Sunday, 25 June 2017

Open house at the Summer House.

Hello. I just dozed off while sat at the computer. It's been such a busy day, I have no energy left. The day started when I woke at 5am, and I didn't stop until I had everything out of the Summer House by 7pm. It's still not all put away, but I will have to live with the mess till tomorrow as I ain't doing any more tonight. 
It was a smashing day, loads of people came, hardly anyone wanted a drink so I have enough to keep me going for the next six months. Janet came and set the cat stall up, and sold a few more things. She was a good help, taking some of the pressure off me when it got very busy. The weather was ok, not much sun, a bit breezy, but thankfully no rain. 
The first people arrived at about 11am, then they kept coming and finally stopped at closing time at 4.30pm. I was amazed, three people introduced themselves as blog readers, how fantastic is that. In the first photo is, on my right, Stan the library man  and Bev his wife. On my left blog reader Jane and hubby, they came all the way from Oxford. No they didn't come all that way just to see me, they were looking at houses in the area. Please excuse my pose, I don't want to go to the toilet, I am crouching because I didn't want to block out those behind me.  
Blog reader number two is Alison. She came to the Fair yesterday and I completely forgot, my head has been buzzing with all the different people I have spoken to over the weekend.

And blog reader number three is Nicki. She is a member of the Walking Group. It was very nice to meet you all ladies, so chuffed that you came. All smashing ladies, I could have talked to them for ages.

This is my friend Graham, he looks after this little dog called Molly for his friend. Such a cutie.

More visitors, lots of faces I knew, but don't know their names.

This is it, all dressed up. I have to apologize because I only took one interior shot, I was so busy I forgot.

These have been under wraps for a while, I hung them on the side of the garage.

These three are normally hanging in my house, so here they are on the front of the garage for today.

I had to re position the bracket for the everlasting hanging basket when I added the new doors.

 This is something I made for the Arts Centre a few years ago. We were told to pick up a used cardboard drinks cup and make something with it. I covered it in gold sticky back plastic, made a cutout to expose the name, added pink beads, a bracelet, and ribbon. Inside I put cat litter to weigh it down, and topped it with a scrunchy bath scrub and curly plastic straws.

The gap between the Summer House and the back of the garage is mostly paved now, I just laid the slabs on top of the bricks. Looks tidy.

I quite like the bold colours. My little pots of paint are getting used up, I'll have to keep my eyes open for some more.


  1. It was lovely to meet you and see your amazing shed and works of art. Your garden was very colourful and full of flowers. I loved the "lemon" tree! It made me laugh. Pleased to report I walked 4.6 miles round the open gardens so good day all round. Thanks for the drink. Cheers!

  2. Love reading your blog! The summer house is fabulous. A faithful follower from the U.S.

  3. Congratulations Ilona on your Open Day-everything looks magical,I am thrilled for you.You are a very popular lady.You did it! Well done x

  4. Hi Ilona. What a great day. I loved looking around your summerhouse and your art work is fantastic. I too liked your lemon tree.We had a lovely chat and a giggle. I am pleased I didn't have a drink though as the next garden was steep and then I tackled the hill ! Thank you to yourself and everyone who opened their gardens and helped to organise yesterday. I know there is a lot of work involved. Lindsey Lodge is a charity very close to my heart. Thank you Allison

  5. Thank you Ilona for taking so many wonderful photos. Your garden looks so pretty and your art world is wonderful no wonder everyone loved it, I had forgotten about the everlasting basket. So pleased you got to see some bloggers, Graham and Dave look really friendly. I to visited open gardens yesterday in a beautiful village called Haddenham but none were so eye catching as yours. Hope lots of money was raised
    Enjoy a relaxing day today if that is possible for you. Hazel c uk

  6. Love reading your blogs!,I really look forward to them infact!,Looks like you had another great day and so wish i could have been there to see your summer house in real life.I think you have earned your self a nice sit in your lovely garden with a couple of cans of cider!!,Have a great day everyone,Debi,Leic,x

  7. Love the photos Illona. A feast of color and fun. Enjoy your posts very much. Jane from Oz.

  8. It looks as though you had a grand day and I am sure it was worth all the hard work! Your garden and artwork are amazing. SueM

  9. Just brilliant. How did I miss the making of the everlasting hanaging basket? I don't remember seeing this being made, its gorgeous.
    You'll have to get cracking now making next years exhibition, lol

    1. Briony,I missed the making of the everlasting hanging basket aswell?,I thought that i had read all the blogs!!,I would love to know how to do this...Ilona,I really need one....or maybe even 3 of these in my life.Is there anyway we can search for it on here....Please!!,Hope so,Best Wishes,Debi,Leic,x

    2. There is a search facility on the sidebar. It says, Search this blog, type in words of what you are looking for. Can't put a link into a comment, copy and paste.

      There is also a video on how to make the flowers on this post.

  10. Wow! What a brilliant day. So pleased you had fun and met some lovely people. The summer house is just delightful, too. I think that, in a way, it epitomises why your readers love you so much: you have this wonderful twinkly-eyed joie de vivre. Xxxx

  11. What a lovely and colourful day.

  12. I love your hanging basket its beautiful. What a great day.

  13. well done Ilona - looks like you had a fantastic day. the art works are fabulous.

  14. It is so colourful and a wonderful foil for your art works.

  15. Absolutely terrific, I was up at 5.30am and was thinking about you all day, I so desperately wanted to come and meet you and see everything but I'm too far away. It all looks delightful, you have a fantastic talent for everything Ilona and I cannot wait each day to read your blog. Thank you so much for sharing everything you do, xxx Maggie

  16. What an outstanding achievement!! Your garden and summer house looked absolutely fabulous in your photo's. You must have worked so hard with everything and I am so glad that you had a successful day and lots of visitors to appreciate it all. Well done Ilona.

  17. Lovely to meet you, you are an inspiration to us all.

  18. What a lovely bright, cheery outside space you have created; it looks amazing. Sarah

  19. Hi Ilona,
    Absolutely loved seeing all your pics. Your artworks
    look wonderful all grouped together. So pleased that
    you had a great happy day with lovely weather too.
    We can see how much work you did to bring it all together.
    Wish we could have seen it all.
    Take care of yourself.
    Wendy (Wales)

  20. Oh My Gosh! I'd totally forgotten about the car parts! Some of my favorite art you've created. It looks fabulous and so nice meeting up with blog readers. You've surrounded yourself with a little piece of heaven on earth Miss I. :)

  21. Absolutely gorgeous! You are so talented. Just love all the happy bright colours and your craft designs are just amazing Ilona. You could easily do a book with all these great upcycle projects. I would definitely buy it. I need more colour in my home! xx

  22. You have created a magical place. I love it.

  23. So colourful, Ilona.

    Susan (Spreckly)

  24. Fabulous photos Ilona. I adore the tennis racquet... I am already planning what I would do if I had one. If you open your garden next year and it doesn't coincide with the one in Brightlingsea, Tony and I would love to come take a look. We are hooked on open gardens now. Stokesely has one this coming weekend and we are hoping to be inspired.

  25. Your summer house is lovely! So glad you had such a great day with so many visitors.

  26. Totally amazing I love your art gallery. X

  27. Lovely to see some of the older pieces again. I especially love the hanging basket :))

  28. Really delighted this went so well for you. Haven't been able to comment on your blog since the comment moderation was switched off so hoping this works now it's back on. Kristel


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