Monday, 5 March 2018

Murder in the Summer House.

Hello. It's been a lovely sunny day here in North Lincolnshire. It's amazing when you think that a week ago we were snowed in. This crazy weather is certainly baffling. Crafty Club this morning was busy. I didn't know what to take with me because the ring thing is too big to lay out if we are all squashed in around the table. Had to think of something else. Something small which doesn't take much space up. One of the ladies showed us photo's of the cushions she has covered with the fabric I was sharing out last week. She has made a smashing job of them, her sofa and chairs look lovely now. 
After lunch I went out into the garden for a bit of tidying up. All the food I had thrown out for the birds was now exposed with the snow melting, and looks a mess. I left it there in the hope that it will get eaten eventually. It seems they liked the pizza crust the best because there is hardly any of that left. 
After the windy days the garden is covered in bits of twigs which have blown down off the silver birch trees in the next garden. I found a new use for my litter picking stick, saves bending down.

Disaster in the Summer House, I had forgot to bring the money plants indoors like I usually do every winter. Looks like I might have killed them  :o( I had all that to clean up.

The gardening boots are still functional, only just. I might have to add some more tape as they are coming apart again. There might be a few more months wear in them.

I have just stuffed my face with rice and peas, tomato and lettuce and potato salad, and a veggie burger. Now I need to go and walk it off.

Thanks for popping in, we'll catch up soon.
Toodle pip


  1. Throw those ruddy boots in the bin. You will look like a bag lady wearing them. We poor people have standards to uphold :-)

  2. Its been alot better here in Leic aswell today...alast!!,The snow looks lovely but it was starting to get me down in the end!.I really need to go food shopping,but went a run out to a charity shop with my Mam n Sister.I know I wasnt going to buy any more things,but they had a lovely set of battery run,bulbs on a string,with the duracell batterys in them for £1.Will look lovely hung in the window!Its a shame about your plants...but you could try cutting them right down and seeing what happens.Ive had the odd success doing this.Love the boots,lol...I remember you customising them a couple of years ago!Yes,as you say retaped and you might get the next 6 months out of them anyway!Debi,xx

  3. No, hand on to them. They could be recurring theme this summer, a theme for which I'd look forward to getting updates!!

  4. I love the boots! Bespoke lol x

  5. Yep, I think those money plants definitely look as if they didn't like the cold!

  6. Those boots - that’s going too far even for an extreme frugaller like you. Can you not demote a pair of your old walking boots and that way the garden boots can be disposed of? You seem to have had a bit of an eccentric but enjoyable day .

  7. Not quite the same as the boots that you wore in your last post along with the hotpants!

  8. I think the title of your post would make a good name for a mystery novel. (I took advantage of our snowstorm this weekend to listen to some BBC radio dramas online.)

    Your boots took me down memory lane. One of my brothers is a bit quirky, to put it mildly. Years ago when we were at uni together, he used to duct tape weights to his boots in an effort to strengthen his legs. It elicited more than a few stares, but he did go on to be written up in The Guinness Book of World Records for fastest stair climber. Hugs from Barbara (Canada)

  9. How about turning your old boots into novelty planters,just a thought x

    1. Tried that once, the plants died, ha ha.

  10. Those boots look like they have a lot of wear left in them. The plants may survive. Wait until the cold is all gone and cut them back and love them a bit.

    1. Cutting back might work to revive them. I saw a similar plant once which was massive like a tree, I asked what had he done to get it that big. He said he chops it back with shears. I will try that.

  11. I will regularly mend my shoes. I am going to consign one pair of shoes today to the bin as they are now too uncomfy to wear - I think they must be 18 years old - I had them to do a manicure course in 2002 (they were the regulation shoes). Natalie

  12. Water your plants, they don't look dead to me.

    1. They are soaking wet all the way through. It was the cold that got them.

  13. I wonder if you hung them up outside a little bird may make a nest in them x

  14. Those boots.. Designer fashion for 2018 ha ha?? X


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