Monday, 18 June 2018

Adding more colour to the garden

Hello. At last this screen is finished, it looks lovely. I got the clothes rail out of a skip, 66 flowers and 66 leaves cut out of vinyl, attached to strips which are fixed to the top and bottom rails with cable ties. No wonder it took ages. I didn't take the flowers down to the bottom because I will stand a few pot plants in front of it. 

Here's a little puzzle for you. I took this photo in the garden today, it's a close up of something. The patterns made me look twice at it, rather fascinating I thought, and very arty. Any ideas about what the something is, and what made the patterns. I don't know the answer to the second question so your guess is as good as mine.

Got to go outside and water up now, no rain so the ground is dry. Thanks for popping in, we'll catch up soon.
Toodle pip


  1. Your flowers look very happy Ilona.I think the patterns are snail poo! x

  2. The pattern looks similar to oxidization on metal. I'm interested in hearing what the "something" is!

  3. It's where slugs/snails have been eating the moss/algae. Their raspy little mouths. Robin in Portland

    1. I think I agree with you Robin. I think I've seen it before too.

    2. Yes! They are radula tracks left by a feeding snail rasping the algae. Just checked it out on google. Lots of images. Mystery solved.

  4. Your garden looks very bright Ilona. I think they're snail eggs.

  5. I think people will love the colourfulness of your garden this weekend.

  6. I think it is a lot of a piece of undone knitting.

    Hazel (a can not write very well);

  7. Is it the pattern a fern has left on concrete or something after you have cleared a space? It's not slugs or snails, the scwiggles are too close together, I know about slugs in the garden and in the kitchen when it rains!!!!!

  8. Very effective and colourful screen, will look even more effective with flower tubs in front. A little surprised that you didn't paint the frame green or white, or even one of your vibrant colours. Love the pink on the tubs.


Was closed, then it was open, now it is closed again. Oooops, open again, but it might close soon. Yes, closed for now. Open again.