Tuesday, 12 July 2016

Blue bridge

Hello. This stunning photo was sent to me by Lesley. Have to share it here. This is her email. Thank you Lesley.

This is the new Hull bridge that opened 3 years ago and cost about £6 million or more to build. It is the only bridge in the UK where pedestrians can stay on the bridge as it opens. On ‘blue’ day they took a video of it opening and closing with everybody on it – well, the ones that could fit on it anyway 

Don't you think that is just amazing, I love it.

Back later.


  1. Very nice ....£6 million ! If you know Hull like I do, you would see plenty of things that need doing around the town that the money could be better spent on. This is typical of Hull council. Ask a few of the residents of Hull what they think. If you don't want to know the truth, about anything, don't ask a person from Hull. I know, I married one.

  2. We can't believe that something so visually stunning
    didn't get on to the main news progs on the TV.
    Wendy (Wales)

  3. It isn't actually to my taste. Most modern architecture seems pretty ugly to me though and very insecure. I don't think much of it is built to last.

    It seems like it is probably someone's vanity project. Boris Johnson is very fond of those too. I think we do all need some cheering up in dire times but I don't think this does it for me. Personal taste does vary though.

    Not sure I would want to stay on a moving bridge, I would be squeaking to be allowed off I think.

    If it really did cost £6 million then I would suggest that it would have been better spent on services for the elderly - unless they are a rare council who hasn't been cutting back services to the wire.

  4. From that angle it looks totally amazing. We always need new architecture, some is good, some is bad and some you really can't make up your mind about, but we need new ideas always. I just felt sorry for all those blue 'bods', I'll bet it was chilly! There will always be other needs, poor people, and services for which the money doesn't stretch quite far enough, but we also need uplifting art, even installation art (or whatever it's called) and new approaches to old things, such as this bridge. Thank you for showing it, Ilona.
    Margaret P

    1. Thank you Margaret. You are thinking like I am thinking.

  5. I like it. It's nice for people to have something different to inspire their everyday lives. I bet it will cheer many people up during it's lifetime and those people's happiness is worth more than £6 million. lol.

  6. I don't think its coincidence that the bridge was built slap bang outside of the brand new Premier Inn. ( maybe they put some money into it ? ) Garrison Bridge is only a bit further down than this new one. What happened to the law that says you can't walk around naked in public ? Whoever decided that The Sea of Hull was blue, obviously have never looked out across the Humber.


Was closed, then it was open, now it is closed again. Oooops, open again, but it might close soon. Yes, closed for now. Open again. Sorry closed again. Now it is open.