Saturday, 8 November 2014

A stitch up

Hello. The weather has been wall to wall rain today, so it's been a day indoors for me. Not to worry though, it's given me a chance to get stuck into the latest artwork. I've been stitching all day, my little fingers are sore. It's looking pretty darn good though, worth all the effort to get it right. 
So, what was I doing yesterday. I went to visit my friend Jan from the craft club, she lives at the other end of the village and as it was raining I drove myself there. She lent me some books a month ago so it was a good opportunity to take them back. I wanted to be nosy in her sewing room, see what fabrics she has. I must say her room is very neat and tidy, everything in it's place, and lots of lovely fabrics to drool over. She sorted out some more books for me to borrow, she has lots of them on every crafting subject. I took the Hudl with me and we had a play on that, she will think about getting one when she comes back from her holidays. 
My dinner yesterday was a scrumptious plate of steamed vegetables topped with grated cheese. Sprouts, cauliflower, broccoli, potatoes, parsnips and spinach. There is no meal better than this, I enjoy every mouthful. Today I had the same again, minus the spinach, and topped with garlic mushrooms. Simply divine. 
Here is a little teaser. I'm close to finishing it now, or I think I am. The bigger towel rail which I am using as a frame is ready to be wired onto the back of it. Anyway, must get on, want to do another hour before I wind down before bed time.

Enjoy your Sunday, Toodle pip.


  1. What can you actually do on a Hudl - can you do a post on it?

    1. Yes. It's a tablet computer like an ipad. It's got Google chrome. You can take photos with it, cameras back and front. Download apps. Watch films, listen to music, read books. Surf the web. Emails.

  2. Hi Ilona, weather wet up here too so I've spent a lot of today making a quilt. Been working on it for weeks now when not out cycling or working. Good to see what you've been stit ching. Got 2 loaves reduced in Mr Ms fo15p each. Thanks for your post about later shopping.
    Brenda in the Boro

    1. Hi Brenda. Nice to hear from you. Don't like this weather, no walking at the moment, dreaming about another long walk in the spring. Keep looking for bargains, it's fun when you find them.

  3. An indoor day here today too...snow then rain...ah well, I suppose it makes a change from hard graft outdoors.
    Jane x

  4. Ilona, looks like your picture is really coming along and it is charming. Your veggie plate looks yummy. Add a little cheese, can't go wrong.

  5. Nothing beats a plate of lovely fresh veggies with cheese...especially at the price you paid for them!! Weaving looking good...look forward to the great 'revealing'!


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