Sunday, 29 June 2014

What do you see?

How do you oil the cogs of creativity? Mine start getting rusty if I don't use them for a while. I have a project waiting to be started but I couldn't picture how I should go about it. Where do I start. Watching arty videos on yoootooob helps. I always think of art as being neat and tidy, but it isn't, it can be messy. I like things to fit together in some kind of order, but they don't have to be perfect. I sometimes look at art and think, what does that mean, what's it all about? But often it only means something to the artist who created it. 
I've been experimenting today with bits of fabric and glue, and some new metalic thread I bought. I have nothing to show because it's difficult to explain an idea before it actually starts taking shape. I have a picture in my mind but I need to find the right coloured fabric. I can see the beginning and I need to get started. I will make a start soon. 
Take a look at these photo's, I took them yesterday, what do you think? Very arty aren't they. What do they look like? They remind me of  a moonscape perhaps. Or a mountain. I love the different shades of browns and blues. The rough texture of the surface, the holes and cracks. I can see stone age people coming out of their caves. I can see a dinosaur about to appear over the top, breathing fire and stamping it's feet. I can see mountaineers scaling the treacherous rock formations. I can see abseilers lowering themselves down the cliff face. I can see creatures from another planet with rough scaly skin. 
Now tell me what you see in these pictures. 

Goodnight. Catch you tomorrow. 


  1. A landscape from another world - maybe another planet, maybe somewhere after an earthquake/volcanic eruption.

    1. It reminds me a bit of a waterfall too (just an afterthought!)

  2. Dead tree, I think. But they remind me of the cave dwellings of the Anasazi Indians.

  3. A rugged rock face in an ancient land, lots of caves and then a closer look and I see an ancient tree with beautiful texture and glorious colours, a home for insects or lizards.


  4. Reminds me of some of the caves I've been in particularly of an alabaster cave in Missouri, USA.

  5. I see a stump that is being gradually reduced by insects, wildlife, and the elements.

  6. I think it´s an old tree stump, with holes made by insects.

  7. It reminds me of the caves high up in the rocks were offerings were left to the Gods.

  8. Yes, landscape from another planet...until the glimpse of trees and grass in the last picture brought the tree stump into focus!

  9. I also see an alien environment. that the TARDIS I hear about to land?

  10. I think there should be furry pink Clangers and a Soup Dragon running round in them :-)

  11. At first it looked like the red rock plateaus in the desert southwest (of the US), but then, yes... a tree trunk. How very clever! :-) You're good with a camera, Ilona!

  12. Cool pics!
    The last picture makes me think of sand and waterfalls...or maybe I am just wishing that I was at the beach. :D

  13. Expected to see the Teletubbies popping up from the caves on the moonscape.

  14. I see wise old faces watching and conversing. It's good to have these sturdy friends around looking out for us. They will always be there for when we want them.
    Love from Mum

  15. If it weren't for the grey wood, I would have wondered if these were coral pictures - except I can't picture you in snorkeling or scuba diving gear, Ilona! :)

    Cynthia from Oz

  16. That series would look nice framed and on a wall. I'm clueless. I don't see a dang thing in the pictures! LOL

  17. I honestly thought it was a rock mountain with cliff dwellings, like others said. I was really surprised when you said it was a rotting tree stump. Thank you for saying it's the sign of a good imagination and I'm not really as thick as that stump!

  18. I can tell its a decaying tree stump but it reminds me of a truckstop shower cubicle with several years of fungal buildup.

  19. On Pinterest, I saw where somebody had cut the top of the stump straight across, then drilled large holes down into the center to carve out the interior, then filled it with potting soil and annual flowers along with a little garden gnome. It was quite cute! Is this stump in your garden? :)


Was closed, then it was open, now it is closed again. Oooops, open again, but it might close soon. Yes, closed for now. Open again.