Saturday, 10 November 2018

Time for a late shopping trip

It's been a while since I did a late Tesco shop, I've got it down to about once every three to four weeks now. In between I shop at Aldi, because the location is convenient when I go to town. Anyway, the fridge was empty, have left it as long as I could, eating out of tins, packets, and the freezer. Last night I went direct to Tesco, it's about four miles away, and got there at 7pm.
The third and last sticker had already gone on, so I had a rummage through what was left. Enough for me, a good selection. I base my meals around whatever I can get. The left over bread was taken out the back on a trolley, and returned with the last sticker on. Luckily there was some seeded bread which I will put in the freezer.

Briefly, I won't itemize everything, I picked up some prepared fruit, Italian pasta, mini carrots, houmous, bagged salad leaves, prepared brassica veg, tomatoes, strawberries, mushrooms, lemon tart, quiche, bread, and fruit loaf. This will last me a couple of weeks. I paid £7.52.

I bought other stuff as well, baked beans, breadsticks, eggs, blue cheese, butter, orange juice, bananas, yogurt, cheese, and chicken for Mayze cat. Total shop was 21.86.

I read a few labels looking for the dreaded palm oil, to be honest I think it is almost impossible to cut it out completely. We can only do our best and be more vigilant.

I took a couple of shopping bags with me made from cushion covers which someone gave me, and handed them to surprised shoppers.

It was lovely sunshine this morning, so I walked to town, taking a detour to Sainsbury's because I wanted to buy a new telephone. When I came out of the shop it had clouded over so I checked my bus timetable and walked to the bus station. Five minutes after it departed it chucked it down. It was the right decision to get the bus home. Six miles walked to add to the total. It's creeping up bit by bit.

Fireworks again tonight, I thought it had all finished.


  1. Some great bargains there again.Like Ive mentioned before,there is too much of a rugby scrum at my local one !All that would be left at ours is maybe an odd carrot,a couple of broccoli leaves and a trail of blood where they have been punching each other...and thats just the women,lol.It was nice of you to give out your free bags again.People must look so surprised when you hand them to them!To be honest though,I dont take my bags in the shop with me.I leave them in the boot of the car and load up there.I went to a new shop today called Nada in Leicester.You take your own containers,they weigh the container and then you can just buy as much or as little as you want.They also have free jars that had been donated for first timers who are not too sure what its about.I bought a small amount of celery salt and some black peppercorns.It came to £1 when i fill my old containers up,I will see if it works out any more expensive or not.It was difficult to tell cause I took 2 pasta sauce jars.The girl was very helpful and we had a discussion about palm oil..She was very much against it and tries to avoid buying anything with it in.xx

  2. I forgot to mention concerning fireworks...its been every night,including tonight,for over 4 weeks here now.There is a petition on line that you can sign,for stopping the sale of fireworks to the general public and only having proper organised displays on certain nights.It has been signed by thousands of people.Lets hope that for once they listen to the general public.Just thought that I would let you all know,xx

  3. WE really enjoy looking thru all the clearance bins at our local Kroger store. We have one that has six different places to look. Mostly 50% and more off and all find quality. Even got expensive chocolate for about 20% of original cost.

  4. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  5. I like how you surprise people with your handmade shopping bags! They must be delighted. JanF

  6. I am pleased you got lots of lovely "yellow stickers" so glad you did not get wet.

    Hazel c uk

  7. All looking and sounding good. You keep me inspired and interested . Glad you had a good day etc x

  8. Its and the fireworks have started again.2 of my cats had just gone out of the cat flap...we thought it had finished.But no...the selfish,inconsiderate .....have started again.Just what do they get out of it?.They are like bombs going off.So sick of it.And where I live this will continue until after the new year.xx

    1. Think we are hearing the same ones Debi-my dogs are going loo in the house most nights they are so scared x

  9. Lovely shop, yet again. It always cheers me hugely to see your grocery finds. One might think after all this time that I (as a non involved reader) might get jaded hearing about this...NOT a bit. Somehow I truly love hearing it all. I too try to look for such bargains. Now and again I luck out, and feel like I have won the lottery. Grin. Well done.

    1. I hope by posting about my reductions, I inspire people to do the same and keep their eyes open for anything marked down in price.

    2. Meanqueen----Truly you do inspire me. (and hubby has gotten vry good at this too). It truly helps stretch "things". We / I are constantly keeping our eyes open, and quite often are successful at various discount racks. Looking for a discount rack is most always our first "look". And, myself, I do very much appreciate your continued posting of your "finds", as it does inspire me, as well, it gives me good sound (cheap) nutritional ideas.---------------There must be many like me, and I often do wonder if you do realise what a benefit you have been? (I seriously wish your blog would be required reading/presentation in class for ALL grades students. It would give them some solid info/skills on how to manage. (heck they might even improve the family budget/meals).

  10. I went into a large tesco at 12.15 today and got a lot of salady things for under 50p and less an item- I was thrilled.The lad on the tills said " that's good " x

    1. Well done you. Sunday afternoon is a good time to look, shop closes at 4pm.

  11. Fabulous lovely ys food Ilona, as I've said before I go ys shopping. There's 2 of us so I go weekly and get the milk for the week and usually ys bread too. People are surprised that I get ys salad and veg to last so long, I don't let us get completely out of ys food as its abit adhoc as to what I can get. I get there when the 3rd sticker goes on, if I can freeze it then I do, we eat the fresh stuff first........ Enjoy your yummy food x

    1. Sounds like you have got it sorted there, go at the time when the last sticker goes on.

  12. I despair i was slated on Johns blog because i do yellow sticker food . The fact i paid off mortgage 14 years early and have savings instead of pay day loans was lost on most!. Sad really

    1. Don't despair, you didn't get slated as much as I did. There will always be some people who are jealous of those who have got their lives sorted. Those who make a mess of their lives are the losers. You are doing the right thing by looking after yourself. We can't be responsible for everybody's health, wealth, and well being.

      Well done on paying off your mortgage.

    2. I don't why that person put her opinion in replies to your comment, she should have done it under her own comment if she wasn't referring to you Ilona. She is mistaken if she thinks if you leave ys food it goes to people who can't afford to buy it. Unless the shop has an arrangement that a charity collects it......... It goes to landfill which is very very sad. I've had snide comments before that we all can't get ys food..... I think good luck to those who do xx

  13. Not trully anonymous just no google or facebook account Jacqueline

    1. Jacqueline, no need to be anonymous. Write your comment in the box, click on 'Reply as', drop down menu will appear, put your name in the 'Name' box, ignore URL, click continue. Then click publish.

    2. Thank you Ilona. 6 years ago you helped me was seriously struggling,no money had no debt tho just spent it!. looked at every penny i had and stretched every one .
      Everyday was spending at least £10 a day at work on soup. Sandwiches, coffee. More on magazines , crisps sweets at the bus stop.Easily £20 a day on nothing.
      Was so hard to get where i am now!.But now i can breathe no worries. Going to Athens on sat easyjet cheap hotel less than£360 the week. Collegues now comment i,m loaded!. Ha ha all clothes charity shop!. They just don,t see the bigger picture!. I am a fan of Dave Ramsey not the religion bit but they now have a UK version more relevant. More for motivation

    3. O,m a technophobe but think i,ve got it!.

    4. By jove, she's got it :o) East innit. I am so chuffed that my writings made you take stock of your life, sort out the needs from the wants, and be more mindful about where your money was going. Glad that it has all worked out in the end, by not spending £20 a day on rubbish, you can now afford a holiday. I hope you have a lovely time, and ignore the snidey comments that rubbish us yellow sticker queens.

  14. Holiday was less tha £360. Mistake flight £72, hotel £219 so £291. Ha ha.

  15. Not just yellow sticker, worked rubbish unsocial hours cut bills nearly in half by shopping around!. Scary. Took in a lodger who is still here a friend now!.win win


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