Tuesday, 27 November 2018

Shades of grey

It's been a few weeks since I last went to the Scrapstore, and as I like to take something with me to give them, I paid a visit to the vinyl man to see if he had any scraps in his bin. I struck lucky, there was quite a lot, large pieces as well, and several bright colours. I went to the wood man next door but he didn't have anything of interest. Never mind, it's pot luck when asking for scrap donations. The ladies at the Scrapstore were dead chuffed with the vinyl. 
Angela came with me and we found some really nice fabric. Like me she has several projects on the go. My fabric looks a bit dull on the photo, mostly shades of grey, but some of it has a beautiful sheen to it. There will be some posh looking shopping bags coming off the production line. 
This one is shiny, with blue and purple hues in it.

They had big bags of coloured cord on offer and were decanting it into smaller bags for £3 each. I chose these colours. It would make great boot laces, ha ha.

When we got back Angela quickly rustled up a late lunch for us. Egg,chips, and beans, just the job. We had a rummage, and a laugh, a fun afternoon.

Raining now so no walking tonight.  ilona


  1. Hi llona yes had a good day out too, been looking at the material & ribbons getting ready to start my rag wreaths o

    1. Good. Look forward to seeing them when they're finished. Some of the ladies are making rag wreaths at Crafty Club next week.

  2. My brother runs a scrapstore in Jedburgh. It sounds fantastic and I do with we had one around here.

  3. Myself, have always like "greys".

    ran across something, might be of interest to you, to keep an eye out for..

    Was looking on a local second hand site, and someone was selling old "patterns" (don't know if they are called that in England?--- ), of aprons. Had a gander and there was quite a variety of paper patterns for "old style" aprons. Some pretty fancy/some less so. Just thought you may sometime run across a stash of old apron patterns, might be of interest if you ever decide to add aprons to your shopping bag "works".

  4. I think these fabrics will be wasted on bags - as you say they are very 'posh'
    I see them as backdrops for hand/machine embroidery to use as wallhanging, table runners, place mats, etc.,

  5. I'm useless at sewing Ilona but I wondered if that lovely fabric could be made perhaps into a crossbody bag with a flap-a bit like 'kipling' ones x

  6. What gorgeous fabrics! I know you will make the most of them.


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