Sunday, 6 January 2013

Cat rehoming and.......more food

Oooh look some new people have joined, I'm dead chuffed to see you here. Welcome, come on in, put your feet up and make yourself at home. This is the place where we talk about allsorts. At the moment it's a bit foodie because I have been asked what do I eat to stay the same weight. I've got to let you into a bit of a secret here, I weighed myself today for the first time in months, and I've put a few pounds on. Can't grumble though because I am still only 8.5 stone, so that will do fine. Don't know how it happened, probably because I am not doing a lot of walking during the winter, and I'm probably eating more carbs.
Anyway, let's kick off with breakfast. Porridge with sultanas and a fresh juicy peach.
I then got a bit busy and had things to do so I sort of missed lunch. Managed to grab some crackers and cheese to keep me going. I had a long phone conversation this morning, my two cat rescue friends were not available so I took the call. A lovely lady had lost her elderly cat just before Christmas. She wasn't going to get another one straight away, but the house seemed so empty since her old moggie died. She had seen our page on the CatChat web site and took a fancy to two eight year olds who are looking for a new home together. Her husband noticed the three legged cat we have on there, and immediately fell in love with it. These cats are not in our pens, we were full up and couldn't accommodate them so they stayed with their present owners untill a new home could be found.
Well to cut a long story short, we did the home check, they live in a big house up a private drive in a secluded position in a lovely village. An ideal situation. They are in their late fifties, have had cats all their lives, just perfect. Guess what, they rang back tonight and said they are going to take all three cats and will collect them tomorrow. I'm absolutely thrilled to bits for them.
I had to rush out then, to take my friend Graham's dog a walk, he went on an eight mile walk with his rambler friends. Lady is a lovely dog, a bit of a mixture, some alsation, some collie.
I had an early dinner when I got back. Steamed potatoes, onion, sweetcorn, and home grown runner beans, with a grilled cheese and spring onion bake. I drizzled some toasted sesame seed oil over it, lip smackin scrumptious.   

Looks like blogger still haven't sorted the problem of posting pics, there are a lot of posts from disgruntled bloggers on their forum. Now people are having problems posting with Firefox and Chrome. As you can see I have posted with HTML. This is how I do it.
I upload all my photo's first, to the size I want and position on the page I want. It helps that I always choose large size, position central. I get a vertical line of photo's down the centre of the page. Then I go back to Compose mode, put my curser at the bottom left of each photo, click once and it creates a gap to insert the text. Click twice if you want a bigger gap. Works for me.


  1. Yaaay, a happy story for the cats and their new owners! :) I've been having porridge lately, raisins sounds like a great addition!

    1. You can put raisins in if you prefer, I use sultanas because they are cheaper.

  2. Eight and a half stone! Happy New Year fatty. :-)

    1. Ha ha, John. As long as it doesn't creep up any higher.

  3. That's great news about the cats, sounds like a great home for them and how nice to send three of all together.

    I've put on a few pounds over the last few months, my favourite jeans are far too tight at the moment. The weather was so poor in 2012, we hardly did any walking so I'm thinking that's why I'm getting a bit podgy, hopefully my old jeans will fit again when we get back to walking more!

    I use firefox but haven't (yet!) had any problems uploading photos. I've heard a few people mention it though. I hope it's all sorted soon.

  4. It always makes me so happy when you post your rehoming successes! I know you (plural) take such good care to place the kitties in the right safe, loving home, and that just makes me feel good inside and out :)

  5. I only put one pound on over Xmas but as I am about 3 stone overweight that is still no good :-(

    Thrilled to bits for your pusscats Ilona, 3 to a lovely new home, how brilliant!

  6. What a lovely story!and i wish i was eight and a half stone!

  7. Really pleased the cats have a lovely new home.

    Yummy food :-)


  8. I would love a pet, unfortunately I live on a bend, where cars speed by. Maybe one day. Great news they are taking all 3, how wonderful

    1. My friend has errected a very large cage affair in her back garden so her cats can go outside, but not roam free. It is attached to the house so they can wander in and out when they like. Would you have room to do this? What about guinea pigs, they are lovely little pets, so cute and so funny to watch.

  9. Great news on the re-homing and that she took all three. Sounds like the perfect home also.

    I'm using Chrome. Haven't had any issues at all the photo uploading. Hope it gets fixed soon.


  10. In answer to the rehoming comments. Yes, we are very particular where we rehome to. We treat the rescues as our own cats, they get all the love and attention when they are here with us. The two people who are giving their cats up tomorrow have thought long and hard about their reasons for doing so. There will be tears when they go for sure.

    We would rather wait untill the right home comes along.

  11. Great news re the cats! And l am loving the food updates. I am vegan and my partner is part time vegetarian. Blogs like yours really inspire us to be mindful of what we eat.

  12. Brilliant to re-home 3 cats to a good home in one fell swoop, well done.

    Your food is still looking good, very nutricious and healthy.

    Sue xx

  13. Hi from Jan.Congrats on finding a good home for three cats,especially in the current climate when lots of animals are being discarded.Bet the previous owners,who sound like they made a responsible decision, are happy and sad rolled into one.Hope it makes all the hard work and heartache involved in rescue worthwhile.Will you be taking more cats on now that these lucky ones have moved into their luxury accommodation?
    Your meals yesterday looked simply yummy!

  14. That is fantastic news about the cats Ilona....lovely fairy-tale ending that all three will be going to a nice home with nice parents.
    I do believe you are an angel in disguise....keep up the good work.

  15. The three cats had to be rehomed, two of them due to the owner moving into accommodation where pets are not allowed, and the third due to it not getting on with the dog in the house.

    Yes, we have room to take in some more needy cats.

  16. I think I ought to add at this stage, that there are two other angels in our cat rehoming little band. Sue does a heck of a lot of work. She looks after them, sits with them for hours, cuddling, feeding, cleaning their pens. She absolutely loves doing this. Janet does the running about to the vets, and updating our web page. I am on hand to help with phone calls, fund raising, transport, collecting cats, and home checks. We are a team, and work well together.

  17. I'm so pleased that you found the puss cats a new home.
    Love from Mum


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