, both to give away. They look good, both laced with brandy. It is nice when people ask by request, you know you have something right!
    Well, off to do some choirs. Keep moving, keep dancing! that is the way to stay warm.

  4. great deals, adnd enjoy your walk.

    Gill in Canada

  5. Just fueled up with porridge here. It's gently snowing on and off...-8C so it will be a baking day today.
    Jane x


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