Friday, 2 March 2018

Keeping warm indoors

Hello. It's hellish out there, isn't it, soooo flippin freezing cold. I did a Bailey dog walk this morning, covering for Ken's day off. Bailey had his tartan coat on, and I was wrapped up from head to toe. Only my nose and eyes visible. I put some food out for the birds this afternoon because I saw one pecking around on the ground. I was only out there five minutes and was frozen. No walking for me today. 
My little helper is supervising the job. After much deliberation I decided on a bunch of flowers, so I did a rough sketch. 
I've got some dark blue fabric for the background, I cut some pieces of green felt and laid it out to get an idea of what it might look like. I am now in the process of stitching it all down by hand. Watch this space for the finished wall hanging.

Thank you to the International Walking Group members for reporting in with your mileage. Some great numbers there, I am so glad you are sticking with it. If you haven't yet recorded your progress you can go back to the post at any time, we always report in on the 1st of the month.

The snow here is starting to melt, but the roads and paths are still icy. The sewing workshop which I was going to tomorrow has been cancelled. It will probably go ahead at a later date. A lot of events in our area have been cancelled, because nobody can travel to them. I think it's a good idea to stay at home when it's this cold.

There is one couple who did not let the weather put them off getting married. Take a look at this story in the newspaper. Their photo's will be a forever reminder of their fairytale wedding day.

I'm snug,, the cats are snug, we have the heating on, hope you are snug too. Thanks for popping in, we'll catch up soon.
Toodle pip


  1. That is lovely! The colours stand out so well on the dark background. Really very nice.

  2. The flowers look really pretty. Keep warm.

  3. snow has curtailed but not completely stopped me working. My quilt group was cancelled yesterday so have been making the most of the time sewing too.

  4. The snow has come down heavy in Leicester this afternoon.Just when you think it might be melting a bit...then it comes down again!I was looking forward to a 10 mile walk tomorrow,but it doesnt look like its going to happen.All we can do is try and make the best of it,keeping warm,drinking tea and catching up on some bits of sewing that need doing.Even though ive got 4 layers of clothing on,it seems cold when i go upstairs to tackle some jobs that need doing.Im fed up with it now and i want it to go away and the sun to shine!!!!,lol,Debi,xx

  5. I love that design!

    Hope your power stays on! We are huddled up here, waiting for the worst of a winter storm to hit us in New Hampshire. Lots of people southeast of us are without power.

  6. Those are truly pretty x

  7. I saw those wedding photos and they do look lovely - good for them going ahead with everything.
    We were supposed to get hit with another snowstorm last night but the city got off with just a few centimetres. but the temperature has dropped about 12C since Wednesday and the wind has really picked up. But we are lucky - all around us got hit with about 30cm. This often happens in Toronto, although this winter has been worse than most - I got pretty tired of Minus 26C - but luckily I have good boots and a down filled parka for the bad days. Today I didn't even bother with boots and wore my Spring jacket over an extra sweater.
    AT - hope you don't get hit too badly - I've been looking at the photos from Boston and it's a bit of a mess!
    Stay warm.

  8. Glad you're warm! The flowers are simply stunning! I just might have to try that myself. Chris M

  9. Keep warm Ilona. We have rain and cold here too but nothing like what you guys are dealing with. Any idea when this cold blast is forecasted to end? I really enjoy seeing your art projects :)

    Sandy/California USA

  10. The weather network has promised a three day snowstorm for our part of the prairies, so I feel your pain. We left work early today to begin our weekend hibernation. I don't know which I like better - your lovely flowers or your equally lovely helper. Too cute! Hugs from Barbara (Canada)

  11. I loved the story of the wedding. Just imagine having such a quality orchestra playing for you. Amazing. There were some very lovely stories of people helping each other on the news yesterday. Heartwarming, despite a cold nose! :-)
    J x

  12. Ive just looked at the wedding photos...they are stunning!!,Best wedding pics I have ever seen!,Debi,xx

  13. It is Autumn here in Australia. This may sound strange to you Ilona but I envy your weather. My favourite season here is Winter, we do not get snow -just an icy frost now and then. Love your flowers, I am not crafty but enjoy looking at what the crafty people of this world create. The Wedding photos were beautiful! Lisa W. Tasmania, Australia.

  14. Wow! I love your current project, it's going to look brilliant when you're finished.
    I didn't realise what a lashing you were getting over there until I caught a snippet on the news tonight.
    It's definitely staying indoors with a cuddly kitty, crafty project and a hot veggie soup kind of weather!

  15. Your cat has such a lovely face! Stuck inside, i have been surfing around (the net that is); found a site that you and your followers may like - the FB page is 'Brainy Crafts'.

  16. It's solo cold here.I managed to walk with the dogs yesterday & today.lovely lily jumped into a muddy stream & mop dog refused to wear his body suit so had snowballs on his legs-my top dog was fine in his fleece.The house is so cold,even with the heating on & fire.I'm wearing loads of layers too.I love the flowers on the dark background x

  17. Love the flower craft picture - stunning. Will it be hung as-is or framed?
    Anyone else see the news report in the early hours about how Siberia gets to MINUS 29 (MINUS 45 in the 'winter') yet everything's still running like clockwork ie trains, buses, hospitals, public services etc and wonder why the UK grinds to a halt every single year??? And why are male pensioners walking on icy pavements in leather soled shoes?

  18. Does anyone know if there are Yellow Sticker bargains to be had at around 5 a.m. to 6 a.m. and/or after 9pm? Am unable to go food shopping in afternoon/early evening due to work obligations so never seem to get the bargains. Thank you.

    1. I would say doubtful. 9pm is usually the deadline, anything left after that and the shelves are cleared. with one exception. Asda seem to leave the stuff on the shelves later than that and mark it down to 2p each. BUT, it depends on the size of store, more bargains in the larger stores. I am talking about my own area here.

      I don't go shopping in the early hours, but I imagine there wouldn't be anything at that time. Midnight is the start of a new day, so they won't mark down that early. Midnight is also the end of the previous day so the shelves have to be cleared of everything that has gone out of date by then.

      Next time you are in your store ask on the fruit and veg, bread, chiller cabinets, and meat counters. Each store has their own rules.

  19. Those wedding photos are spectacular.

  20. I have broken my ankle, and I'm no looking at my pedometer as it's depressing... promise I will catch up when I'm healed!

    1. Sorry to hear that Wench. Rest up, it will get better.

  21. hope you are OK Ilona - no post yesterday

    1. Hi Bren. I try to post every day, but sometimes I like a day off. I am fine. Thank you for caring.

    2. phew - glad you are OK. just with the weather being so bad I was hoping you hadn't had an accident

  22. Really beautiful, I love the colours. Roll on spring getting started!

  23. Glad you have had your heating on. I was thinking about you, because I remember you writing a while ago about your heating being broken. That is,I probably read it recently, the post must have been old. Anyway, glad you can put it on when you want to. Karen


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