Friday, 23 November 2018

Dinner in a pan, 15 minutes.

Jumping for joy, my lovely Ford Focus passed the MOT test, no advisories, all is good. This is the fifth Ford car I have had now, two Cortina's, one Escort, and two Focus, and they have all been good, I'm definitely a Ford girl. 
It was a thrown together sort of meal tonight. A chopped up Quorn fillet, an onion, in a pan with a splash of olive oil. Whole grain mustard, vegetable granules, and half a packet of frozen cooked rice with vegetables. When nearly done, add an egg, mix it in. Serve on a bed of watercress with cucumber. It was bloomin lovely. 
It's been a miserable day outside, dull, cold, drizzly, damp, cloudy, and horrible. Only did my two mile walk. Helping my friend deliver some newsletters tomorrow, let's hope it's a bit better.  ilona


  1. Your meal looks lovely Ilona-just my sort of thing.Ive helped at a Christmas Festival today on the preserves stall.It was great to see Debi who bought from our stall too.She also kindly gave me a vegan magazine and 2 pepper plants that she had grown from the seeds inside a pepper.All I gave her was a possible splashing from a jar of pickle onions leaking very badly x

    1. Hi Flis,no the onions didnt get me,lol.It was a lovely morning and I really enjoyed myself at the Christmas Festival.The hall looked so festive and even Santa was there!.My raffle prize was Lynx shower gel so Hubby was well pleased!,xx

  2. I am glad your car passed its MOT.
    have a nice weekend.
    Hazel c uk

  3. Another Ford girl here. Bought a Jeep once. Couldn't get rid of it fast enough. And yes, it was replaced by a Ford.

  4. So pleased for you that your car passed the MOT!Your meal looks nice,I didnt know that you could buy frozen cooked rice.I dont eat much rice because when I cook it half of it sticks to the bottom of the pan and I hate washing up at the best of times,lol.So Ill maybe try the frozen stuff instead.I do love throwing meals together though,they always seem to taste better!,xx

    1. I got the rice from Aldi. There's two bagged portions inside a bag. The portions are big so I use half. You are supposed to microwave in the bag, but I open it and cook it in the pan. I have given up with cooking ordinary rice.

    2. Thanks Ilona,I will try it cause although I dont really eat many carbs,sometimes the Indian family just up the close from me,will bring me a curry sauce over.So at these times,I need rice..which I have in my cupboard..but dread using!.So the Aldi option seems better.I will have a look next time i go down there,xx

  5. hi ilona mayze and heidi so glad your car has passed the mot. yes the weather has been downcast lately i have flu cough cough cough. havent had flu for a very long time. still it will be gone soon i hope. your meal looks very tasty since following your blog i now experiment with different ingredients and the results are really good. do have a lovely weekend. amy and benny indoors at present amy has been busy chasing a poor cat called jasper all over the place and sweet benny just wants to chill out. love liz amy and benny.xxxx

  6. I'm on my second Focus but it may be my last since Ford announced they're going to stop making cars (other than the Mustang of course) and concentrate on SUVs and trucks.
    It's been overcast all day but no snow, thank goodness.

  7. Oh,I know off thread...but just to say..its 10 to 11 at night and the fireworks have started again.Last night was one day off for best part of a week and we thought it had stopped.But no..the prats have started again1.I signed for it to be only done on organised nights..on line..And they have gone against it for reasons that I wont put here.My cats are scared and next doors dogs are too...Sick of it,xx


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