Friday, 29 August 2014

Inventing a picture frame, and finding some free ones.

Hello. At last the picture is finished. After changing my mind about the frame several times, I thought of this idea, and I think it works rather well. I added an extra layer of the green mossy stuff to strengthen the edges and give it a more defined frame, I stuck it on with PVA glue. 
I have had this knocking around in the spare room for years. It's a self assembly shoe rack, though I never used it for it's original purpose. I bought it to add height to my market stall. Positioned at the back of the table as extra shelving to elevate the display. Perfect for this job. Lay the two pieces on a piece of hardboard. It wasn't quite big enough so I cut two of the legs to size to fill the gap in the centre.
The picture sits on the top of it, secured at the top and bottom with a dark thick thread set one inch apart. Along the vertical sides I have used invisible thread. I was going to use the dark thread, but decided that the stitches up the sides would not match up with those at top and bottom. 
Each piece of dark thread is knotted at the back.

I screwed all the slats in several places to a piece of hardboard, which I trimmed to slightly smaller than the picture, so it doesn't show to the front. This makes it super strong.
Then I covered the knots with black tape to tidy it up. A piece of wire from a broken set of Christmas tree lights to hang it. 
And there you have it, finished. Looks nice hanging on the wall, this type of frame is ideal for it, as it's more like a tapestry than a picture. I shall take it down and wrap it to keep it clean, in the next few days. Then try and get it shown somewhere. 
I've been skip diving again. Just down the road they have a skip on the front, looks like they are sorting their stuff out in readiness for a move. The house is for sale. I saw that they had put four picture frames on the ground outside the skip, maybe these are free to take, so I knocked on the door to ask. Yes, take what you want, says the woman. I've cleaned them up, they must have been stored in an attic for years. There are two large ornate frames, 

And two smaller plain ones.

Good find, eh! Need to make some more pictures now. I will keep my eye on that skip in case anything else appears. Love free stuff, ha ha.
Toodle pip.


  1. Great idea for a textile piece, Ilona. Very glad you aren't covering with glass. This is much kinder to the work and the texture, to let us see and experience it. And some of my best frames have come from the dumpster (skip).

  2. Great color addition to your wall!

  3. It looks amazing, a job well done and some great finds.

  4. Your picture and frame look great together. Joan

  5. I love your inventive picture "frame" - its so simple, yet so beautiful. And I congratulate you for your finding those older frames, can't wait to see what you create to put in them.

  6. Looks fantastic, Ilona. You have a good eye for what shows off your beautiful work. Catriona

  7. I love your pic

  8. Perfect frame, recycled, too and better than anything you might have gone out and bought!

  9. Brilliant! The frame really suits and adds to the picture. Love it! Jane S

    1. Amen! A beautiful textile in a fab frame. You go, girl!

  10. The frame you made from the shelves is absolutely brilliant!

  11. Hi Ilona, What a great idea you had using that shoe rack. I would have never thought of that. Like Boud said, it goes so well with the picture because it is like a wall tapestry and you've allowed the picture to be seen for it's texture. I hope others will be able to see this work of art somewhere. I hope you find a place that will display it.

  12. I never would have thought of using something like that for a frame, but it is perfect for your tapestry!

  13. Great home made picture frame, great picture frame finds. Now you can make a picture to fit the frame rather than a frame to fit the picture.

  14. Oh my those picture frames are fanatastic. I would have snaffled them too. I put vintage fabric in old picture frames. Adds a splash of colour to a room. Great find. Debbie

    1. Sorry I didn't compliment you on your brilliant frame for your art work. I would have never have thought of that in a million years. It looks great! Very clever. Debbie

  15. Ilona you always manage to find something really useful. Those frames are just wonderful I know you will put them to good use. Wonky has had her first outing as you can see across at mine. Thanks once again. Ann x

  16. The picture you made is absolutely beautiful.

  17. Great piece of inspiration for your needlework! It sets it off beautifully.

  18. The tapestry is amazing and the frame idea just compliments it fabulously. I do hope that you find somewhere to display it. Your art is so unique!

  19. That picture looks fantastic - in every sense of the word!

  20. What a great imagination you have, Ilona.

    Joan (Wales)

  21. Your lovely creation looks great in the simple frame which doesn't over shadow it. Once again you have come up with a good idea.
    Wendy (Wales)

  22. That makes a perfect frame and your piece is fantastic!

  23. Weird my first comment didn't go through, anyway you are a very clever and creative lady! Can't wait to see what you do with your 'new' frames. I saw this on Pinterest and immediately thought of you. I bet you could make one dead easy! Sorry this is a bit of a long link!

    Linda xx

  24. What a clever idea to use the shoe rack for the frame. I never would have thought of it but it is perfect because it puts the focus on the tapestry and the frame is in the background.

    Great free frames, especially the ornate ones. I'm sure you will find a special way to use them.

  25. Fantastic - you do such nice work and the use of the shoe rack is brilliant. I hope you will be able to display it for others to see. Ranee from Minnesota

  26. Awww I was thinking a white stressed frame lol but seeing it on your wall looks lovely lol

  27. Great piece of needlework.

  28. Your best piece of art work yet. Fab

  29. Wow Ilona, I would have never thought of making a frame that looks really good with your picture/tapestry.

  30. Love that cat bed, Linda. Thanks for the link.

  31. Love love love!! This work of fabric art you have created. Excellent and the frame is perfect.


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