Saturday, 17 June 2017

Choose your own title

Hello. Started to write a blog post about things whats going on, decided not to, better to stay quiet, don't need the aggravation. Head buried in the sand, will watch and see what happens next. Life's too short to pick a fight. Waste of time.

Sunny day, things to do. Lots of love xxx

PS. Suggestions for a title for this post please. Thank you


  1. 'Love and understanding'. I just think that with all the horrific events that have happened here in the UK with the terrorist attacks and now the Grenfell towerblock fire, we all need to be grateful everyday for what we have and not take people for granted. Be kind to one another and spread a little love. Amanda

    1. Amanda, you are absolutely right. A friend of mine recently said: "It costs precisely nothing to be a nice person." She's right.

    2. PS.Blog title: "Do as you would be done by?"

    3. That's my life motto (Rose )

  2. Ear plugs in, quietens the outside the world! my title

  3. Love is what it's all about in this life as far as I'm concerned and kindness, because we're all in this life together.So I would wish'' love and kindness''x

  4. I correspond with my cousin in the USA by email. Usually its a catch up on UK family news, weather, where we've been etc. On Tuesday before the horrid events that were to unfold later on that evening I told her that I just wanted to go to a desert island with no electricity and get away from it all..... three wicked terror attacks, the sadness, the personal stories of people who had suffered, the bravery and kindness ....and then the election,the result,the shambles of people we call politicians who want to rule us, I had had enough. I sent the email was about to get ready for bed and all hell let loose on the late TV news, more horror, bravery and much sadness. As a country we need will come but I'm not sure when. My thoughts are with everyone involved and hope they can find some love to help them through. Rae x

    1. Sorry should have said "Some Stability Please" that's my title. Enjoy you afternoon Ilona. Rae x

  5. Hi Ilona, I have just 'found' you this week and I am having a wonderful time reading through your blog. It is taking me a while and I am absolutely loving it. You are right Life is too short to pick a fight, please don't dwell on things that have upset you. It seems to me that you are bringing a lot of pleasure to a lot of people and that's important. I have made vegetable curry last night because of your ideas and it went down very well, I shall certainly do it again. Today I am having a very rare day when I have a little time for me so I am making some of your lovely felt hearts. You seem to me to be a lovely lady, kind and gentle and very talented, I can't wait to check every day now to see what you are up to today. Thank you. Maggie

    1. Hi Maggie, glad you have found us, welcome to Tightwad Towers.

  6. No title suggestion but a request maybe for a post on some of your experiences driving your rigs. I've just bought myself a touring caravan and will be towing it alone (signed up for a 2 day course next month). Would love to hear some of your tales of being on the road, hitching/unhitching etc.

    Yours (in terror of accidentally detaching my caravan whilst driving!)

    Linda xx

    1. Hi Linda. I had a caravan for a while. You won't lose it, be methodical with your hitching up, check and double check before you drive away. Don't cut corners, take it wide, don't forget the lump on the back. Careful in petrol stations. Watch height barriers in supermarket car parks. Lock the door to the caravan when you are on the move.

  7. In the past I have often started a post and deleted it for fear of getting negative remarks, best to keep neutral if poss then you don't get any nasties.

    1. Know what you mean, Briony. There are things I would like to say, but I am not going to put myself in the firing line. Joining in with the melee solves nothing except pushes up the blood pressure. Stay calm, stay cool, stay safe.

    2. I agree. I don't get involved in political stuff online any more. It's pointless arguing with someone you don't even know. I wish people could accept that opinions differ and let stuff go, but unfortunately a lot of them can't nowadays. I'm on Facebook to keep connected with some friends whom I wouldn't otherwise hear from, but it is turning into a party political broadcast and I'm tired of it.

  8. Least said, soonest mended. X life's too short


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