Monday, 28 May 2018

Changes afoot.

Hello. A quick note before I go to Crafty Club. Blogger have made some changes within their comments system, some options have been dropped. I have just checked and the option to click on 'Comment as' and put your name in the 'Name' box is still there, thank goodness. Just as it is all running smoothly on here, with everyone using that option, unless they have signed up for an account, let's hope it stays that way. 15 junk Anonymous comments came in overnight, I wish they would dump that option but they haven't. I am able to deal with them quickly thanks to you out there for  putting your name in the box.

I read the messages that Blogger send me, and to be honest I don't understand half of what they are talking about. I am not that techie, and I don't want all the bells and whistles. There is a 'help' page which I can go to if I want to ask a question, which is useful. Bloggers who use their blogs to make money need a lot more features than I do. They should make a simplified version for those of us who only write for fun, and respond to our readers.

Must go, I'll be back later.
Toodle pip


  1. I got messages I don't understand, either. I cannot comment under the url option. I want to do that.

  2. I wouldnt know where to start on things like that and I did notice the other day that some of the options were missing,although I was thankful that the Name option was still there!There are alot of blogs,that I read but cant comment on...yet they seem to have every other option.Times I have wrote a comment out on the others...and then find out that there isnt an option for me to send it.ive learned to look now before before I write,lol.Hope that you have a nice morning at crafty club.Its dull and looks like its going to rain here in Leicester.Grey skies and a really damp feel in the air.So I made the most of sitting in the garden at half seven this morning,wrapped in my thick dressing gown and a cover over my legs!Got the make the most of it and its lovely hearing the birds singing while i sip my coffee.Have a nice Bank Holiday Monday everyone,xx

    1. Same here Debi, I too noticed a change in the way to reply. Like you I also find that there are some that I can read but not reply to, and now check before I write. Some blogs it may appear that I can reply to because they have a Name box, but then they don't work because they think I am a robot !
      I have learnt to try a short comment to test them. The other day I found that I could now reply to a blog that I have been reading for a while, so maybe this change will allow some of us more access.

  3. It would just as easy for you to say stuff blogger I can't be bothered with it any thank you Ilona for bothering as I really enjoy reading yours.

  4. Really enjoy your blog. As I live in spain it is a little bit of old england for me.

  5. I always enjoy reading your blog and happy you continue to post daily. Thank you.

  6. For a long while now I've only been able to comment on blogger sites via my laptop as comments from mobile devices seem to be disabled for some reason. All the new GDPR or whatever it is regulations seem to be affecting a lot of bloggers as well, it's all a bit ridiculous for people who aren't selling stuff and who in some cases might have very little traffic on their blogs anyway. Why can't they keep things simple.

  7. I'm sad to see "next blog" going..its been a good way to wander around blogland and find new folk.

    1. I used to use that, have a peek at who was 'next door'. It did throw up a few odd ones.

  8. I noticed that as well. Being I'm in the USA there's a message about cookies that I don't get either but I'm not in the EU so not sure what to do. Annoying there's nobody to call and talk with. People are still reading my blog thank goodness.

    1. Cookies gather information on what you are reading and what you are responding to when you browse the internet. You can bet your life that your every move is being monitored. I just click on 'ok' when the banner comes up.

  9. Carol in Australia29 May 2018 at 08:07

    Hi Ilona, if you can be bothered there is a lovely blogger in Brighton called The Frugal Fashionista, her name is Penny Kocher and she loves to encourage people to shop in charity shops and gets some great bargains. In Her last blog she has researched all the new rules and she writes a clear and concise article that anyone can understand, I don't think it's going to affect you at all from what she says. Ilona weren't you able to disable the anonymous comments at one stage? Is it not possible to do that again?

    1. Hi Carol. I've had a look at Penny's blog, and skimmed through her 'Privacy Policy', far too complicated for me. I hope I am not forced to produce anything like that.

      When I disabled the Anonymous comments before there was a tick box to choose who you would allow to comment, and you could only choose one option. I chose 'Registered readers only', which then disallowed Anonymous, and the other options. That caused eruptions as I had lots of readers who didn't want to sign up to anything, they then couldn't comment. Good for me to get rid of the crap, but not good for them.

      Now that blogger has dropped some of the options I might try getting rid of Anonymous, to see if it only leaves the 'Name' option, which everyone is now using.

    2. Update.....
      I have been tinkering. I have three options when choosing who I allow to comment.

      * Anyone - includes Anonymous users.
      * User with Google account.
      * Only members of this blog.

      So, if I choose either of the second two, a lot of people will not be able to comment. I have to choose the first one, Anyone, which includes Anonymous, because the two cannot be separated.

      We carry on as we are, all Anonymous will be deleted, everyone who wants their comment to be published will either have to have an account, or put their name in the Name box.


Was closed, then it was open, now it is closed again. Apologies to my band of understanding and wide awake readers.

Note: only a member of this blog may post a comment.