Sunday, 27 December 2015

Going for a long walk, not all in one go.

Hello. I am waiting for a video to upload on yoootooob and it's going to take about three hours. In the meantime I will jot a few words down here. Setting the scene, I am snacking on crackers and soft cheese, Rocky is waiting for his dinner, and Bugsy cat is scratching in the litter box and is about to leave a deposit, charming, and I am sipping the last drop of Christmas wine. 
This morning I was invited to a friends house for coffee and Christmas cake. We sat in her very posh living room, it is very beautiful, and had a natter. Rocky came too, and we were joined first by her black puss Bertie, and then her new grey kitten. She is up to nine cats now, not her fault, hubby wanted the kitten, it is lovely though. 
This is a picture of my Christmas dinner. As you can see, I don't do traditional food, a non cook salad is fine by me. Tasty blue cheese and plenty of green leaves. Fab.
I had an email saying the applications for Shed of the Year 2016 are now open, so I have been to the web site and put in my details. It accepted the application and then it said we need two or more photo's, so I followed the link and added them. Nothing happened for a minute or two then I got a funny message on the screen so I'm not sure if the photo's have arrived. I will check later. I looked at some of the other photo's and to be honest I don't think my Bespoke Summerhouse has got a chance, some of them are very elaborate. We shall see.

A couple of bills have come through the post recently. My electricity bill for the period 26th September to November 27th is £23.40. I don't know why they have sent this as it only covers two months and they had already emailed me to say the next bill would be arriving early January which would have covered three months. I also can't understand why they have given me £12 in credit. I have paid it anyway. There should have been a bill for the gas as well but that hasn't arrived. Confusing. They have sent me a statement saying my electricity costs for this year are £157.93, which is about right, and they estimate that I will be spending £163.86 next year.

The water bill has also arrived from Anglian Water. It covers half a year from 17th June to 11th December. Most of it is standing charges which is a pain, no way to get out of that. The water I have used is £7.30 and the sewerage charge to remove the dirty water costs £4.40. Total bill is £32.55. Oh well, at least it's £3 less than the last bill.

Howz my power walking going? An update. I have been doing a few three mile walks, it takes 50 minutes instead of the 35 for a two mile walk. I'm up to 60 miles and if I do three miles each night to the end of the month it will make it 75 miles on the 31st. I'm chuffed with that. I'm going to have a go at the challenge of walking 1000 miles in one year with Country Walking magazine. My finish date will be 30th November 2016, come back and see if I manage it. I think it's doable. I actually look forward to getting up off my bum and walking around the village at night. 365 days at 3 miles a day is 1095 miles. I wouldn't need to do it every night when I start adding my longer walks into it. It's a bit like saving money, except it's saving miles. The figure of 1000 seems a bit daunting, but if you look at the web site, lots of people are doing it.

Right, off to make my dinner. Surprise surprise, steamed veg tonight, ha ha. 122 minutes left to upload the video. Thanks for popping in. Toodle pip


  1. I don't think you'll have any trouble suceeding at the 1000 mile challenge, Ilona. I'm going to try and do my recomended 10,000 steps a day (approx 1.5 hours walking or 3 miles distance) at least 3 times a week and hopefully more often than that once the weather improves. I'm averaging about 6000 a day at the moment, although some days its less and sometimes more. I have an app on my mobile phone that charts it for long as I remember to take the phone with me. Wish my energy and water bills were so low but I have DH and also my 2 adult sons living at home.

    1. Sounds good Helen. Keep on keeping on with it.

  2. have a wonderful walk!!
    9 cats,, ooo eeee !!!!

  3. 1000 miles in a year? what a great idea, have I missed the start m'dear?

    1. Hello John. Nope. The official start date is Jan 1st, but you can start any time. I started on Dec 1st, with the idea that I might do this. Didn't want to make the commitment until I gave it a try. Now I have decided to do the challenge so I am counting in the 60 miles that I have already done. Are you having a go?

    2. you can certainly do 1000 miles in a year. I love the poem by Joan. I think your summer house should be seen especially as it cost zero but your time.

    3. Oh bugger it, yep I've signed up m'dear

    4. Oh dear, John, you make me laugh. You will be surprised at how addicted it will become. I actually look forward to doing my 3 miles a night now. Keep track of your miles on a calendar.

  4. I think I shall join you, Ilona. Broken down day by day, it's quite doable. Just goes to show how little things sure do add up!
    You are such an inspiration.
    Happy New Year!
    Lisa in Miami

    1. Hi Lisa, it is doable, and not as daunting as it sounds. Are you going to join me and Mrs LH, and Linda?

    2. Yes, indeed! Signed up with the link, and shall begin today! I live in a beautiful city, so no excuses, and none wanted for that matter! I have a calendar that will be perfect for this- free from Aldi!
      Will try to update you now and again.
      Thanks again, Ilona!

    3. Fantastic Lisa, looking forward to hearing about your progress. I write my daily miles on a calendar, got my next one at the ready.

  5. Now you've gone and done it Ilona! Have just signed up to do 1,000 miles too. Might as well put those new walking boots I found in a charity shop before Christmas to good use - gulp!!

    Love Linda xx

    1. Good for you Linda, let's do it together. I shall be expecting some progress reports throughout the year. Go girl!

  6. Mindo is correct about the £12 being a Gov rebate. Did you know that many people on a lower income are also entitled to claim £140 'warm home' help towards energy costs.

    1. Must look into that, thank you, though my pension is not deemed to be low enough to claim pension credits.

  7. Those bloody standing charges, how I loathe them. Ours is the same too...makes me annoyed...we should be rewarded for being so frugal...

  8. Your utilities are much lower than ours, good for you!
    You will make your goal with the miles.
    Hope to see more of your posts.

  9. I've just signed up. Starting 1st Jan. I did something similar in 2010, at about 3 miles x5 days a week for 3 months and lost just under 3st in the process. Looking forward to starting.

    1. Fantastic, and what a good incentive to lose weight. I hope I don't lose any, I would fade away, ha ha. Let us know how you are getting on. Ilona, Mrs LH, and Linda, the three 1000 mile babes :o)

  10. I'm looking forward to being able to walk more when we move into town, which sounds odd but living where we do the choice is on the edge of the road with traffic rather too close - no pavements - or across muddy fields where horses,and quad bikes have churned up what should be a foot path. OR the other choice is drive to walk and I can't afford to do that.

    1. My friend lives in a place like that in Hampshire. It would be dangerous to walk on the road, she has to drive everywhere. Hope you get moved quickly.

  11. Almost everyone is getting a "fitbit" on their arm to check out the time walking and steps taken, etc., etc., etc. Are you getting one?

    1. Hi Linda. No I won't be getting one. I won't be including the times I walk around during normal everyday activities like shopping, dog walking or litter picking etc. Although it is allowed for the challenge, my walking will be time I set aside for it, every night, day walks or longer. I don't need to know how many steps or how many calories I have burnt. I am doing it purely for exercise.

  12. Count me in! I will be sweating since I live in Naples, FL and we have been the hottest in the nation off and on for 2 weeks....a whopping 89 degrees lately. Thanks for the inspiration and the exercise motivation, I surely need it! Love your blog.


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