Friday, 22 June 2018

Bloomin lovely.

Hello. Not long now. 
We'll catch up soon, have a nice weekend.
Toodle pip


  1. Good luck Ilona Looks great.

  2. Hope all goes well Ilona, you've put a lot of effort in.

  3. Very effective, looks as good as I thought it would. So much colour in your garden is lovely. Now I must get my new windmill in place. My husband broke my last one, hitting it with the mower handle as he went along the edge of the border. I don't know how he managed it, but he did!

  4. It looks spectacular Ilona x

  5. Your garden looks wonderful Ilona - so much colour both from your plants and your art/craft work. A lot of hard work. Hope your open day is a great success.

  6. your garden looks really pretty - lovely bright colours. you have put a lot of work in hope all goes well for you. maize looked really cosy in her new outdoor apartment - amy my cat is very busy these days seeing off new cats on the block and a too friendly seagull who visits to see whats on offer to eat. love liz amy and benny,xx

  7. You've worked so hard and everything is so lovely, I hope you have a wonderful day Ilona.

  8. Looks just lovely, a riot of colour😊 have fun with your open garden.

  9. Ilona, if i may ask, could you do a youtoooobe video about youre garden??? I would love to see it? :)) it looks great!

  10. I've just discovered your blog & am really enjoying photos of your colourful garden & amazing shed! Good luck with your open day - look forward to hearing all about it! ��

    1. Welcome, glad you have found us, come on in.

  11. It looks beautiful Ilona. I love all the colour. Can't wait to see all the photos.

  12. What a lot of work you have put into your creation and recycling message. Are your art works for sale on the day? I hope you have a great day. Marigold

    1. Hi, no they are not for sale. I need to build up my collection for a solo exhibition at the end of August. I can't let any go before then. I will give away my painted rocks at the Open Gardens today.

  13. Hope the open gardens goes well! Love all the colour in your garden.

  14. Wow,your garden looks so colourful.Well done,all your hard work has paid off.Enjoy your open day,I'm sure your guests will.I think you'll have earned a glass of something nice when it's all done,so cheers and thanks for sharing your open garden journey with us X.

  15. Hope the gardens went well, it was a beautiful day we saw our local gardens

    Hazel c uk

  16. Very pretty and very clever. I like how it looks with the plants.

  17. Such a lovely cheerful display, it looks great.


Was closed, then it was open, now it is closed again. Oooops, open again, but it might close soon. Yes, closed for now. Open again.