Monday, 12 November 2018

Problem solved

I use my little netbook quite a lot at home, it's the one I take with me when on holiday, it fits into my rucksack. I have taken the battery out because it is always plugged into the mains, I prefer a mouse, can't get on with those pad things below the keyboard. 
At meal times I always eat in front of the computer, I like to read as I eat, just eating is boring. With the netbook on the desk in front of me I find I am leaning forward, thus scrunching my stomach up so the food was getting stuck half way down. It was uncomfortable. I suppose I could have lowered the chair, but that would mean the whole desk would be under my chin, and I would have to raise it again when I went onto the big computer. 
Problem, how to raise the height of the netbook but not the desk. I need a plinth for it to sit on. Spose I could knock one together out of wood, but that would be too bulky on the desk. And I would have to paint it to make it look pretty. 
I know, all I need is a cardboard box, and cover it with white stickyback shiny paper. A box that had cat food pouches in is just the right size. So there you are, the netbook is now five inches higher than it was, and I can now sit up straight as it is at eye level, no slouching. Much better. 

Problem solved.  ilona


  1. Its amazing just what you can do with things that some people would just look on as stuff to go in the dustbin.I always keep a couple to fill my freezer up as it empties.I like to use almost everything up before I go shopping.So as I empty each drawer,I just place 3 of these empty boxes in.Ive also covered them in a piece of flowered paper and cut them into gift card shapes,with just the brown paper side showing to write to and from on.I keep any small pieces of ribbon,to thread through the top and then stick it on the pressy!.You have done a really good job there Ilona and all for that great!!xx

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  3. Nice solution!

    I have the opposite issue. I had to train myself not to read and focus on my food for 20 minutes or so. Excludes lunch in the office, which usually is email catch-up time. :-( Love technology, but people have developed unrealistic expectations of response time! lol


  4. good thinking and construction


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