Thursday, 31 December 2015

That's it, a fresh new year about to start

Hello. Oh boy have I started something now. The walking for fitness thing has really struck a chord, and 32 people have said they will join me in walking 1000 miles in one year. Cycling is allowed as well, if you like. That's chuffin amazing. I have put all the names on the sidebar of those taking part, I will make a separate page to record our progress. If you all tell me your totals at the end of every month I will add them to the page next to your name. Are you ready for off, you start tomorrow. 
I missed my three mile walk last night, it was raining, so I did two walks today. This morning and tonight. That takes my total for December to 75. Don't worry, you will soon catch up. 
I have been walking past a house that is undergoing renovation work, and I spotted some bricks among the pile of rubble on the front lawn. No one lives there so I wasn't able to ask if I could have any bricks until I saw someone working on it this morning. YAY, I managed to salvage 60 bricks. There are some more if I want to dig them out from under the soil, I'll think about that. I've made a start on removing some of the wooden pallets from around my raised beds, but it's a bit windy and cold at the moment to do much work outside. I also need a lot more more bricks to replace the wood, I'll keep my eyes open.

Well it's that time of the year again, New Years Eve, the last day of the year. S'pose this is the time to look back and work out if it could have been any better. And look forward to see if the next one could be made any better. I always keep my calendars to skim over, as a reminder of what has happened. 2015 was pretty good for me. I had a new car, I built my summerhouse, holidays in Derbyshire, Devon and Norfolk, days out walking alone or with my buddies, days out with Rocky, camping with Rocky, and filming for the BBC to be broadcast in March.

I haven't been able to get out as much as I would like, that's because of my commitment to my animals. Rocky has been here for two years. I offered him a home which was accepted, and I knew I would have to make compromises, but the joy I have had from him makes it worthwhile. He is getting old now, and is not in the best of health. He doesn't like to be away from me, he misses me when he goes to Barry for a day, he misses me when Janet comes in to look after him. When I come back it's like I have been gone for ever, when in fact it's only a few hours. He is beside himself with happiness to see me, so I feel I can't leave him too often. Today he has had a bath, he's not had one since September. The heating is on to make sure he is dry before going outside. Tomorrow we are going to Nottingham to visit relatives, so I think it's best that he smells clean in someone else's house. I was going to take a photo of him in the bath, but forgot all about it in my haste to get him washed, rinsed, and towel dried. He is a good boy, standing still while I do it.

So what about next year. No resolutions, just to be happy, and keep busy. Be grateful that I have a brilliant life, grateful that I have nice friends, real and internet friends, grateful that I can afford food and a roof over my head, a nice car, and my pets, and I'm eternally grateful that I have good health. I like to live with an attitude of gratitude, I have so much to be thankful for.

I hope you all have a very Happy New Year, and that 2016 is the best ever year for all of us. 

Thank you for keep coming back and reading, I very much appreciate your lovely comments and emails.
Catch you soon. Toodle pip


  1. All the best to you for 2016. I look forward to reading more from you and learning a thing or two!

  2. Happy new year to you too Ilona. I am looking forward to reading your blog for another year.

  3. A very Happy New Year to you Ilona. I hope 2016 proves to be your best yet & look forward to another year of following your adventures & advice. Caz xxxx

  4. A very happy new year to you Ilona and your lovely furry family.Have a lovely visit with your relatives. Look forward to reading about your exploits in 2016.

  5. Have a very Happy 2016, Ilona. And continue to inspire us with your blog! Kitty in the Forest xx

  6. All the very best to you Ilona. Thank you for the friendship you provide and the sincerity with which you offer it. Happy new year to all the readers of this blog,xxx

  7. Happy New Year Ilona!
    It's a wonderful joy for you and Rocky to have one another, I am so happy to read of your commitment to him.
    Thanks for all your super postings, you inspire so many of us!

  8. great to see just how many have signed up for your 1000mls challenge. As for Rocky, he loves you because you are giving him a great life. well done

  9. Happy New Year Ilona - keep walking! Day one for me tomorrow, pedometer at the ready - need to walk my dinner off which I'm cooking!

  10. Happy New Year!
    May we all continue in our frugal ways and have a happy and healthy 2016.
    I'm really looking forward to taking part in the walking challenge and have also signed up for a 'no spend January' on Martin Lewis's forum. Here's to kicking off the New Year in style!

  11. All the best and thank you for a truly inspiring blog I look forward to reading. X

  12. Happy New year Ilona. Thanks for all the inspiring blog posts in 2015.

  13. Happy New Year Ilona . I hope you and your furry family have lots of fun and adventures in 2016. Looking forward to more blog posts. Kristel

  14. Happy new year to you, Rocky and all furrry friends.
    I have thoroughly enjoyed reading your blog this year Ilona, write on !!!!!!

  15. Happy New Year, Ilona. I wish you a wonderful year ahead, filled with good health, good friends, good times, and much love. I have been enjoying your blog for a long time and I look forward to it every day. If I am not too late, I would like to sign up for your 1000 miles challenge. Patricia from Montreal

  16. Happy New Year Ilona ! AussieCheryl : )

  17. Happy New Year Ilona, hope it will be a very good one for you, Rocky & the pussies. With best wishes from nr.Chester.
    Wendy (Wales)

  18. Happy new year! I really liked your closing comments about what you were grateful for in 2015. Very well said. I was thinking of you this afternoon, I was finishing 2 miles, today's total is three miles in anticipation of the 1000 year. I was whimpering about the "cool" weather, then laughed at how much of a wimp I have become since moving to Arizona. It was sunny, light wind, and 50F and I was cold. Gees. ;)

  19. Happiest New Year, Ilona! Thank you for your wonderful blog! Looking forward to all your wit and wisdom in 2016!
    Lisa in Miami

  20. Happy New Year Ilona. I would love to join you in the walking 1000 miles in a year if I'm not to late to join. Wishing you all the best in 2016 xx

    1. Hi Yes, you're in, get them walking boots on and go for it. Look forward to your progress reports.

  21. Good Wishes to you Ilona as you embark on your 2016 voyage! Happy New Year to the children with paws. Keep encouraging us on our frugal journey, whatever form it might take for anyone. :) Connie from Canada

  22. Happy New Year, Ilona! I love reading your blog.

  23. Happy New Year Ilona!! The best is yet to come!!!!!!!!!!!

  24. You are appreciated, too. Happy New Year and enjoy your relatives.

  25. Your walking plan sounds great, especially with a group to cheer each other on. I exercise at a health club three times a week and walk outside the other days. You sure are a good "mama" to Rocky and I know he appreciates you. Happy new year.

    1. Great to hear about your exercise routine, Happy New Year to you.

  26. Have a wonderful new year and a wonderful rest of the year Ilona. I missed my walk yesterday because it was so hot! Our fans just move the air about, they don't cook it.

  27. Wishing you the happiest of New Years Ilona!

    I so enjoy your blog and adventures with Rocky...

  28. Happy New Year to you too! 2015 handed me a bit of a whammy in the form of a cancer diagnosis, but I am undergoing treatment now and I have every reason to believe that 2016 will be a good year. I enjoy reading your blog every day, even though I don't comment all the time. Looking forward to reading all about your activities in the new year. All the best to you.

    1. Hi Bless. I hope your treatment goes well, and you have a brilliant 2016.

  29. Happy New Year to you and sweet Rocky.
    I've enjoyed your sharing your posts.
    I hope you both have much joy during the coming year.

  30. Hi Ilona, "attitude of gratitude" - wonderful sentiment - so many would be less miserable and discontent with their lot if they only had this. Thanks for the inspiring blog posts, for caring and sharing of people and pets, all the very best for you for the future. Elaine

  31. Happy New Year Ilona to you and all your readers.
    I love your blog and all the comments, I read everyday and you keep me on track.
    Pam in TX.xx

  32. Happy New Year Ilona!

  33. Warm new year wishes to you and the furries. I hope it leaves you with smiles on you lips and warmth in your home

  34. Happy New Year Ilona. Off for a Lovely Exmouth beach walk today xxx

  35. Happy New Year Ilona, I read often but don't often comment but I love your attitude to life and find you very inspirational. May 2016 be great for you and yours xx

    Jo in Auckland, NZ

  36. Happy new year and thank you for blogging every day. We do appreciate it. Debbie

  37. Thank you for a year of sharing your thoughts always interesting and inspiring

  38. Happy New Year Ilona, I'm excited for what the new year will present me and also to follow your adventure's.

  39. Happy New Year Ilona. I look forward to reading your blog every day and love your attitude and approach to life. Here's to another happy healthy year!

  40. A very Happy New Year to you, too, Ilona, and to the newly-bathed Rocky! We will be dog-sitting our younger son's little dog, Barry, so that will be fun. He starts of at bedtime on his little doggy bed but by morning, when we wake up, we find he's made his way, quietly, during the night, onto the bottom of our bed.
    I don't make Resolutions, but I want to extend my practice, or rather remember it more often, to try and do a good deed each day. Also not to get stroppy with my husband, who grows increasingly deaf (even with the use of hearing aids) when he mis-hears what I say, or doesn't hear because I've rather stupidly called to him from another room, fully expecting him to hear (as I can) when obviously he can't hear.
    What's this about appearing on telly? Do let us all know when this is to happen, hope it's national telly and not just local to your area, because then I'd miss it!
    Toodlepip indeed,
    Margaret P in South Devon

    1. Hello Margaret. I will be on Rip off Britain on BBC sometime in March. That will be national TV.

      My sister gets stroppy with me sometimes because I can't always hear her. She now wears a hearing aid herself so knows what it's like.

  41. Hallo Ilona. I've read your blog for a long time now and always find your posts interesting and informative. I am inspired by the 1000 mile challenge and will be taking part with monty my dearest labrador. Wishing you and your animal family much happiness in the new year. Sally

  42. A wonderful attitude to life! Have a superb year, Christine x

  43. A very happy new year Ilona, may you and the furry friends have more happy hours together in the coming year. Would have loved to have seen Rocky all smart after his bath, he is such a lovely wee dog. Hope you have had a good day with the relatives.

  44. Happy New Year,Ilona. Can't join you in the walking due to a dodgy knee but maybe I'll set a swimming goal instead:-),Ger in Ireland.

  45. Happy New Year to you and your furry family.

  46. Live with an attitude of gratitude - I like that phrase. If only everybody would. Best wishes to you for the new year.

  47. Happy New Year. Really enjoy your blog x

  48. Happy New Year to you and yours!So many lovely sentiments and reflections on life re: approaching a new year again.Gratitude and being really present in my life( not living going on auto-pilot)and kindness sum it up for me as well.This year starts out with all my loved ones in good health and spirit,prospering and thriving for which I am very thankful.I am blessed to have our own lovely home and garden,to live in a pretty little town,within a friendly community,good neighbours, away from the rat race, food, transportation and health care.I can make use of my time as I choose... have lots to keep me as busy or as indolent as I would wish to be.I have choices.It's a simple kind of abundundance and I truly do hold it in my heart and do not take it for granted...EVER.We are also starting this year absolutely debt free yet again,thanks to you being such a good teacher and getting some of your readers off of their financially challenged "arses.Ha,ha.It was quite a journey,but we did it and now have financial serenity.Danke.I've just come back from a lovely brisk walk with Sadie and we did a few more blocks than usual.I'm not "officially" in the 1000 miles challenge but will be getting out there regularly as I usually do...keeping on moving and being aware of my distances.I am very motivated though and applaud all the participants.And...yes a sweet smelling Rocky will be appreciated by your family,Ilona.Dogs can get very odiferous.Nice of you to make the effort when visiting family.Hope you have a lovely time. Bye for now,D.

  49. Hello and Happy New Year, Ilona. I couldn't help but smile to read that you go over your last year's calendar in a kind of review. I have started using the old calendar as a template to fill out the new calendar for the next year, and in the process I always get an unintended but thoughtful review of the year past. I have done this between Christmas and New Year's Day, for the past decade or so, and it has become a kind of tradition to help me have closure on the year past and prepare for the new year. I have also taken to cleaning out my filing cabinet around the same time. I keep old receipts and important papers in my filing cabinet. I keep a year past of receipts for utilities, and toss out the ones that would now be two years old. Papers that relate to paying land taxes or proof of paid off bank loans, I keep indefinitely. (You never know when someone may challenge you). Anyway, this little ritual works much the same as the new calendar....old things are reviewed with gratitude, clutter is cleaned away, and preparations are made for the new yet to come. Thank you for your blog, and outlook on life. 2015 was a challenging year for me personally, and I always felt lifted up, hopeful, encouraged as your cheered us all on with your "be thankful, take charge, and make good use of what you have" attitude. Keep up the good work. Mary Jane in Canada.


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