Thursday, 9 January 2014

A luxury I can't afford

Oh my gosh, I have eaten something which is very very naughty but absolutely scrumptious. Fresh cream is never on my shopping list, not that I have a shopping list, but if I had one I would not include cream on it. Forgive me, but in a moment of madness, this pot of cream found it's way into my basket. Trolley not needed as I only did a quick dash around after I had recovered the 40p overcharge on the sprouts, from the Customer Service desk. 
Rather a classy pot I thought, when I saw it. Mandarin cream, Grand Marnier, made with Channel Island cream, sounds luscious. When I got it home I dropped a lump into my morning coffee. Oh my, it was lip smackin gorgeous. 
The ingredients list on the back reads like a prime recipe for a heart attack. OMG I really shouldn't have eaten that. My excuse? It was the yellow sticker that first drew my attention to it. I would never have seen it if it wasn't for the fact that it was reduced to 15p.

Now the guilt is kicking in, I hope I haven't done too much damage. I promise not to buy this again. All I can hope is that the mounds of vegetables I consume will cancel out any unfortunate side effects.

Dear heart,
I'm so sorry, please keep ticking.
Lots of love, Ilona


  1. deserve a little treat now and then, dont worry about it :) enjoy xx

  2. Everything in moderation is what they say so a pot of cream wont do any harm.
    I heard that a bloke i used to work with has recently died of a heart attack at just 50 years old. Although i hadn't seen him for years its still a shock when someone your age dies. I'd better start doing something about my crappy driving 'lifetyle'.

  3. I confess I too succumbed to the lure of the YS bargains and purchased a similar treat in the form of Extra Thick Brandy Cream. Oh it was good though on YS mince pies. :)

  4. Cream is a natural food (although I guess not with mandarins already in) and therefore is absolutely no harm for your body, better to eat this than a Mars bar or something else that is totally sugar laden and manufactured!!

    Enjoy ... you deserve it, if it makes you happy your heart will rejoice!! :-)

  5. I picked up a pack of 4 cream cakes in Tesco the other night for 42p - had to be done!

  6. Dear heart,
    I'm so sorry, please keep ticking.
    Lots of love, Ilona

    LOL! How cute, My first laugh of the day. :)

  7. Hi Ilona, you never eat stuff like that so the occasional treat won't hurt you. With all the walking and all the veggie eating, I think you're probably ok with this one little treat.

  8. You are permitted to enjoy yourself twice a year any more than that might seem to be perverse or even a habit!

  9. A little, wee bit of what you fancy won't harm you,it's very balanced & healthy!


  10. Because your diet is excellent; low fat, vegetarian, lots and lots of vegetables, this one treat will probably do you more good than harm. Honestly, we need 'a bit' of fat in our diet from time to time - so enjoy!

  11. Whisky & Ginger Cream here. Bloomin' delicious.
    But obviously - at 25p - I overpaid!

    Granny G xx

  12. I think your heart is safe. Life has to have some small pleasures. Savor it!

  13. It sounds just gorgeous though.

  14. The infrequency at which you eat stuff like that, isn't going to do you any harm. Just enjoy for the moment for the treat that it is. You eat healthily so a little bit of cream is a drop in the ocean, as it were.

  15. Reminds me of an old advert that use to be on telly for fresh cream cakes - naughty, but nice! You eat very healthily so enjoy it.

    Elaine, Oldham

  16. You lead such a healthy lifestyle that a bit of rich food won't do you any harm. You'll be with us for many years to come Ilona, keeping us entertained.

  17. I love that you thought of your heart and not just how yummy it was and that you want more. If people thought more about their heart and other organs and less about what they WANTED to eat, we would have fewer health problems such as heart attacks and cancers caused by "lifestyle" choices, and ultimately fewer people in hospital needing treatment for preventable illnesses. And then there is the debilitating caused by eating high fat stuff regularly.

    So I hope you've encouraged some readers to think about what they put in their gob and how it affects their health. Know I want to be healthy and a do-er like you when I retire.

    1. Hi. I often think of my heart when choosing what food to eat. Both my parents died of a heart attack, dad at 46, and mum at 64. So it's on my mind a lot.

  18. I'm 47 and the past few months have just naturally wanted to start eating far more fruit and veg and much less meat and carbohydrates. I think if you listen to your body, it tells you what it's needing, including the odd wee bit of sugar or fat. When your parents have died young, I agree, it makes you think about your own health more. Don't feel guilty Ilona. On Boxing Day, I ate a tiny portion of Christmas pudding with brandy butter and cream. But one small portion was more than enough and will do me for at least another year! I had done a 2 and a half hour hill walk beforehand though so, hopefully, burned off all the calories. Interestingly, I couldn't sleep that night as my stomach was very upset. Serves me right.

  19. My granddaughter just came round with a huge box of luxury chocolates for my birthday....hellllp!!!!

    1. Happy Birthday. I hate it when people buy me chocolates, I don't want any. You could give them away, but not to me.

  20. Actually a bit of fat is good for you and needed in your diet...and you do deserve a treat now and then. Enjoy it while you have it, in small bits. You always eat so healthily!

  21. Ilona, a dollop of cream in your coffee will never bust your waistline or even clog your arteries. Just enjoy this rare treat, I`d say.

  22. Yum! Cream is one of my weaknesses too. However; I agree with all the other posters here...everything in moderation. Maybe fate knew you needed to slow down and have a he/she had to use a yellow sticker to get your attention. Enjoy it guilt free. :D

  23. Oh! I also wanted to respond to Sue above. I really think there is something to what you are saying. Our bodies really will tell us what we need, if we only listen. A few years ago I started craving rare steak, baked potatoes, and broccoli. Turns out I was anemic. We are close to the same age and I also find I'm craving more fresh fruit and veg and less of the meat and carbs too. It makes sense because our metabolism slows down as we age. However; lately I find I've been craving red wine. lol. (I've never been much of a drinker and never cared that much about wine.)
    I bought a bottle and have a small splash before going to bed at night. Besides curing my insomnia, I wonder what else wine can be good for?
    Time to do some online research!

  24. Oh lady, this is great. I have two cups of coffee a day with. Teaspoon of cream in each, and it keeps me happy. You deserve this, you should have it, such a rich luxury and at a bargain price. So pleased you enjoyed it. Francesca Dwon Under.

  25. You reserve a treat and at 15p it would have been rude not too.

    X x

  26. Hooray, Hooray! You've treated yourself at last, brilliant!

  27. I always joke with my SIL telling him cream is a wonderful food! He won't eat it, well not like I do. It is natural, better than spreads. Treat yourself again.
    Best wishes,
    Angela (Devon)

  28. The fat is natural and will be good for your skin, if you were guzzling down a pot a day then you would have a problem. Your diet is fantastic so I wouldn't lose any sleep over it.

  29. Dont worry about the fat Content, saturated fat is actually good for you. I know it sounds crazy with all the lies the media print about Nutrition every day but vegetable fat is the true enemy. Google Paleo diet, or Weston A Price. Weston A Price did a study on how tribes living in the wild undtouched by modern Society eat, well I can tell you this much, it is very different to what the Mainstream Claims as healthy eating... look it up.

  30. Couple of quick comments, Ilona. No. 1, don't worry about *cholesterol*. Instead, go read the book The Great Cholesterol Con. No. 2, avoid "extra thick" cream, as it's been homogenised to give it that texture. I habitually avoid any homogenised dairy products as the process can lead to undesirable residues in the milk being rendered small enough to pass through the intestinal wall into the bloodstream. Your choice, of course, but clotted cream is just as nice without the attendant risks. I still read your blog regularly, love your attitude!


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