Friday, 22 August 2014

Wonky bag.

Hello. It was enrolment day today at the college where you can go along and discuss which courses you are interested in. I have marked a couple in the brochure and wanted to speak to someone to get more information. 
There is a sewing club for six weeks, and I asked what kind of sewing is it, is there a teacher, and what do you make. The very helpful lady said it's a lot of fun, last term everyone made a skirt. Well that didn't float my boat, I very rarely wear a skirt. I told her I get most of my clothes from charity shops and car boot sales, so it seems hardly worth the bother and expense to make my own. She asked me what kind of sewing I am interested in, I said mainly recycling textiles. She took my details and said she would speak to the tutor, and maybe come up with some ideas that I would be interested in. 
There is another course I want to join so I filled a form out for that. Up-cycled textiles sounds more like me, that one starts in November for six weeks. For £40 the price is quite good, and will get me out meeting people when the weather turns a bit colder. It will save on my heating bill, ha ha. 
While I was in town I paid my credit card bill into the bank. It's very low this month, hardly spent anything. A look in the Age Uk charity shop as well. I have wanted a lightweight smart jacket to wear when it isn't cold enough for a thick winter jacket, and not warm enough to go without a jacket. This one will fit the bill. I like the big pockets, it's nice and long and covers my bum, (hate short jackets), and it's like new.   
And it's only £1. I felt a bit guilty for handing over just £1, so I put some change in the charity box. When I have a sort out at home I always bring my unwanted items in here, it's the best charity shop in town.
I was a bit limited for time, so I did a quick dash round Aldi to pick up a few essentials. I haven't needed to go to Tesco this week, so a top up shop will do. Broccoli, carrots, cucumber, 39p each. Bananas 68p, I always count the bananas because they can range from 6 huge fruits to 9 small fruits. I couldn't find 9 today so had to make do with 8. The funny thing is you can buy a bag of fun size bananas which don't have any more in, but they are 99p.

Remember the curtains I got for £1, I got them for my friend but they don't fit his window. I am turning them into shopping bags. This is one I have just knocked up. It is a bit different because I have put a lining in it, just to see if it works. Yes it makes a good strong bag, and probably waterproof, but it is a bit wonky, one side is a fraction bigger than the other side. However, if anyone would like my wonky bag please leave a comment, and I will pick a name out of a hat, or a bucket, or any other receptacle I have handy. I will post it out to anywhere in the world. Closing date Sunday 24th 6pm BST.

It is very strong, will carry a load of spuds, or library books, and is an ilona original, albeit a bit wonky. .

Enjoy the Bank Holiday weekend. Toodle pip


  1. I love wonky things. They speak of individualism and difference. I`d be chuffed to bits if someone gave me such a bag.
    Your coat looks great, too. I`m like you. I don`t like short coats either. I feel cosier when my bum is covered and the wind chill can`t get me.

  2. As I'm very lucky to already own an Ilona designer bag,I won't be greedy and enter the draw,but I'll wish everyone else 'good luck'.
    Jane x

  3. I will be the first to enter for your bag - love the color and design. And who cares if one side is a tad wonky - there are those of us who love the wonky in life! I live in NY, USA.

  4. Great find on the jacket! And I would love the "bit wonky" ilona bag! I even promise to send a picture or two of the trips it will get to take!!!

  5. Love the bag and love the jacket. Don't need the bag but just wanted to say I like it.

  6. The charity shops around here are getting too pricy they are very boutique style. They wanted 15quid for a vintage blouse you wouldn't do your housework in. Awful.
    I love your wonky bag the fabric is lovely. I already make bags so don't pick me give it to someone who doesn't sew bags great job though. We have an ex catalogue shop near hear that sells stuff really cheap and good quality so I usually buy items to remodel.

  7. The wonkiness makes it extra special! Great colour too. The jacket really suits u and an absolute bargain.

  8. Hi Ilona!
    I have been reading your blog for such a long time. I am so thankful for your sharing. Changes I have made in my life are because you shared yours. I really like your bag and would be blessed to win one.
    Thanks, Jennifer from Ohio

  9. I love the jacket! A great find! I would love to have the wonky bag - so creative.

  10. I'm so excited to get another go at an ilona bag!! Love all of your creations. You make my day! Ranee in Minnesota

  11. Love this orange colour Ilona.
    Hope you enjoy your class this autumn.

  12. Well, wonky it may be but it is lovely. What a great colour, so bright and lively. Love the 'Ilona' label too! I would be proud to have your wonky bag to carry my groceries.

  13. I think the upcycling course would be great for you. I'm thinking of doing a sewing class to improve my sewing skills but am finishing my degree right now so I don't want to start anything new until I've finished. I have progressed from ordinary, simple tote bags to the more boxy type that you do - so pleased with it! I have also recovered a lampshade (with recycled scraps of fabric), I think you would love it - I wish I could post pictures. Anyway, you have inspired me to sew and I am completely addicted now. P.S love charity shops, I wish I could get things for £1. Everything I like is nearer £5. Saw a beautiful jacket today that I loved but it was £39.99. The ticket said it was designer but expensive! Debbie

  14. Your jacket looks almost new :-) Wonder where it's been - the M&S label is something they haven't used in a long time.

    I would love a wonky Ilona bag.


  15. Wonky or not I just love the also trying to improve on my sewing skills and have already made my granddaughter 2 dresses for hardly ant pennies at all,she just loves them!

  16. Wow that is a very low price for your jacket. Prices are much higher in charity shops in Ireland than in the UK

  17. The bag looks lovely, and probably wouldn't look wonky with shopping or essentials for a day out in it. The jacket looks good; I agree about the need for a warm bum, but I like a hood too, don't like having to hold an umbrella up. When I was a child the females in the family never went anywhere without a plastic rain-hood that fitted in a little plastic pouch - you don't see them any more, but it really wasn't a good look! Love the blog, glad I've found you!

  18. Don't need a wonky bag, though it's a lovely one. Wabi sabi is the Japanese for wonky in art!

  19. Ilona your wonky bag is the best wonky bag I have seen. I would love to win it. As for your jacket, what a find. It looks really good. Good luck with your hunt for a course to take for the winter. I think I will continue with family history research. There is always something interesting to find. Ann x

  20. The jacket is a good find. Actually, a great find. I thought when I moved to the South I wouldn't need warm coats. I was wrong, of course, because I got use to the weather and started being just as cold as other Southerners. I found a long wool coat for $12.99 at the charity shop last winter. Your bag is most creative. I love the way you embroider your name on them. I would be pleased if you put my name in the drawing for it.

  21. Totally love your CS find and the marvellous price. I was completely put off our charity shops as they are extortionately priced and had second hand goods which could be picked up in department stores for less.

    I love your bag but am currently drowning in bags for life that will outlive me! Enjoy your class.

  22. I would love your wonky bag, it looks like it would hold my dog cans well. I would also be happy for anyone else to win it too...but just thought I would give it a try!

  23. Look forward to hearing about which course you take and the interesting folks you will meet whilst taking it!
    Would love a one off ILONA bag.
    Jan F

  24. Good find on the jacket - that's just the sort of thing I like for walking in the woods with my pup.
    And another pretty bag, wonky or not, but I've got plenty so please don't add me to the drawing this time :)

  25. What a lovely jacket! I like everything about it. And what a bargain!

    I would love to win your wonky bag. I would use it for the library. I like reading real books, not online books, so I am always at the library.

  26. Lovely jacket. A wonky bag makes it more unique. Pleas can you include me into the draw. Thank you.

  27. Your jacket was such a good buy at just a pound. I love love finding bargains like this. It really makes my day:)

  28. I think you could RUN a course on up-cycled textiles! The bag is great - fantastic colour, and big enough. Jacket is good too, I have a lovely jacket which has no has just sat in my wardrobe. Over-due for a charity bag!

  29. great bargain, and wonky bags are fab! mine always are!

  30. I'm always happy to hear of any classes being offered here for sewing....but they are few and far between :(

  31. I would love to shop here in Eire with your lovely bag! Such a warm winter colour. Debs in Eire

  32. Hi Ilona I love your bags and although I do make my own and have quite a few recycled bags ... I think it would be a mark of my respect for your creativity, your lifestyle and your points of view, all of which I think are great ... if I had one. So please put me into the draw... if I win... I WILL pay the postage cos it aint cheap to send to Spain. xx Jane

  33. Elaine in Aberdeen23 August 2014 at 18:29

    Love your wonky bag, would be a grand bag for holding my knitting and crochet in, or a book bag for library visits.

  34. Lovely jacket and such a bargain. Please put me in the draw for your bag, wonky is fine with me.

  35. I would love your wonky bag Ilona.

  36. I would love to win the bag. We went to the charity shop yesterday with armfuls of outgrown items x

  37. The prize draw is now closed. Winner to be announced.. Thank you.


Was closed, then it was open, now it is closed again. Oooops, open again, but it might close soon. Yes, closed for now. Open again.