Sunday, 19 January 2014

Sing your heart out

Something to share with you today. Something quite amazing, something chuffin brilliant. I am not a fan of talent programmes, they build people's hopes up and then they knock them down. Not everyone can get through to the finals, not everyone has talent, in fact some of them have no talent at all, but they are prepared to put themselves in the firing line in the hope of a big break. Instead all they get is a lot of ridicule. The programme makers know that. They include them because they will increase ratings, a terrible example of exploitation, a cruel way to make money. I don't watch talent programmes because I feel for the people entering, also I don't have a television set, a good enough reason I think.

Last night, while pottering around on yooootoooob I happened to come across some of the better auditions, and these people definitely have got talent. I absolutely love the way first impressions go completely out of the window once they open their mouth. Remember Susan Boyle, and Jonathan and Charlotte? Absolute gems of inspiration.

I am beginning to appreciate good music, and find myself being drawn to fabulous voices, the type that can actually sing. I have picked out these for you to listen to, see if you agree with me, that these are absolutely amazing. There are some surprises here, you will be blown away, and you will need your hanky. There is raw passion here, and it shows as they give it their all. Enjoy your Sunday.

Well, what do you think? Stunning eh! Catch you tomorrow. Toodle pip.


  1. Thought these were fantastic, johnathan allen made me cry, thanks for sharing. Julie

  2. Ilona what a treat on Sunday morning. Thank you. Delphine

  3. Thanks for posting the videos..I always enjoy them.
    Just want to say our Lab, Toby, has torn the ACL on his back right hind leg. He tore the left one when he was under 1 year old and had it repaired and it is fine. He is now almost 10. So he is off to have this one done, and I am happy to have "emergency " money saved to pay for it.....
    Oh, yes, and I am guilty of not standing properly and find if I do a lot of "core" exercises it reminding myself a lot!

  4. Hi What stunning performances, my kind of music, I was in bits listening to Jonathan Allen.
    What a voice and what cruel Parents, how can you not be proud of a son , whatever his preferences, I really hope he succeeds. But, my favourite is Jonathan and Charlotte , I could listen to them all day, and he is so modest and shy, his depression caused by bullying still affects his life, such a shame, he is so amazing.
    thankyou for brightening up my sunday, I love your blog, I too am single and you inspire me
    and I get so many great ideas from your blog.
    Keep it up please. I so look forward to reading it

    1. Thank you. I'm pleased you like my blog, because I like writing it.

  5. Thanks for the video links xxx

    I watched last night's The Voice on BBC iplayer, not a bad collection of singers. The older man at the end who worked in a refrigerated warehouse by day really belted out his song. Reminded me of the Rat Pack. Tom Jones told him that he really should be a pro singer.

    I did get a bit angry at the Irish singer, she was about 30 going on 5. She had 3 dogs and dressed them up in stupid doggie clothes, even her poor German Shepherd was dressed up. Talk about a loss of a dog's dignity. She had another small dog which she literally threw on to her sofa and she also threw the poor thing into the river.

    I hope an RSPCA inspector was watching. If you watch it Ilona, it'll make your blood boil.

    1. I could not sit and watch a whole programme. Glad I didn't see it.

  6. I do have a tv because I am by myself a lot. I enjoy the history programmes on the Beeb. I don't look at talent shows because I think they are cruel. Natalie

  7. These are great, Ive got one to share as well, check out this little girl with the big personality and great voice.....

  8. Stunning!
    Linda, I was horrified at the way that woman treated her dogs, especially the Shitzu she threw in the river! Yes, the RSPCA should act on that!

  9. I don't know what the hoodie man was saying (singing), but he made me cry with the beautiful way he sang.

    1. Hi Angie. He is Bulgarian. I don't think it matters that we can't understand the language, with a performance like that the emotion takes over. I cry every time I hear that song. If you put Svetlio in youtube search it comes up with more videos. He can sing all types of music, from pop to classical. He went to the USA to try and make it big. He was promised a recording contract that never materialised, and made money busking on the streets. He speaks very good English.

    2. And he is incredibly handsome :o))

  10. Jonathan Allen had me captivated the moment he began singing. I have played the clip over and over again. Thanks so much for sharing this with us.
    Wendy (Wales)

  11. There are some amazing hidden talents in this world. Thanks for sharing these few clips. They were utterly impressive!!

  12. Stunning! They blew me away. Thanks Ilona. This one is scary -
    Love Pat


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