Sunday, 26 January 2014

Doesn't she scrub up well :o)

There's only one thing for it today, stay indoors for some pamper time and home comforts. The weather is horrible, lashings of rain and gale force winds. Step outside at your peril. No, best stay indoors. 
I've spent some money today, central heating and hot water needed.
A full body exfoliation, that's a good scrub up in my language, a lounge in the bath, and a glass of vino. Aaah, bliss.  
All sparkly clean from top to toe.

Then downstairs for some comfort food. Lentils, swede, sprouts, potatoes, and onion. Can't beat it.
Enough for two more days. I'm going to carry on with the rug now. The rain has eased off so I might venture out for half an hour. Catch you tomorrow. Toodle pip.


  1. Yes, scrubbed up very well! That's a nice pic. Veggie casserole looks nice, I made carrot & coriander soup yesterday and will have enough for a couple of days.

  2. Weather is terrible here today. I crubbed up yesterday, and my comfort food is going to be a pork stroganoff tonight. I`m having a lazy afternoon on the computer before I shall cook the stroganoff.

  3. Ahh, comfort food at it's best!


  4. I made a pot of tasty lentil soup yesterday and managed to use up several odds and ends from the cupboard in the making! Satisfying in every way :)

  5. Danneke giving another shout. Pleased to hear you enjoyed the soak in the tub with a glass of something, very civilized Ilona. I miss a good soak but I just have a shower room now, its safer for me(couldnt get my leg over into the bath due to hip problems) I agree the weather is dreadful, same here in Scarborough, not worth trying to go outside. Wish the rain would stop so the ferral cats can visit the yard for food they must have a hideout somewhere as when the do come they are not soaked , I know one sleeps a lot under the big privet hedge at the end of the garden. Lunch looks good Ilona, yesterday I par boiled potatoes and other veggies then sliced the spuds in thinnish slices and along with the other almost cooked beans , brocolli & cauliflower I poured some home made creamy cheese sauce over everthing and baked in the oven , A sprinkling of grted cheese just before the end of cooking time just finished the top off . There was enough made for 2 days and while the oven was on I made a large Date & Walnut tea loaf. I like to use the oven fully when I do have it in use.

  6. By the way, Ilona - if you think any of your readers may be interested, I'm having a giveaway for a handknitted woolen hat on my blog:
    Nothing required, and I'll mail it anywhere. If you'd rather not post this, that's fine too! Just wanted to mention it. :)

  7. Hi have been following you for a while now just wanted to say love your blog and you look fantastic must be true that you are what you eat! You are a great inspiration for me I'm a single 45 yr old gal with adult children in Australia I eat mainly vegie

  8. Seems like the whole country was deluged today. Your way was the probably the best way to spend such a grotty day!

  9. Good lord, the weather is terrible everywhere. Here our temps were in the 50's (F) and just balmy and lovely, but we are awaiting winds 25 to 45 mph scheduled to arrive in three or four hours. Then the temps plunge to the teens and we shiver. Just hate this! Winter, why you be so MEAN!?

  10. nothing like a nice pamper day is there, glad you enjoyed it Ilona, you deserve it

  11. We had snow yesterday but it was the sort of wet snow that soaks you to the skin along with gales. Never mind, the dogs still needed walked so we all got soaked. Snow now replaced with rain and lots more rain and then snow to come along with more gales throughout the week. Off to make a huge pot of soup so that will keep me warm in the cold weather. Spring is not far away (just keep telling myself this).


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