Tuesday, 8 January 2013

Real food - v - instant food

Oh I am a silly B, I had a couple of pics of my meals yesterday, but it seems I have wiped them off the camera before I loaded them onto the computer. Oh well, never mind, I will tell you about them instead. Lunch yesterday was half a tin of baked beans spiced up a bit with minced garlic and turmeric. I plonked them on top of one and a half Staffordshire oatcakes, topped it with grated cheese, and back in the microwave for a couple of minutes. Lovely. 
Dinner yesterday was a delicious two egg omlette, shame I haven't got the picture, it looked scrummy. I filled it with mixed vegetables out of the freezer, plus the last two chopped up spring onions. When I make an omlette I cook the underside on the hob, then put it under the grill to cook the top. That way it stays in one piece. I am hopeless at flipping food over in the pan. It almost filled the plate, but I managed to nudge it over to one side and add potato salad, small tomatoes, pickled onions, and pickled beetroot. Very nice.
I've done a test drive today on one of these Mug Shot thingy's. Dried pasta in a cheese sauce, just add hot water. I don't usually buy things you mix in a mug, they are mostly horrible. I saw these in Poundland, three for £1, I thought worth a try. I have to say though that I didn't roll over in ecstasy. The sauce wasn't particularly flavoursome, and some of the pasta didn't soften up, despite me waiting the full five minutes, adding more water, and stirring constantly. No, these instant dried food type things are only handy to take on a camping trip. I'll save the other two packets to use when I am away from home.   
Here's another little teaser. I was struggling to make some flames for the artyfarty thing I'm making. This is what I have come up with, layered fabric. Not showing you any more. The eyes are done, now I need to add the blood, not sure what colour it should be though. Might change my mind and not do the blood, who knows what's going on in my mind, I certainly don't sometimes, ha ha.
More time taken up on the cat rescue today, another lady rang to say she wants to adopt a cat or two. She liked Garfield and Duchess, I had to disappoint her as they went yesterday to their new home. Not to worry, she can't take a cat untill next month, we might have some more by then. I am waiting for a text to go out and collect one shortly. It has been roaming for a month and despite putting posters up to find the owner, no one has come forward. We will take it in and keep looking. Eventually it will be rehomed if no one can be found.  


  1. I have also tried instant pasta and was not a fan. Worth a try though.

  2. I always feel so dissappointed when I succumb to instant food..as I sit there eating it I realise I could have made myself a bowl of pasta and pesto in about 12 minutes and actually enjoyed it rather than "filled a hole" I only do it about once every 6 months, but seem to forget in between how dissapointing it was last time...must be my age:-)

    1. Ha ha, I have the age related memory thing as well. I think I'll try something, then remember it was crap when I tried it before.

    2. Ha ha, I've just realised what I said. Could apply it to erm certain leisure activities as well. Better not say any more ;-))

  3. Those mugshots are awful,but the bacholers cheese and brocolli packets are really nice, but there bigger and more expensive, i like them as a pack up lunch but i usually only use them if i'm sick.

    I make omlettes the same ways as you but imo all omletters should have cheese :)

  4. They are jolly handy for camping though! We lived on supernoodles on Duke of Edinburgh expeditions, however we weren't allowed to take them on scout camp!

  5. I quite like the sweet and sour noodle mugshots occasionally as a snack, the noodles are thinner so tend to soften more easily. Of the pasta ones, the tomato one is quite nice, but you have to stir several times to make sure all the pasta gets softened and I let it sit for longer than the alloted time and add more water if the sauce is too thick. I've tried a chicken one and a cheese one and didn't like them at all.

    1. Thanks for that tip helen, I shall remember that, hopefully. Noodles not pasta.

    2. Hi, î agree with Heleng, the tomato and herb ones are best. I also leave them longer to enable the pasta to soften and give a good stir a few times to make sure that it is well mixed up. Aldi do a version called Cupshotz for 39p. Cheers, Christy.

  6. Good evening from Housefairy.
    Instant food is not quite the same as fresh, I quite agree. Now you are stuck with 2 more packets.

    I am trying to use up some food out of the freezer that no one really wants. You can tell as have been there a few months with no takers...
    Tonight I used up a small tray of uncooked diced chicken. Put it in the wok and added jar of sweet and sour sauce from cupboard. Found in the freezer half a packet of egg fried rice. Also been there a few months. Cooked that with colourful veg. There that is a few things gone from the freezer.

    Can I have another guess at your art project?
    I think you are making (if I can spell it?) a phoenix rising from the flames. (got the dictionary out).

    Good night.

    1. Good guess but not right, and I use my dictionary all the time.

  7. Oh, pot noodles remind me of being in the Navy...they didn't serve them in the navy,but if you were going out on the razzle you could skip dinner in the mess and eat a pot noodle while your curlers were in and the make up was being slapped on!
    Jane x

    1. You know Jane I just can't imagine you wearing curlers, you're not a curler type of woman!!


    2. Ha ha, when I was working in a factory in my teens, I used to go to work in my curlers and keep them in all day so I would be ready to go out at night.

  8. We have Ramen noodles here - very cheap - never had them so I cant say what there are like. Try to eat food that is not too messed about with and I dont mind it plain.
    You are so good with homing your cats - the flowers of kindness never fade !

  9. have thought an interesting vintage car bonnet would make a fab head board for a bed, for a teenagers room. I suppose you'd have to pay for that from the scrap yard

  10. Mmm, these aren't so good. Many of them are packed with MSG and other nasties. Good for camping though.

  11. Hi Ilona, A guess at what you are making, is it a fire breathing dragon? Can`t wait to see the finished article. Cheers, Christy.

  12. Want a really gourmet snack Ilona? try crumbling 1/2 an oxo cube into your baked beans :-D
    We veggie gals know how to spoil ourselves LOL


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