Sunday, 27 January 2019

A walk around Carsington Water

On the third day I checked out of the hotel after breakfast. I wasn't very impressed with the two vegetarian dinners I had, but the breakfasts were great, lots of choice. After studying the map I decided that I didn't want to walk from the hotel and cover ground I had already walked, so I drove a few miles to Carsington Water. It's a big reservoir with a paths for walkers and cyclists all the way around it. I hadn't worked out the distance before hand, but after when I checked it, I found that it was eight miles long. Perfect to finish off with before heading for home.
I parked in Carsington Village, not wanting to pay the parking charge at the two official car parks. The village is part of the circuit anyway so it was a good place to start. I wonder how many more of these signs we are going to see popping up in different places. It seems drones are not wanted in a lot of places now. 
Several large wildlife sculptures were positioned in a grassy area. I suppose the concrete base is to deter thieves, though I think it would be a nice idea if they painted them green.

You can't walk right next to the water as it's fenced off to protect the conservation areas and wildlife. Dogs are not allowed to go in the water.

This very large shed has grass growing on the roof. It's a superduper bird hide and class room,  teachers can take their kids in there and learn all about the different visiting birds.  Link to the RSPB web site if you fancy doing some bird watching.

Ducks hoovering up the crumbs underneath the feeders.

A slip way with a few boats moored up.

This is the sailing club site. A link to the Carsington site if you wish to partake of some sporting activities.

Things to look at as you walk along.

The modern day version of a stone circle, set on a mound, there is a path up to the top.

The view from the top.

In some places the walking and cycling tracks split, then they come together again. I was on the walking track when I came across what looked like an old derelict building, which was probably in use some years ago as part of the workings of the reservoir.

There are no windows, just a door, and inside it is kitted out with rough cut timber furniture. Talk about re cycling and re using, this is the ultimate in self sufficiency. So clever to make use of this space. I feel I want to decorate it with little nicknacks. I bet the kids love it when they come across this hidden cottage.

On the home straight now, one last selfie. The weather has been a bit overcast with a little wind, but it stayed dry. I have walked on long straight stretches parallel to a road, with great views over the fields. Through the twists and turns of the woods, all very well signposted. Mostly flat with some slight inclines.  There is a big visitors centre with all facilities, cafe, shops, toilets, and restaurant.More info on the Severn Trent web site.
Eight miles walked today, with a total of 21 miles over the three days. It's been lovely scenery, good for the body and soul. It's thanks to my friend Janet who looks after my cats and house for me, she is one of the best. The kids were pleased to see me when I got back. Where shall I go next, back to studying maps.   ilona


  1. Lovely photos again Ilona.And how great that things can be made for others to enjoy without them being covered in graffiti.I love that little house!You have made such good use of your three days away,and again thanks for sharing.xx

  2. Another enjoying post, I loved your photo of yourself and the little building is so cute.
    Hazel c uk

  3. Hi ilona. I've really enjoyed visiting familiar places with you over the last 3 days. The photos are brilliant. Keep taking us places. We live in a beautiful country. Thanks for the memories x

  4. Hi Ilona,
    Thank you so much for posting your trip information and photos! Since I live in Arizona, the photos and trips take me away from here. :). Thanks again. I know posting from various overnight hotels can be a wireless adventure...

  5. As others have said, it's lovely to be able to come along with you on your trips. Brilliant photos.

  6. Wonderful photos - you always find such interesting places. Walking makes such a difference - even in a city I've lived in almost all my life I find that if I get off the usual route and head up and down side streets I often find wonderful buildings and lovely parks that I didn't even know existed.
    I am very envious of your green landscape - we have about 10cm of snow on the ground from a weekend snowstorm, the temperature currently sits at -28C (with the windchill) and we are about to get another 10 to 15cm of snow over the next couple of days! No green in sight for us!

  7. Such beautiful scenery!!! You always take beautiful pictures. ❤️


Was closed, then it was open, now it is closed again. Oooops, open again, but it might close soon. Yes, closed for now. Open again.