Tuesday, 29 December 2015

1000 miles or bust

Hi everyone. I have done my 3 miles early today, Here are the Christmas garden ornaments I usually pass in the dark. It's going to be pretty gloomy when everyone takes theirs down for another year. There will be just the street lamps to help me find my way. Mind you, I do it on automatic pilot now, I sometimes reverse it for a change. If I wasn't walking so fast I could do a bit of litter picking along the way, ha ha. 
I'm really chuffed that a few people are ready to take on this walking challenge. There are seven of us up to now. Frugal in the Valley, John Wooldridge, Lisa in Miami, Linda Kennedy, Mrs LH, Hilogene Oltman (a maybe but I'm sure she won't duck out now), and me. As you know I have already started so I will be a month ahead of those who start on the 1st of January. You could start at any time, even delay it until February, but I feel there is no time like the present for getting on with it.

Those taking part need to be able to count up the miles they are walking, either as they do it, or a previously checked route, or after they have been for a walk. There are various ways of doing this, but I am not familiar with the electronic gadgets, so I can't help you there. You might have a pedometer, or a fitbit, or some other programme on your phone. I use a web site called Bike Hike. On the screen you get two maps, the OS one on the right will zoom in to street level. You need to hit the 'toggle map' button to make it bigger, then put in your start place and it will find it. Plot your route out with your mouse, either before or after you have walked. It will add up the distance.

The challenge doesn't specify what type of walking counts, it can be every bit of walking you do during a normal day. If you are a postie person you will soon rack up the miles. If you have a pedometer you can check how much you are doing.

The walks I have been doing up to now are over a route I have already checked, it is the same every day. My aim is to walk as fast as I can. The quicker I do it, the harder my muscles work, and the fitter I become, hopefully. At a brisk pace most people walk at 3mph. My three miles takes me 50 minutes. Walking on tarmac means I don't need to concentrate too much on where I am putting my feet and I can think about my breathing. I wear old walking boots, they are comfortable. Choose your footwear wisely, real walking boots, or trainers. Don't want to injure your feet or twist your ankle.

You might not want to follow the same routine every day, there are many different ways of doing this. You could get out into the countryside and walk across fields a couple of days a week. You could take a whole week off work and walk for seven days, this would condense it into a shorter period of time. If you get the bus to work could you walk instead if it is a couple of miles. If not every day, maybe two or three times a week. You might want to do a one our dog walk every day if you have an energetic dog.

If you think of adding the miles like adding coins to a jar, it's very similar. You might want to save £1000 to pay for next Christmas, drop any spare coins in, or step out of the door with your boots on and clock up a few miles. Don't worry about leaving your comfortable arm chair and going outside in the winter. You will be cold when you first start out, but your body temperature will rise with all the movement going on, especially if you stride along and swing your arms.

To do this for a whole year you need to be enjoying it to keep up your motivation. It goes without saying that the more you walk the better you will feel. If you have any underlying illnesses or medical problems I would advise you to consult your doctor to ask if it could aggravate any problems. Experiment with different types of walking, if you are not enjoying walking up and down hills try flat walking. If you don't like tarmac try walking around a recreation ground on the grass.

Try these for motivation

Country Walking Challenge

Cheryl Strayed's 1000 mile hike

Walking with the wounded, 1000 miles

Kevin's Facebook page for his 2015, 1000 miles

A Facebook page for the 2016 1000 miles

Walking with a donkey

Another 1000 mile challenge 

That's it. I've got a hungry dog waiting and I'm hungry too, so I'd better get us some nosh.
Thanks for popping in. Catch up soon. Toodle pip


  1. I have a Fitbit and it tells me that on an average day I walk about 6miles. I don't go for set walks, I walk around the 6 mile mark as part of my daily life and job. My classroom is on the second floor so the Fitbit tells me that I also climb many staircases-which I do! I'm interested in doing this challenge, but as it doesn't say whether I need to do the 1000 miles on top of my "normal" walking then I think I'll adapt it a little for me, if that's ok Ilona? So I'll join you in the challenge. I'll up my daily miles walked to 7 initially. Is that ok? Xxx

  2. We live close to a forestry commission area with lots of colour coded walks. The route I did a few years ago was roughly just under 3 miles. Fast walking took me 50 mins but hills and uneven ground throughout which was an added workout. I'm looking forward to starting this! Even though my hubby will be accompanying me, we tend to walk in silence mainly. It clears my head and 50mins flies by.

  3. Thanks for the links Ilona.
    I've been out this evening...it's so windy out there. Just 4 miles left for me to do before the end of the year. I'd certainly like to do it again next year and see if I can do better.
    Good luck with your challenge and well done on motivating others
    Jacquie x

    1. Well done Jacquie. Two more days and you're done. I don't know how you can do better next year. More miles or a shorter time?

  4. Okay, the pressure worked ;). Count me in!

    1. Well done, get your boots polished, Let us know how you get on.

  5. I've read diet books, exercise books, podcasts, TV shows you name it....and the one thing that has kept me on my feet and walking out the door each day Ilona, is YOU. For that I am only and ever grateful. You have inspired me for years now, if you do, then so do I. Indebted to you.

  6. Btw I am doing about 3 miles a day, but converting to miles from kilometres.

  7. Is there a limit to how many miles one should be doing in a week?
    I would join in this activity if I could guarantee my mileage per week. At present I`m doing more cycling than walking per week. Would the cycling to and from work count towards the end goal?

    1. It's entirely up to you how many miles you do in a week. You could do 50 one week and none the following week. It works out at 2.73 miles per day, or 19.23 miles a week. If you found you were short one week it would be best to make it up the following week, or you could find it difficult to catch up. You are the only one who can guarantee your mileage depending on how much time you can give it. You need to reach a total of 1000 by the end of the year. Sorry, it's walk 1000 miles, not cycle 1000 miles. How far do you cycle, can you leave your bike at home for a couple of days a week? Why not give it a try and see how you go.

    2. I don`t think I can join in on this walkathon. I would never make the 1000miles by the end of the year as I could only manage about 5 miles a week due to work and looking after baby. Nonetheless, I shall try to go for walks and cycle rides whenever possible, but shall not set a goal to reach a particular millage.

  8. Count me in! I.m kind of cheating because I do walk my dog goes every morning but it will be fun to keep track. Also when the weather is good I'll hike after work and count those miles. Lllona you continue to be such an inspiration to me! Happy New Year! Ellen in Arizona

  9. 1000 miles? I'm in - I got a fitbit for Christmas - not that I've done any walking so far, I've got a streaming cold!

  10. I want to jump in here also. I've had a knee replacement but I should be able to do 2.5 miles per day. I walk a lot at work as my office is far away from our main area. I'm going to purchase a fitbit or something like it so that I can keep track. Thanks Llona for starting this.

  11. Im in. Tried it a few years ago and was going great until I had a horrid virus which took weeks to get over. New year...new start.

    1. You're on the list, Julie. Give it another go.

  12. Hi.It's great so many are taking part in the walking challenge,happy hiking everyone and best wishes for your personal goals being met!I do walk regularly,with and without the doggie.I have no idea how many miles I do a week but do try to increase distance in increments as my health allows.It's surprising what a person is capable of if they make the effort to try a little bit more each time...even those with chronic infirmities and mobility issues.(that would be me)Am glad you mention that those with chronic and or health issues should see their doctor first before starting.Sensible advice,Ilona. Am there in spirit and will enjoy watching from the sidelines.Thank you,bye for now,D.

  13. Count me in, Ilona.
    Thanks for your terrific blog!

  14. Okay Ilona, count me in. I need the motivation

  15. Hi Ilona, count me in. It sounds like a a great challenge.

  16. I would like to join you too. I have a fitbit, so I will measure in steps.
    Looking forward to reading everyone's progress
    Happy New year to you

  17. Great Challenge. I am getting started today. Sonja, North Carolina


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